
Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

author:F Entertainment Notes

In order to make his career develop better in the past 2 years, Huang Haoran, the former TVB boss, has left the nest to develop in the mainland, and he has less time to spend with his family. A few days ago, he took advantage of the holiday to accompany his wife and two sons to the beach to enjoy family fun, and he also showed off his strong muscles. However, there was Typhoon No. 1 that day, and he was busy taking care of his two sons and setting up tents alone.

Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone
Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone
Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

Huang Haoran has also been working in TVB for many years, and I believe many netizens know him. In the past 2 years, he finally gained a foothold in TVB and became a small student, and starred in the male one of The Taiwan Qing dramas. However, at this time, his goal is no longer here, but to sign a contract with Gu Tianle Agency, and has now filmed movies, TV series, etc. in the mainland, and his work is very busy.

Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone
Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

Huang Haoran and his wife have two sons, both of whom have always been very affectionate, and the family of four is also very happy. Because his career turned to the mainland, he usually had less time to spend with his family. Recently, he did not have to work to spend more time with his family, and a few days ago, the family of four went to the beach to enjoy family fun. Arriving at the scene, Huang Haoran was busy installing tents, and his wife helped his two sons apply sunscreen.

Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

In addition to their family of four, there were other relatives and friends who were with them. Originally, everything was arranged well, but a little girl who was traveling with her had a little injury to her foot, so his wife accompanied the girl to the rescue station to treat the wound.

Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone
Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

As a result, Huang Haoran seemed very busy at this time, and the two sons were anxious to go out to play, one was playing with the sand, and the other was going out to swim directly, so Huang Haoran had to go over and watch over the two sons. At the same time, there was also a No. 1 wind balloon hanging on the same day, and their tent was almost blown away, and Huang Haoran rushed over to tidy up the tent, and he looked a little impatient. In addition to these, from the photos, it was found that the 45-year-old Huang Haoran maintained a good figure, and the muscles of the upper body were still very strong.

Huang Haoran and his wife and children went to the beach to play and show their muscles, taking care of their sons and setting up tents alone

Finally, when his wife came back, he told his wife not to open the tent, and the family put away the tent and continued to enjoy family fun on the beach.

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