
Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

author:The automotive industry is concerned
Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

Recently, the electric vehicle brand BeyonCa officially announced that it will set up an international headquarters and vehicle assembly plant in Hong Kong, and settle in the Tseung Kwan O Innovation Park under the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. In the future, it will establish a vehicle research and development, artificial intelligence center, marketing center, customer experience and smart health service center and big data center.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

Su Weiming, founder and chairman of BeyonCa, said that setting up an international headquarters and vehicle assembly plant in Hong Kong can make good use of Chinese mainland's leading supply chain system and the rich international talents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, bring high value-added IP research and development, artificial intelligence development and assembly business to Hong Kong, and achieve zero breakthroughs in Hong Kong car manufacturing through the innovative land-port manufacturing linkage model, becoming the first international luxury electric vehicle brand of MADEINHONGKONG. "Subsequently, through the construction of intelligent cockpits, artificial intelligence, high-quality super assembly plants for the production of luxury cars, and three major production processes of stamping, welding and painting, the linkage of the inland port manufacturing industry will be realized in Hong Kong.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

Many people may be unfamiliar with the BeyonCa brand, and the data shows that the BeyonCa brand belongs to Beijing Binli Information Technology Co., Ltd., which was established in June 2021. With a registered capital of US$200 million, it is wholly owned by BeyonCa HK Limited, which has three wholly-owned subsidiaries: Shanghai Binli Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Bentley Automotive Technology Development Co., Ltd., and Wuhan Bentley Information Technology Co., Ltd. The founder, Weiming Su, has extensive industry experience and previously held the position of Global Executive Vice President of Volkswagen Group. In October 2022, BeyonCa (Bentley Intelligent Technology) was released, and its first model, the BeyonCa Opus 1, was also unveiled.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

It is understood that BeyonCa is positioned as a luxury intelligent electric vehicle, and the first model will be priced at one million against the Porsche Taycan, which will be produced by Dongfeng Motor. According to the official introduction, the BeyonCa Opus 1 has a device that can collect information such as mood, heart rate, pulse and breathing of the occupants in the car, and is equipped with 800V high-voltage platform technology, and the new car may be rolled off the assembly line this year. However, it is worth mentioning that since the debut of the first model, the BeyonCa Opus 1, there has been little news about the BeyonCa brand.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

This may have something to do with the positioning of its luxury brand, after all, the price of millions is not acceptable to ordinary people. With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, there are more and more brands of new car manufacturers, but not many directly enter the luxury market. Although in the new energy vehicle market, luxury models are still in a blank stage.

However, due to popularity and brand influence, consumers will still tend to buy some luxury models with brand precipitation. In this context, Bentry's first car was benchmarked against the Porsche Taycan as soon as it was launched, and the price was one million, and it was very difficult for such a high price to gain market attention in the short term.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

The return to BeyonCa will build a factory in Hong Kong, which is still conducive to its development in the long run. In December 2022, the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau (ITIB) announced the "Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint", which sets out a clear development path and systematic strategic plan for Hong Kong's I&T development in the next five to ten years. It covers four major directions, including improving the science and technology innovation ecosystem and promoting Hong Kong's "new industrialization"; expand the talent pool of science and technology innovation and enhance the momentum of development; promote the development of the digital economy and build a smart Hong Kong; Actively integrate into the overall development of the country, and do a good job of bridging the mainland with the world.

Bentley Motors official announcement! The company will set up a headquarters in Hong Kong

With the support of the policy, many mainland auto industry chain enterprises have also announced their entry into Hong Kong. For example, in September last year, Nezha Auto signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. It plans to set up an international headquarters in the Hong Kong Science Park, and plans to gradually invest about 3.2 billion yuan in the next five years to build an intelligent R&D center and big data center with an area of more than 40,000 square feet. In March this year, Nezha Automobile or the Hong Kong government subsidized 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and officially announced plans to build a production plant in Hong Kong to promote the rapid development of the new energy intelligent vehicle industry.

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