
Specialized new | Jietong Huasheng: do a good job in the era of digital intelligence of all things intelligent connection "gatekeeper"



Specialized new | Jietong Huasheng: do a good job in the era of digital intelligence of all things intelligent connection "gatekeeper"

Chairman and CEO of Weinut Long Guodong

The mismatch between technology and industry is a dilemma faced by many AI companies at this stage. The landing of the industry requires a time cycle, and artificial intelligence service providers need to have a certain industry precipitation and industry understanding.

This article is 3319 words and about 4.5 minutes

Author | Gu Bai edited | My people

Source | Rongzhong Finance


As a national-level specialized and special new "little giant" enterprise, Jietong Huasheng was established in 2000 and is one of the earliest high-tech enterprises engaged in artificial intelligence research and development. Through the forward-looking research and technology engine development of artificial intelligence core algorithms, enterprises have dozens of core technologies in the four major fields of intelligent speech, intelligent semantics, intelligent vision, and big data analysis.

In the construction of the Lingyun ecosystem, Jietong Huasheng has explored a set of business models that conform to its own development direction. With the vision of "empowering hundreds of industries and sharing the future of AI", we have built an artificial intelligence product ecosystem with full coverage of algorithms, technologies, platforms and applications, and served thousands of customers with excellent technical products and advanced service concepts.

Adhering to the core technology breakthrough as the foundation and the deep integration of the scene application as the goal, Jietong Huasheng is constantly landing market trends and user needs into solutions and products, becoming a rare profitable enterprise in the industry.

The following is the interview with Wu Weidong, chairman and general manager of Jietong Huasheng by Rongzhong Finance (ID: thecapital):

Rongzhong Finance: "Specialized and special new" enterprises, more than 70% of them have been deeply engaged in the industry for more than 10 years. Over the years, what stage problems has the company experienced in its development? How to overcome the difficulties?

Wu Weidong: Artificial intelligence is an emerging industry, and if you want to occupy the market for a long time, you must constantly innovate and carry out innovative research and development. As one of the earliest enterprises engaged in the research and development and industrialization of artificial intelligence technology in China, Jietong Huasheng has always adhered to the advantages of algorithm technology, and at the same time, guided by user needs, constantly opened up new business opportunities and developed new products, and is committed to empowering various fields with all-round artificial intelligence technology, helping enterprises to transform and upgrade, and having strong technical and market competitiveness in artificial intelligence enterprises.

In China, Jietong Huasheng took the lead in launching intelligent voice assistants, telephone customer service robots, intelligent voice outbound robots, physical intelligent voice robots, real-time intelligent speech analysis systems, and based on algorithm research and data accumulation in mixed languages, filling the domestic application gap in the field of domestic intelligent customer service on multi-Chinese language, multi-ethnic languages, and multi-dialect mixed language recognition.

In recent years, Jietong Huasheng has adhered to independent research and development, applied for and accepted nearly 300 invention patents, obtained 76 patents, has more than 500 software copyrights, and has more than ten independent intellectual property rights in AI technology such as speech recognition, semantic understanding, natural language processing, machine translation, speech synthesis, voiceprint recognition, face recognition, and big data analysis.

In terms of production, education and research, Jietong Huasheng cooperated with Tsinghua University to establish the Lingyun Artificial Intelligence Research Center and the Tsinghua Straits Institute Artificial Intelligence Research Center, continuously strengthening technology research and development, strengthening the plate, achieving speech recognition, speech synthesis, semantic understanding, machine translation and other technologies to maintain a leading position, while promoting the cross-integration of various technologies, accumulating strength for the sustainable development of artificial intelligence.

While seeking the breakthrough of the underlying technology, Jietong Huasheng pays more attention to the customized development of products that meet the needs of customers, and through digging deep into the pain points of the industry, giving full play to the advantages of the choice of multiple artificial intelligence capabilities and the implementation of multiple solutions, Jietong Huasheng launches products that integrate multi-artificial intelligence capabilities and multi-solutions, opens up the business links of the entire customer system, and better serves customers.

Rongzhong Finance: At present, what are the company's main business lines and products? Where are the profit points?

Wu Weidong: Based on the core technology of independent research and development, after years of market application and product polishing, Jietong Huasheng has launched five major product systems, which constitute the company's core revenue source.

a) Lingyun Full Intelligent Capability Platform (AICP) that can provide users with a single item or flexible combination of multiple AI technologies;

b) Lingyun Open Platform (AIcloud) that provides developers with "cloud + terminal" AI technology;

c) Lingyun full intelligent customer service solution (AICC) to build an intelligent customer service center for enterprises;

d) Lingyun intelligent paperless conference system (Zhuge Zhihui), Lingyun Intelligent Voice All-in-one machine, Lingyun Zhilu inquiry system and other Intelligent Industry Solutions (AIIS) that provide intelligent services for multiple people's meetings, speech reports, conversation questioning and other voice scenarios;

e) Provide AI-enabled Lingyun Intelligent Internet of Things Solutions (AIoT) for smart TVs, smart homes, smart vehicles, and smart robots;

At present, Jietong Huasheng has set up companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Xiamen, Changsha, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an, Xinjiang and other places, serving thousands of customers in various fields such as finance, telecommunications, energy, government and enterprises, and is striving to achieve the strategic goal of "let every enterprise have artificial intelligence, so that everyone can enjoy the ease and convenience brought by AI".

Rongzhong Finance: What problems did the company encounter in the early market expansion? Now, what are the common lessons of the industry? What are the new breakthroughs in the business scene?

