
Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

Whether it is a high-end flagship, or a low-end cost-effective model, good sales are really good! Good sales show that it is designed to the user's heart, there is a market to maximize its role, so as not to waste the hard work of mobile phone manufacturers and designers. Like the hot new machine Redmi K50 series that has been hyped in recent days, it has ushered in its first sale, and the official announced its first sales record: 330,000 units were sold in 5 minutes.

I have to say that good products have always been data speaking!

Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

If you calculate according to the cheapest unit price of 2399 yuan for Redmi K50, then xiaomi will pocket about 790 million yuan in the first sale of this wave of 5 minutes alone. Remember that last year, Xiaomi released the Redmi K40 series, and the first sales record was also very good: 5 minutes exceeded 300,000 units, but the K40's 1999 yuan threshold was lower than that of the new machine control. In this comparison, even if the iterative new machine raises the threshold, the popularity has not decreased at all, and the price should be convinced by everyone, which is completely more than the old machine, and its credit of course comes from the fully upgraded configuration performance of this new machine.

Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

In terms of hardware, Remdi K50 no longer continues to use the Snapdragon 870 processor, but cooperates with MediaTek to launch the Tianji 8100 processor. The chip adopts TSMC 5nm process, performance and power consumption are relatively stable, coupled with the high-specification LNDDR5 memory equipped with the machine, UFS3.1 flash memory, large-area heat dissipation optimization, its Antu rabbit running score reached more than 830,000 points, strong performance than the previous year's Snapdragon 870, becoming the mid-range flagship benchmark. The advantage of the first selling point of this main feature is outstanding, and the upgrade is obvious, which is one of the reasons that attract everyone to pay.

Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

In addition, in terms of appearance screen, although redmi K50 still maintains the K40's direct face hollow screen design, the new machine screen is a 2K level E4 AMOLED flexible material, supporting 16,000 levels of automatic brightness, ambient color temperature sensing, full DC dimming, Corning Gorilla Victus protective glass, and 120Hz high brush. The picture quality and visual effects are polished more excellent than the Redmi K40, and it is also more extraordinary than those 2K LCD screens and ordinary OLED screens. This is its second biggest selling point, and it stands out as well.

Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

In fact, with performance and screen alone, Redmi K50 has the capital and strength to compete in the mid-range market of 2K files, but it is not satisfied with this, but also has a built-in 5500mAh large-capacity battery and 67W wired fast charging in terms of endurance. Although it is somewhat sacrificed to the light and thin feel, for users with heavy performance and heavy use, this not only makes up for the regret that K40 only has 33W wired fast charging, but also has no endurance and charging worries, which greatly guarantees the effect of using the machine.

Sold 330,000 units in the first 5 minutes, Redmi K50 Series: Good products have always been data speaking

Overall, in addition to the Redmi K50's reduction in shooting to 48 million triple cameras, other performance, screen, and battery life are the leading level in the same price point products. In real life, most users who do not play short videos are not highly dependent on mobile phone shooting functions, but they can be used for two more years with strong performance. So the Redmi K50 is indeed a good product without compromise, and the good sales are well deserved, everyone says?

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