
#Shijiazhuang side affairs #[Luquan a scenic spot "overturned" suspected commercial atmosphere is too strong, tourists shouted: too disappointed...] # Shijiazhuang headline # netizens posted spit: Shijiazhuang Luquan Dragon

author:Hebei Newspaper Brother

#Shijiazhuang side affairs #[Luquan a scenic spot "overturned" suspected commercial atmosphere is too strong, tourists shouted: too disappointed...] # Shijiazhuang headline # netizens posted spit: Shijiazhuang Luquan Longquan Ancient Town, the most pit attraction. Not one of them!!! Tickets 98 yuan, after going in is the street and selling things, grilled sausage stinky tofu baked gluten is just that! It's not worth it!

Now it seems that the whole country is building ancient town buildings with local characteristics, and all want to create the tourism characteristics of local ancient towns...

But what do you think in the face of netizens' various complaints?

Do you think that the ancient town attractions built around Shijiazhuang, which one do you like the most?

I feel that it is not "overturned" [cover your face]

#Shijiazhuang side affairs #[Luquan a scenic spot "overturned" suspected commercial atmosphere is too strong, tourists shouted: too disappointed...] # Shijiazhuang headline # netizens posted spit: Shijiazhuang Luquan Dragon
#Shijiazhuang side affairs #[Luquan a scenic spot "overturned" suspected commercial atmosphere is too strong, tourists shouted: too disappointed...] # Shijiazhuang headline # netizens posted spit: Shijiazhuang Luquan Dragon

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