
The Winter Olympics are over, the hydrogen energy market is concerned, what are its application scenarios?

The Winter Olympics are over, the hydrogen energy market is concerned, what are its application scenarios?

The high-profile 2022 Winter Olympics closed yesterday, but some new trends brought about by major events are gaining traction. For example, during the event, transportation services basically achieve clean energy supply. Passenger vehicles used for event services basically use new energy, actively promote the demonstration application of hydrogen fuel vehicles that meet the relevant model catalogs, and build supporting hydrogen refueling stations to meet the operational needs of hydrogen energy vehicles in the competition area.

This coincides with off-field market trends. At present, the mainland is developing rapidly in the field of hydrogen energy, and the application scenarios of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are gradually diversifying. Just a few days ago, the delivery ceremony of Sany Heavy Industry Hydrogen Fuel Cell Mixer was held at the Yungang Road Hydrogen Refueling Station in Yueyang City, and it is worth mentioning that this batch of new hydrogen fuel cell mixer trucks is equipped with the 110kW PRISMA Mirror Star Fuel Cell System of Reshaping Technology. This is also the first time that the "Great Hongqiao" enterprise has reshaped the technology fuel cell system in batches and is equipped with special vehicles for construction machinery.

Hydrogen energy diversified application scenarios benchmark overseas

At present, the mainland plans to launch 18 projects in four technical directions, including hydrogen energy green production and scale transfer system, hydrogen energy safe storage and rapid transmission and distribution system, hydrogen energy convenient quality modification and efficient power system, and "hydrogen into ten thousand homes" comprehensive demonstration. Some experts believe that the mainland hydrogen fuel cell standard is gradually benchmarked against developed countries, and the target is fully autonomous and controllable.

It is understood that more than 30 countries around the world have incorporated hydrogen energy into their national energy development strategies, and formulated strategic plans for the hydrogen energy industry from the national level. According to the statistics of the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles, as of the end of 2019, the proportion of logistics vehicles in the domestic hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that have been connected to the platform has reached 60.5%, and the proportion of buses such as buses, road buses, and commuter buses has reached 39.4%.

Xiong Huawen, director of the Environment Center of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, proposed: "The transportation field is the leading part of the application of hydrogen energy industry, and during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, hydrogen energy will explore the road of diversified applications, explore in the fields of industry and construction, and build a "big hydrogen energy" picture.

One of them is the remodeling technology of "Anjia" Dahongqiao, which has so far deployed its hydrogen fuel cell technology in commercial scenarios such as buses, logistics vehicles, and municipal sanitation. The hydrogen fuel cell mixer truck developed in cooperation with Sany Heavy Industry is a fuel cell system of Reshaping Technology installed on a special vehicle for construction machinery, which also marks an important progress in the development of diversified application scenarios of hydrogen fuel cell systems.

The Winter Olympics are over, the hydrogen energy market is concerned, what are its application scenarios?

It is worth noting that the commercial application of hydrogen fuel cell automotive industry with the continuous improvement of infrastructure construction, the industrial chain is becoming more and more mature, has been gradually applied in many scenarios. In the just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics, a total of 816 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were put into use as the main transportation capacity to carry out demonstration operation services, showing the strength of China's hydrogen energy industry to the world.

There are rules for the development of the hydrogen energy industry

In March last year, hydrogen energy was officially included in the 14th Five-Year Plan. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the mainland will implement the hydrogen energy industry incubation and acceleration plan. At present, 16 provinces and cities across the country have formulated hydrogen energy development plans, and the first batch of hydrogen fuel cell city demonstration groups are 12 cities (regions) led by Daxing District of Beijing, 6 cities (regions) led by Shanghai Municipality, and 12 cities (regions) led by Foshan City, Guangdong Province, all of which have issued hydrogen energy-related special policies or plans.

Last year, the Hunan Department of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the "Three-year Action Plan for the Industrial Chain of Advanced Energy Storage Materials and Power Batteries in Hunan Province (2021-2023)", which clearly mentioned that hydrogen refueling stations, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and other demonstration application projects at the forefront of the market will be given key support. It is worth mentioning that the five mixer trucks equipped with the remodeled technology hydrogen fuel cell system were delivered to Yueyang Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., which will be applied to the urban construction work of Yueyang City.

It is reported that the construction machinery industry is particularly optimistic about hydrogen energy. As early as the end of 2020, Sany's first hydrogen fuel cell mixer truck and Sany's first hydrogen fuel cell dump truck have rolled off the production line. They are equipped with the remodeling technology PRISMA Mirror Star 110kW fuel cell system. Not only is it optimistic at home, but also foreign construction machinery manufacturers have made progress. The British construction machinery manufacturer JCB developed a hydrogen-powered excavator loader, a Loadall telehandler, and a hydrogen-powered excavator. Japanese construction machinery manufacturer Komatsu announced that it will develop hydrogen-fueled large-scale mining machinery.

According to the 2022 hydrogen energy industry in-depth report of Industrial Securities, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry in mainland China has basically built a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle supply chain and industrial chain system based on vehicle manufacturing and hydrogen fuel cell systems after the early market cultivation, and has basically realized the localization supply in terms of hydrogen fuel cell systems and stacks. As of November 2021, the number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in mainland China is 8452, and some of this is hydrogen fuel cell technology using reinvention technology. It is estimated that by 2025, the market ownership of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is expected to exceed 100,000 vehicles, and the market size is close to 70 billion yuan.

Author: Xu Jinghui

Edit: Zhang Tianchi

Editor-in-Charge: Rong Bing

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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