
The EU's competition chief has hinted at a new AI review of Microsoft's OpenAI deal and Google

author:Lao Sun is at the forefront of science and technology


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The European Union has tightened its regulation of the AI industry, with a particular focus on Microsoft's investment in OpenAI. The European Commission reviewed the cooperation and suspended the investigation after confirming that Microsoft did not control OpenAI after investing $13 billion. Westegg said the commission will continue to scrutinize Microsoft's deal with OpenAI, as well as the AI industry as a whole, adopting antitrust regulations to crack down on anticompetitive behavior by companies with market influence. The European Union is actively leading the regulation of big tech companies and the AI industry, and will introduce the world's first Artificial Intelligence Law that comprehensively regulates AI. In addition, the Commission is investigating practices such as "acquisition hiring" to prevent excessive concentration of power in the AI market.

The EU's competition chief has hinted at a new AI review of Microsoft's OpenAI deal and Google

The European Union has stepped up regulation of the AI industry

The European Union is stepping up scrutiny of the AI industry, with a particular focus on Microsoft's huge investment in OpenAI. Margrethe Vestager, executive vice-president for competition policy at the European Commission, revealed that the commission initially reviewed the partnership last year to determine whether there had been a breach of the EU's merger rules. However, the investigation was discontinued as it showed that Microsoft did not exert control over OpenAI despite investing $13 billion in the company.

The EU's competition chief has hinted at a new AI review of Microsoft's OpenAI deal and Google

Antitrust measures are aimed at the dominant players in the AI market

Vesteiger said the commission is shifting its strategy to further investigate the deal between Microsoft and OpenAI, as well as the broader AI industry, using the EU's antitrust regulations to target possible anti-competitive practices by companies with significant market influence. In March, the commission requested information from major AI players such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Douyin, and is now seeking additional details about the Microsoft-OpenAI agreement to assess the impact of any exclusivity clause on market competition.

The EU's competition chief has hinted at a new AI review of Microsoft's OpenAI deal and Google

The European Union's leadership in regulating AI technologies

The increased regulatory scrutiny highlights the EU's aggressive stance on regulating big tech companies and key players in the AI industry. Vesterg highlighted the EU's pioneering role in the upcoming AI Act, which will be the world's first comprehensive regulatory framework for AI. In addition, the Commission is investigating practices such as "acquisition hiring," in which companies acquire other companies primarily for talent, to ensure compliance with merger control rules and to prevent excessive concentration of power in the AI market.

The EU's competition chief has hinted at a new AI review of Microsoft's OpenAI deal and Google

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