
Liu Yifei's latest voice

author:896 car FM
Liu Yifei's latest voice

Recently, the TV series "The Story of Rose" has been on the air, and related topics have been discussed. On June 29, the topic # Liu Yifei said that some actors became popular and floated # rushed to the hot search on Weibo, which attracted the attention of netizens.

On the evening of June 28, the play's screenwriter Li Xiao and starring Liu Yifei expressed some of their views to netizens through live broadcast.

When Liu Yifei talked about her feelings about the role of Rose, she bluntly said that several stories of Rose and the fullness of this character brought her a good performance soil: "Actually, I am not like Rose...... Rose's experience is not my experience in real life, but the only thing I have had, meeting a scumbag, I have encountered. She also said: "Rose, I just want to say that what she has encountered is really not scum." ”

Liu Yifei's latest voice

In addition, when talking about how to be a good actor, Liu Yifei said, "To act well, you must first be a person. In her opinion, actors first need to be human and have a good personality before it is possible to feel what love is and what emotions are.

"Now some actors may really become popular too fast, he has not actually experienced the accumulation and tribulation of art, exploded, and then floated, and then he didn't think about the drama well, which may have a very bad impact on the public and bring some very negative things to the entertainment industry. I believe that these people will not be able to go far, and sooner or later they will be counterattacked. ”

Liu Yifei believes that as a public figure, she must first be worthy of herself, everyone, and her works: "Like a rose, she dares to love and hate, and she can also be bruised all over her body, and in the face of the hurt and misfortune brought by life and love, she is still a positive person, a person who can control her own destiny." ”

Source: Red Star News Editor: Ruowen Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

Liu Yifei's latest voice
Liu Yifei's latest voice

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