
6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

author:Flyer Observer

Today's graphics card market

Last year, it was reported that the SAMBADA brand of Huike Group (HKC) reached a comprehensive strategic cooperation with Intel, and will launch product lines such as motherboards and graphics cards in the future. Until today, the SAMBADA brand Ruixuan graphics card is finally on the shelves in a certain east, and a total of three graphics cards have been launched, namely A770 obsidian 2599 yuan, A750 obsidian 1999 yuan, and A380 moonlight 999 yuan, all of which are currently in the reservation stage. The graphics card looks good, but the price is too high.

6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

Since the launch of Intel Arc graphics cards in 2022, the main partners include Blue Halberd, Acer, ASRock, Shake Technology, and SAMBADA, among which Blue Halberd has the highest status.

  • Mingxuan 4070 Aijia, a third-party 3999 yuan.
6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores
6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores
6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

Recently, Intel has listed the BMG series design tool on the BMG-G31 GPU on its official website, confirming that the Battlemage series will include the flagship GPU codenamed G31.

6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

According to previous leaks, there are currently three Battlemage GPUs that we know of:

  • BMG-G10 (BGA-2362) with 28 Xe2 cores (may be cancelled)
  • The BMG-G21 (BGA-2727) has 20 Xe2 cores
  • The BMG-G31 (BGA-3283) has 32 Xe2 cores

The Intel Battlemage series was originally scheduled to be released this year, but judging from the current revelations, there is a high probability that it will be delayed until next year.

6.30 Graphics Card Quotes | Intel's next-generation flagship GPU, the G31, will come with 32 Xe2 cores

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