
The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended

author:Jiayuguan News Network
The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended
The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended
The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended

On March 18, the second meeting of the 12th Municipal Party Committee Financial and Economic Committee was held to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the two sessions of the National People's Congress and the spirit of the special meeting of the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council, listen to the report on the economic operation of various fields in the city from January to February, analyze the current economic situation, refine the tasks and measures, and accelerate the promotion of high-quality economic development. Lei Siwei, secretary of the municipal party committee and director of the financial and economic committee of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech. Tang Xue, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and director of the United Front Work Department, attended the meeting.

Zhao Baoyi, Xu Jinli, He Zhengyi, Zhang Bicheng, Wang Jinting, and Ma Yuanyong respectively reported on the economic operation of the areas under their responsibility from January to February, and made analysis and research.

After listening carefully to the report and analyzing, Lei Siwei pointed out that from January to February, the municipal party committee and the municipal government and various departments and units did a lot of work, and the city's economy achieved stable operation. In the first two months, the whole city conscientiously implemented the spirit of the economic work conference of the central and provincial party committees, and in accordance with the deployment arrangements of the municipal party committee economic work conference and the city's industrial development conference, grasped planning, scheduling, service, and progress, and promoted the city's economic work solidly and effectively. But at the same time, we must also see that due to the epidemic and the impact of the epidemic at home and abroad, various uncertainties and economic downward pressure still exist, and we must objectively look at the overall situation of the city's economic development, think of more ways, make great efforts, and accelerate the advancement.

Lei Siwei stressed that it is necessary to grasp the main task and make every effort to promote the high-quality and efficient development of the economy. It is necessary to keep a close eye on key targets, aim at difficult tasks, find the focus and force point of economic growth, further rely on key work and key work responsibility measures, accurately implement policies, and jointly exert forces to accelerate the implementation of established tasks. It is necessary to pay close attention to the construction of projects, keep an eye on the "2+6+N" industrial cluster, and in accordance with the plan and arrangement determined by the city's industrial development conference, each industrial chain will sort out and clarify the support projects as soon as possible, come up with specific implementation plans, and advance step by step. It is necessary to increase the intensity of investment promotion, focus on the "2 + 6 + N" industrial cluster, adhere to the recruitment of large and strong, and forge the industrial chain for which they are responsible for long and stronger; to implement the investment plan determined at the beginning of the year, the investment working groups should take the initiative to follow up, concentrate on accurate investment promotion, and strive to achieve work breakthroughs. It is necessary to make efforts to coordinate the timeliness, hold as few meetings and short meetings as possible, strictly control the scope of participants, and let more party members and cadres free up more time and energy to really do solid work. It is necessary to dig deep into policy opportunities, combine policy orientation and capital investment with the development needs of our city, find out the key points of force, have no distractions, work hard and fast, and make good use of the golden time of the planning officer. It is necessary to make overall plans for economic operation and scheduling, keep a close eye on various indicators and tasks in the first quarter, go to the scene more often to discover and solve problems, and with a sense of urgency that "cannot afford to wait," a sense of crisis that "cannot be slowed down," and a sense of responsibility of "not being able to sit still," we should speed up our efforts and vigorously grasp implementation to ensure that the first quarter will be opened steadily and with a good start.

Wang Yuzhong, Jia Guangjun and members of the 12th Municipal Party Committee Financial and Economic Committee attended the meeting. Responsible persons of relevant departments and units such as the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism attended the meeting as observers. (Reporter Zhao Mingxia)

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The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended
The Second Meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Twelfth Municipal CPC Committee was held, and Lei Siwei presided over and delivered a speech Tang Xue and others attended

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