Wu Weidong: Artificial intelligence technology has strong generalization ability, can be smoothly copied in multiple industries, Jietong Huasheng adheres to the industry focus, industry and main business focus and industry deep ploughing strategy, applies all-round artificial intelligence technology to multiple industries and multiple scenarios, and continuously polishes products through the data obtained from real scene feedback, provides solutions that are more suitable for customer needs, and continuously improves business accumulation under subdivided professional scenarios, from being integrated to total integration.

Jietong Huasheng deployed a set of intelligent 12345 government service convenience hotlines for the construction of smart cities in a provincial capital city. At the beginning of the launch of the platform, the connection rate was directly increased by 30%, which greatly reduced the waiting time for public calls. The anthropomorphic outbound call robot directly saves 80% of manpower, effectively realizes "faster connection, more accurate pointing, and more practical handling", and helps government departments to create comprehensive, accurate, intelligent and efficient government services that can be handled when they receive complaints.

In the epidemic prevention and control work, the outbound call robot was quickly transformed into an epidemic prevention and control robot, with an average of more than 70,000 calls per day, helping grid members quickly complete the information return visit, mobile personnel tracking and epidemic situation collection of the temporary population in the area.

We also launched a virtual customer service based on digital human technology for the government service hall. Through the rendering learning of real people's images, the sound conversion technology, the output of different people's voices, greatly enhance the public's willingness to communicate, to achieve the handling of guidelines, common sense business, complaints and suggestions and other self-service Q&A process, saving the waiting time for application matters.

Rongzhong Finance: At this stage, how is the development of the industry segmentation track where the company is located? What kind of market competition do you face? Where is the company moat?

Wu Weidong: In the process of development, Jietong Huasheng has reserved a deep core technology and industry customer base, and is currently the first artificial intelligence company in China to provide speech recognition in Chinese Mandarin, English, Cantonese, Sichuanese, Shanghainese, Hokkien, as well as Multi-ethnic languages such as Uighur, Mongolian, Tibetan, Kazakh, Korean, Yi and Zhuang. In the accuracy of speech recognition, the naturalness of speech synthesis, machine translation accuracy and other technical directions are in the first echelon of the industry, and have stronger competitiveness at the level of industry customers.

In the future, the company will continue to take customer needs as the benchmark and seek underlying technological breakthroughs. At the same time, we will focus on key industries such as finance, energy, telecommunications, Internet, and government, cut into the industry's leading companies and key units, and set up benchmark customers, so as to achieve large-scale replication and further achieve the purpose of consolidating market position.

Rongzhong Finance: After the "specialization and special newness" has been re-emphasized from the national strategic level, what new opportunities and changes have emerged in the company? What are the industry advantages of the company?

Wu Weidong: The soul of specialization and new is innovation, encouraging enterprise innovation, and achieving specialization, refinement and specialization. As the first batch of enterprises selected by the new "Little Giant", Jietong Huasheng will rely on the support of the state to increase innovation investment, accelerate the industrialization of technological achievements, and cooperate with leading enterprises in the industry to collaborate and support the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, so as to enhance the company's market stability and competitiveness, and to improve the quality and create a brand, and further enhance the company's development potential and international competitiveness.

At present, the application of artificial intelligence in various industries is still in the early stage of development, the market scale is huge, the company is based on finance, telecommunications, transportation, Internet, government industries, will focus on the development of industry solutions, strengthen the company's advantages in this business field, provide customers with industry solutions, solve market pain points, and create value for customers.

At the same time, in response to the development strategy of localization of key technologies, the company has continuously promoted the construction of localization adaptation in recent years. At present, Jietong Huasheng's artificial intelligence products have successfully completed the compatibility and mutual certification of domestic operating systems, chips, and library products such as Winning Bidder Kirin, Galaxy Kirin, Tongxin UOS, Feiteng, Loongson, Huawei Kunpeng, and Dameng Database, forming a diversified and heterogeneous Xinchuang product ecology, which is expected to continue to benefit under the wave of national independent and controllable development.

Rongzhong Finance: Does the company have a new round of financing plans? What aspects should I look at when choosing an investment institution?

Wu Weidong: The development of innovative technology enterprises has always been inseparable from the blessing of capital. Many years ago, Jietong Huasheng introduced professional investment teams in the computer software industry - Huasoft Investment and Tsinghua University Industry Fund, and later successively introduced strategic partners such as Haitong Securities and Shenzhen Venture Capital.

In the process of development, we not only maintain a close cooperation relationship with shareholders, but also give full play to the advantages and strengths of each shareholder, and realize resource integration in technology development, market development, capital utilization, capital operation and other aspects.

When choosing a speculative agency, the company is more likely to assess the understanding and needs of partners in the artificial intelligence industry. The investor's industry characteristics and industrial scale, and the company's future development direction, it is expected that through financing activities, not only can introduce funds, but also bring business resources, market demand, cooperation concepts, partners. Work together to create the future of the industry.

At present, on the basis of continuous development, Jietong Huasheng is also carrying out normalized financing, and is actively preparing for an IPO at the right time.

Rongzhong Finance: What capital changes will you feel in the investment and financing market in 2021?

Wu Weidong: In 2021, capital will still maintain a high enthusiasm for the field of artificial intelligence, mainly because the AI industry is fully in line with the national strategic development direction, is an industry encouraged and supported by the state, and has unlimited imagination space for prospects. However, due to the huge investment of many AI companies in the early stage, serious losses, and inflated valuations, it has also plagued investors to a certain extent.

In the AI software industry, there are not many enterprises with strong innovation capabilities and technical reserves, stable business, reasonable valuation, and promising development prospects, so investment institutions face great tests in choice and decision-making.


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