
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th

author:Writer Zhang Meiying

#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. The 24th Winter Olympic Games were held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China. The Winter Olympics are the world's largest winter multi-sport events, held every four years. Sports and works of art are not unrelated, they are organic wholes that arise from each other, complement each other, and complement each other. The beauty of the Olympic movement not only passes through winter and summer, but also exists in the artistic works precipitated by thousands of years of history.

The Northern Song Dynasty painter Li Gonglin's "Ming Emperor Batting Map" depicts the scene of Tang Xuanzong's batting entertainment, with a total of 16 figures painted on the painting, and 10 people in the center of the picture gathered together to compete for a small ball. The person in the middle of the picture is Li Longji, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Tang Ming rode a horse under his crotch, with a focused look and a quick hand. The people around him were some wearing official hats, some with hairpin flowers on their heads, and they were also riding horses, holding clubs and competing with the emperor for small balls on the ground. They were officials, attendants, and concubines at the emperor's side. The beginning and end of the painting are guarded by two separate goals. The figures in the painting have different postures, static and moving, and are full of changes. The layout of the picture is dense and smooth. Batting is "hitting the bow", also known as playing or hitting, is the modern polo, for the Tang Dynasty court very popular entertainment activities, the player rides on a horse, with a club to hit a leather solid ball, the rules are similar to today's hockey.

The Yuan Dynasty court painter Wang Zhenpeng's "Dragon Pond Racing Map" volume depicts the grand scene of the royal family holding a dragon boat race in the Kaifeng Jinming pond of the back garden of the northern Song Dynasty during the Chongning period of the Northern Song Dynasty. Dragon boats scrambling, flag hunting, oars fighting, dynamic boats and numerous character activities break the silence of the static pavilions, giving the usually flat architectural paintings a tense plot and a warm atmosphere. The Song people have begun the water army bidding competition in the JinMing Pond - the Song people planted the bunting flag at the end of the race, the sergeant rowed the boat to race, and the first to win the bunting flag was the champion. The bunting is the lamina. This kind of competition for the bunting flag was later called "tournament". Of course, the meaning of the tournament was also pioneered by the Song people on the Jin Ming pool.

According to the original historical appearance, the "Ming Xuanzong Xingle Map" depicts the scene of Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji watching and participating in various sports competitions in the Imperial Garden. From right to left, there are six scenes of archery, kicking, polo, pounding pills, throwing pots, and the emperor driving back to the palace. The painting depicts Emperor Xuanzong sitting on a horse and throwing a pot. The throwing pot was placed at a distance of about two and a half arrows from the seat, and the three arrows thrown by Xuanzong were all into the pot, and the three thrown by his opponents were ejected on the ground. Throwing pots, also known as "shooting pots", is a traditional Chinese ritual and banquet game that continued from the pre-Qin to the late Qing Dynasty, and the throwing pot ceremony originated from the shooting ceremony. Because the courtyard is not wide enough to set the bow; or because of the large number of guests, it is not enough to prepare a bow and coupling; or some guests really can't shoot arrows, so they throw pots instead of bending bows, in order to entertain guests and learn etiquette. It was more prevalent during the Warring States period, especially in the Tang Dynasty, and was carried forward. Throwing a pot is to throw an arrow into the pot, the one who shoots more wins, and the loser drinks according to the specified number of cups.

Pounding pills is one of the ancient ball plays on the mainland. In the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the kicking of the foot and the polo struck by the riding stick, there was also a ball game played on foot with the club, called "step playing ball". Play in a split team, hit the ball with a cane, and win by putting the ball into the opponent's goal. This kind of step playing in the Tang Dynasty was formed into another type of ball game in the Song Dynasty, that is, punching pills. The modern golf balls that appeared later in Scotland have a striking resemblance to the ancient beating balls on the mainland, obviously have a relationship between source and flow, and the historical account of the pounding balls is three or four hundred years earlier than the original appearance of golf balls. Therefore, the source of golf, a modern Western sports activity that attracts thousands of enthusiasts, may be the punching ball that has prevailed in the land of ancient Chinese civilization for more than a thousand years.

The Ming Dynasty painter Du Yan painted a long scroll of "Lady Figure", depicting scenes of the life and games of court women in the Ming Dynasty. The entire long scroll is divided into six parts, each of which is a separate scene, including six groups of pounding pills, keju, playing baby, portrait, dressing, and playing music. Among them, "Lady Keju Diagram" depicts a group of prosperous ladies playing keju happily in the spring-colored garden of the garden. Different from the modern women's football advocating strength and speed, women's keju is mainly performance-oriented, and has higher requirements for the appearance, stature and skills of women engaged in keju, so women's keju is also known as "beauty keju" in ancient times, which reflects a unique feminine beauty of women in keju. From the perspective of historical development, any form of movement originated from the early human game, and the ancient Chinese Keju and modern football are a good example - both in the form of the game and in the spiritual core there is a great consistency. For example, some of the "rituals" and "harmonies" of traditional Chinese culture absorbed in Keju are closely related to the fairness and justice in the modern competitive sports promoted by the Olympics.

During the Qing Dynasty, the French painter Wang Zhicheng depicted the scene of the Qianlong Emperor and his entourage trying to shoot arrows in the summer resort in the "Qianlong Archery Map", with vivid characters and realistic scenes. In the background of the painting, there is a stream flowing through, and the stacked mountain stones cover the courtyard wall, and the autumn colors can be seen in the close-up view. Archery is also known as "shooting Hou" and "shooting crane", Hou and Hu refer to the center of the arrow target.

The Qing Dynasty court painter Lang Shining's "Four Events of Sai Yan" depicts the scene of the Qianlong Emperor holding a feast at the Chengde Summer Resort after the Mulan Autumn Festival, such as cheating horses (horse racing), Shibang (music), Buku (sumo wrestling), and teaching jumping (horse training). On the screen, the Qianlong Emperor sits in the middle of the picture surrounded by officials, watching performances such as horse fraud and sumo wrestling. Of the four activities depicted in the painting, except for Shibang, which depicts Mongolian music performances, the other three are all scenes of sports activities. The so-called Buku is sumo wrestling, wrestling. The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty attached great importance to Buku, and often ordered the Eight Banners to carry out the Buku Competition, with the purpose of training the strength and fighting ability of soldiers, so that they could maintain combat effectiveness at any time. Between the feasts and drinks, although "Buku" is an important live show, it is still difficult to hide its strong competitive game color.

#Cultural New Year'

#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th
#Talk about the Winter Olympics #The beauty of the Olympics in ancient paintings. The Olympic Games are the most influential sports event in the world, divided into two categories: the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. 24th

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