
Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

Good physical conditions give people a good first impression, especially height, and give people confidence. The height of parents has a great influence on children, and among the many influencing factors, genetic genes account for a large proportion.

Celebrities are outstanding in height and facial features, so their children can usually inherit good genes, and star children with good figures also have the advantage of big legs.

Recently, someone posted a photo of Ma Yili and her daughter going out, and it can be seen that the eldest daughter Ai Ma has come out of the sky, because of the reason of often dancing, her height and temperament are particularly outstanding.

Height also has a tendency to catch up with moms and step into the ranks of long legs.

Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

In addition to loving horses, mengwa Tiantian and Sen Di who participated in the first season of where Daddy went were also hotly searched because of their long legs, and they also inherited the good genes of their parents, plus they loved sports the day after tomorrow, so they were higher than children of the same age.

Genetics are important, but in addition to this factor, in what ways can parents help their children grow taller?

1. Prepare three meals with reasonable mixing and balanced nutrition

Preparing adequate nutrition can provide impetus for growth and development, so parents need to prepare three meals with a reasonable and balanced ratio of meat and vegetables, especially breakfast and lunch.

Parents should cultivate their children to develop good eating habits, not picky eaters, not gluttonous, and avoid gaining weight to affect normal development.

Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

In addition, in the important stage of growth and development, pay attention to increasing the intake of protein and calcium for children, and seize the peak growth season.

Spring is the golden season of growth and development, parents can give their children more supplements in this season, you can insist on a glass of milk every night, which can not only supplement protein, but also help to better sleep.

Second, adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise

Exercise not only stimulates bone development, but also helps to accelerate metabolism and promote growth hormone secretion. In addition, insisting on moderate exercise can also avoid obesity.

Parents can guide their children to stretch sports, such as swimming, playing basketball, climbing mountains, etc., exercise can not only release stress, soothe the mood, but also improve immunity, but to do what they can, control the amount of exercise, to avoid counterproductive.

Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

It is also necessary to choose the right exercise, weight bearing, weight lifting and other exercises, which will not only not help grow tall, but also inhibit the development of height.

Third, develop good work and rest habits from an early age

Good sleep can provide abundant energy for growth and development, and the night is the peak period of growth hormone secretion, so it is necessary to urge children to wash up early, go to bed early and get up early.

Parents can guide them to develop the habit of reading before going to bed, not playing mobile phones, watching less TV, keeping their mood stable, and avoiding the impact of falling asleep.

Drink a glass of milk before going to bed, which not only helps sleep, but also supplements protein and provides motivation for growth.

Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

Don't eat too much for dinner, you can go for a walk after the meal, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and avoid accumulated food. In addition, lunch break is also very important, people will secrete more growth hormone during sleep.

Height is related to a person's external image and also affects the establishment of self-confidence. Many tall people can see the advantages of height in some aspects when they are very young, such as slender limbs and slender calves, but these can only be used as a reference.

Ai Ma came out of the sky, and his height quickly surpassed his mother Ma Yili

Parents should urge their children to do a good job in the transformation of acquired conditions, insist on doing a good job in every point, seize the golden growth period, and help them grow taller.

From an early age, build a correct understanding for children, and the establishment of self-confidence is not only in this aspect, but also learn to improve themselves and enrich their personal connotations.

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