
(Xinhua All Media +) "2021 Chinese Archaeological New Discoveries" Selection Announced in Beijing (2)

On March 18, the "Archaeology Forum of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : New Discoveries in Chinese Archaeology in 2021" was held at the China Institute of History. The forum unveiled the "New Discoveries of Chinese Archaeology in 2021", and 6 archaeological projects were selected, including the Paleolithic Ruins of Piluo in Daocheng County, Sichuan, the Neolithic Ruins of Huangshan in Nanyang City, Henan, the Sanxingdui Shang Dynasty Ruins in Guanghan City, Sichuan, the Guozishan Warring States Tomb in Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province, the Qin han Cemetery in Zhengjiahun In Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, and the Tuguhun Royal Family Tomb Group in the Tang Dynasty in Wuwei City, Gansu Province.

(Xinhua All Media +) "2021 Chinese Archaeological New Discoveries" Selection Announced in Beijing (2)

Wuwei City, Gansu Province, Tang Dynasty Tuguhun Royal Family Tomb Group Murong Zhi Tomb Tomb Road Niche Excavated Ceremonial Warriors Group (Data Map). Xinhua News Agency

(Xinhua All Media +) "2021 Chinese Archaeological New Discoveries" Selection Announced in Beijing (2)

Wuwei City, Gansu Province, Tang Dynasty Tuguhun Royal Family Tomb Group Murong Zhi Tomb Stone Zhi Gai (data map). Xinhua News Agency

(Xinhua All Media +) "2021 Chinese Archaeological New Discoveries" Selection Announced in Beijing (2)

In Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the Tomb of Murong Zhi of the Tuguhun Royal Family Tomb Group of the Tang Dynasty was excavated with gilt gold and silver ornaments (data map). Xinhua News Agency

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