
Graphics card price reduction is expected! AMD will enhance graphics card availability

Not long ago AMD just announced the financial situation in 2021, compared with the previous year, the total revenue rose by 68%, GPU shipments and revenue to maintain double-digit growth, in response to this situation AMD also said: will invest heavily to ensure that it will support the growth demand after 2022.

Graphics card price reduction is expected! AMD will enhance graphics card availability

Chip shortages have plagued the industry for more than a year in the past year, and if AMD can't make enough Radeon chips to meet the demands of its GPUs, the growth of the graphics card business will obviously suffer.

"We've been looking at the supply chain for the last four or five quarters," said AMD CEO Lisa Su: "We are very satisfied with the progress made to meet supply chain demand in 2022, and frankly, our goal is to have enough supply to meet demand."

Graphics card price reduction is expected! AMD will enhance graphics card availability

It should be noted that the situation that the previous mining accidents caused the mining card to flood the market and then affected the sale of new cards was also considered by AMD.

Although it will try to meet the market's demand for graphics cards, AMD will not blindly flood the market with chips, AMD said: We will continue to ensure that our sales match the market, so that we will not increase inventory.


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