
The third round of negotiations begins! The Kegong proposed a ceasefire 3 conditions, and Taiwan was on the "unfriendly" list

author:New Observations on the Silk Road

The latest news: According to the Russian news agency, the Ukrainian delegation arrived at the site of the third round of Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. The place of negotiations is still in the Belovezh Forest in Belarus.

Earlier, escorted by a Vehicle of Belarusian traffic police, the Russian delegation arrived by car at the site of negotiations with the Ukrainian side in brest Oblast, Belarus.

An adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine said that the third round of negotiations will be held at 17:00 (22:00 Beijing time).

The third round of negotiations begins! The Kegong proposed a ceasefire 3 conditions, and Taiwan was on the "unfriendly" list

The Russian delegation arrived at the place of negotiations. The image is from the Russian satellite network

According to previous reports, the composition of the personnel of Russia and Ukraine will remain unchanged.

Journalists were not allowed to enter the meeting, traffic police vehicles were parked at the entrance, and the negotiation area was guarded by White Russian soldiers.

It is reported that Russia and Ukraine will discuss the ceasefire and the establishment of humanitarian corridors in this round of negotiations.

Summary of information on the situation in Russia and Ukraine

Russia has put forward three conditions for a ceasefire to Ukraine

The third round of negotiations begins! The Kegong proposed a ceasefire 3 conditions, and Taiwan was on the "unfriendly" list

Screenshot of TASS report

According to the Russian TASS news agency reported on the 7th, on March 7, local time, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said that Ukraine should recognize Crimea as belonging to Russia, recognize the independence of the "Donetsk Republic" and the "Luhansk Republic", and Ukraine should amend the constitution and give up joining "any alliance". If Ukraine can accept these conditions, Russia will cease special military operations.

König: Russia will complete the demilitarization of Ukraine

Russian Satellite News Agency said on the 7th that Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that Russia will complete the demilitarization of Ukraine.

The third round of negotiations begins! The Kegong proposed a ceasefire 3 conditions, and Taiwan was on the "unfriendly" list

"We are indeed completing the demilitarization of Ukraine. We will accomplish (this goal). But most importantly, Ukraine must cease its military activities. They should stop military operations so that no more shots will be fired. Peskov said.

The Russian government approved the list of unfriendly countries and regions, including the Taiwan region

On the 7th local time, the Russian government has approved the list of unfriendly countries and regions, including the United States, EU member states, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Japan and some other countries.

According to Russian government documents, the list includes Australia, Albania, Andorra, the United Kingdom (including Jersey, Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Gibraltar), member states of the European Union, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, the United States, Taiwan, Ukraine, Montenegro, Switzerland, Japan, etc.

The third round of negotiations begins! The Kegong proposed a ceasefire 3 conditions, and Taiwan was on the "unfriendly" list

The order is part of the March 5, 2022 Russian Presidential Decree "On Interim Procedures for The Fulfillment of Obligations to Certain Foreign Creditors," the documents said.

The Russian Government indicated that, under the Decree, Russian citizens, companies, the State itself, its regions and municipalities that have foreign exchange obligations to foreign creditors on the list of unfriendly countries and regions can be paid in rubles. In order to fulfil its obligations, the debtor has the right to apply to the Bank of Russia to open a Category C account in the name of a foreign creditor or nominee for the satisfaction of the relevant debt.

According to the decree, the procedure applies to debts of 10 million rubles per month or more in foreign currency equivalent.

According to a previous report by the Russian News Agency, on February 26, local time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova announced that the United States would be included in the list of "unfriendly countries (regions)", and the countries (regions) on the list are not allowed to hire Russian citizens to work in their diplomatic agencies. Zakharova said the final list will be published after being studied and confirmed by the Russian government's cabinet. She stressed that the current results are entirely due to the unfriendly behavior of the United States, specifically the sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia and the expulsion of diplomats.

Russian media: The Turkish foreign minister said that the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers are ready to hold talks in Turkey on the 10th

According to the Russian TASS news agency reported on the 7th, Turkish Foreign Minister Chavushoglu said that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba have confirmed to the Turkish side that they are ready to hold talks in Turkey on the 10th.

All Russian enterprises that trade with enterprises from unfriendly countries require the approval of the Federal Government Committee

On the 7th local time, the Information Service of the Russian Federal Government released a message saying that all Russian enterprises need approval from the Federal Government Committee when trading with enterprises in unfriendly countries.

Modi spoke with Putin on the phone to talk about the situation in Ukraine

On March 7, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine. It was the third phone call between the two leaders since Russia's special military operation against Ukraine on Feb. 24.

During the 50-minute conversation, the two sides discussed the situation in Ukraine, and President Putin briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the status of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. During the conversation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoped that Putin and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy would hold direct talks as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also highly appreciated Russia's efforts to establish humanitarian corridors in parts of Ukraine.

Source: Silk Road New Observation Compilation

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