
Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

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The United States has deployed 313 military bases around China and continues to increase its strategic encirclement of China, making it difficult to ease Sino-US relations.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

However, US presidential candidate Mariana Williams said that if she is elected president of the United States, she will directly dismantle all military bases around China and cooperate with China for a win-win situation.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Many people say that this presidential candidate is pro-China, and that only when she is elected president can China and the United States have a chance to usher in reconciliation, but others say that the fastest way to resolve the strategic threat of the United States is to realize cross-strait reunification.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

So will the 313 military bases in the United States be demolished? Why is cross-strait reunification a solution to the US strategic threat?

The United States deploys 313 military bases around China

U.S. presidential candidate Mariana Williamson said in an interview that the U.S. has deployed 313 military bases around China.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

This remark also shocked the world, and it can be seen from this that the United States has strategically posed a great threat to China.

Moreover, many US military bases are very close to China, such as Japan and South Korea, which can be said to be China's neighbors, and the United States has a large number of troops stationed in Japan and South Korea, and has the largest overseas air base in Japan.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Now that the United States is in a presidential race, Trump and Biden are the most likely candidates to take office again, but whether Biden is re-elected or Trump is re-elected, it is not a good thing for the mainland.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Because Biden and Trump have always been hostile to China, like Biden in recent years, the strategic containment of China has continued to increase.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Biden has also been increasing interference in China's Taiwan issue, and has even repeatedly said that the US military will directly intervene in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

Information source: "Biden said that the US military will not be ruled out in a military conflict in the Taiwan Strait, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Taiwan issue brooks no foreign interference" Beijing Daily client2024-06-05 15:40
Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

And when Trump was elected president before, he was not very friendly to China, and Trump waged a trade war and economic war against China during his tenure, which can be said to be a war without gunpowder.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Whichever of these two men takes office, they will continue to suppress China, because China is developing so fast that the United States fears that China will overtake it.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

But if Marianna Williamson of the Democratic Party of the United States had taken office, the situation might have been different, because she said before that she understands China's current position in the world.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

And she feels that the United States should not be an enemy of China. Only Sino-US cooperation can develop better and the world will make faster progress.

She also said that if she is elected president, she will close all US military bases around China and no longer use strategic threats against China.

Source: "Strengthening Dialogue and Cooperation between China and the United States is the Right Way", China Daily, 2023-08-26 15:38
Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Therefore, many people feel that Mariana Williamson's election as president is the greatest opportunity for reconciliation between China and the United States today.

According to her, the United States should not practice hegemony in the world, nor should it impose sanctions on other countries or interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

But judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that she will be elected president, because first of all, American politicians are very context-oriented, Mariana Williamson's background is honestly not dominant, and she has withdrawn from the 2024 US presidential race.

Source: "American writer Williamson announces withdrawal from the presidential race" Global Network2024-02-08 14:23Beijing
Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Moreover, even if she comes to power, it will not be easy to close down the more than 300 US military bases, and many people in the US Government will certainly raise objections.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

However, there really should be no confrontation between China and the United States, and only by helping each other can the two big countries develop better, and the United States has always been targeting China and confronting China, and it will surely bring about its own destruction.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

The question now is that Mariana Williamson is difficult to come to power, so how should the mainland respond to the strategic encirclement of China by deploying military bases around China by the United States.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

U.S. strategic containment

At present, the United States has stepped up its strategic encirclement against China, not only deploying more than 300 military bases around China, but also deploying most of its military forces in the Asia-Pacific region.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

What the United States wants to do is to strategically contain China, because China is developing very rapidly in all aspects, especially in the military aspect, and China's navy has become the second in the world.

In addition, the speed of development of China's navy has made the gap between China and the United States smaller and smaller, making the United States very afraid that it will be surpassed by China.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

It can now be seen that the United States has also been interfering in China's internal affairs, and the United States has attached great importance to both the South China Sea issue and the Taiwan issue.

In particular, on the Taiwan issue, the United States has always pursued the strategy of using Taiwan to contain China, constantly playing the Taiwan card to contain China, and frequently selling arms to Taiwan in order to provoke China.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

In the future, the strategic goals of the United States will definitely be placed on China, because now under the operation of the United States, Russia has fallen into the quagmire of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and it can be said that the United States has dealt with Russia and will definitely focus on China.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

To this end, the United States has not only built military bases, but also united many countries around China, such as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, and even India, which have joined the US camp.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Judging from this situation, the United States has completed its strategic containment of China, and if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea in the future, the United States will join forces with many countries to intervene.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

It is very difficult to get the United States to strategically abandon its targeting of China, because the China strategy seems to have been the consensus of American politicians.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

It can be seen that none of the presidents of the United States is truly friendly to China, so how should we deal with the threat of US military bases?

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

China responds to the U.S. threat

It is true that the US military bases around China pose a great threat to us, but this does not mean that the mainland does not have the means to deal with it.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

China's military development is becoming more and more powerful, and it is becoming more and more assertive in the international arena, and in the Asia-Pacific region, China's influence has gradually overshadowed the United States.

U.S. military bases pose a great threat to us, but we also need to know that China can destroy U.S. military bases at any time.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

The mainland is now militarily strong, with all kinds of high-precision guided weapons, and US military bases are also within the mainland's strike range, and if a conflict breaks out in China's vicinity in the future, China's missiles can reach US military bases at any time.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

In the past, the US blockade of China's island chain has greatly restricted China's military development, and the mainland has no way to do it.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

But now that the mainland has been able to break through the blockade of the US island chain, the US strategy in the Asia-Pacific region has been forced to move back, and its plan to contain China is bound to fail.

Information source: "Japanese media: U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa moved to Guam in December" 2024-06-17 10:28
Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

In the future, once the two sides of the strait are reunified, US military bases around China may be directly closed.

Because Taiwan, as China's largest island, its location is very superior, and it is a key node of the first island chain of the United States, and the island chain of the United States will also collapse directly after the recovery of Taiwan.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Moreover, after we have complete control of the Taiwan Strait, we will also have the right to trade, and when the time comes, all the countries surrounding China will look at China's face and will certainly show goodwill to China.

The United States may lose its allies around China, and its military power will be directly squeezed out of the Asia-Pacific region, which is why the United States is desperately trying to prevent cross-strait reunification.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

At present, the more than 300 US military bases in China's vicinity are indeed a great threat to the mainland, but this does not mean that the mainland is afraid of it, it is in China's vicinity, so it is a dish on the table, and the mainland can take it away at any time.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled


Now the game between China and the United States seems to be affecting the future world pattern, the United States continues to expand its military threat to China, and we cannot hope that the United States will take the initiative to dismantle more than 300 military bases.

Is there any hope for a rapprochement between China and the United States? The 313 U.S. military bases around China may be dismantled

Only when the mainland is strong can it protect its own security, and the two sides of the strait will also be reunified, and no one can stop this, and China's internal affairs will not be infringed upon.

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