
Weilai solid-state battery "kniferunner" surfaced, and was once again increased by Xiaomi and Huawei

Weilai solid-state battery "kniferunner" surfaced, and was once again increased by Xiaomi and Huawei

According to the information of Tianyancha, Beijing Weilan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Weilan New Energy) disclosed a new round of strategic financing on March 28, although the specific amount was not announced, but the list of investors included Xiaomi Yangtze River Industry Fund, Huawei's Hubble Investment, Geely Holdings, etc. It is worth noting that this is also the second time that Huawei Capital and Xiaomi Capital have increased their weight on the company after participating in the C round of about 500 million yuan financing of Weilan New Energy in November 2021.

According to the official website of Weilan New Energy, the company was founded in 2016, headquartered in Beijing, with three production bases in Fangshan, Beijing, Liyang, Changzhou, Jiangsu and Huzhou, Zhejiang. Weilan New Energy focuses on the research and development and production of mixed solid-liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries and all-solid-state lithium batteries, covering new energy vehicles and ships, large-scale energy storage, 3C consumption and other fields, the company is the only industrialization platform for solid-state battery technology in the Clean Energy Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Brokers: Solid-state batteries are regarded as one of the next generation of mainstream battery technologies

The "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" issued by the General Office of the State Council in October 2020 mentioned the need to accelerate the research and development and industrialization of solid-state power battery technology.

Weilai solid-state battery "kniferunner" surfaced, and was once again increased by Xiaomi and Huawei

Source: New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)

According to Guosheng Securities information, at the 2022 China Electric Vehicle 100 Forum held from March 25 to March 27, Xiang Libin, vice minister of science and technology, proposed to forward-looking layout of all-solid-state batteries.

At present, there are many discussions on solid-state batteries on the market, including securities companies, lithium battery industry chain related enterprises, etc. The main body believes that solid-state batteries will become the main development direction of the next generation of power battery technology.

For example, Guohai Securities mentioned in the research report that the advantages of solid-state batteries include: having more stable electrolyte mechanical and chemical properties; energy density has been greatly improved, and it is expected to reach 2 to 10 times of the current ternary lithium battery, breaking through the limit of liquid batteries, etc., and is regarded as one of the mainstream battery technologies of the next generation.

Dangsheng Technology (300073. SZ) announced on December 7, 2021 that it signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Weilan New Energy, which said that solid-state batteries with better safety, higher energy density, longer service life and smaller size are regarded as the main direction of the development of next-generation power battery technology. In recent years, Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, SAIC, Weilai, BAIC and other car companies have accelerated the layout of solid-state battery business. The purpose of the strategic cooperative relationship between Dangsheng Technology and Weilan New Energy includes seizing the commanding heights of next-generation power battery technology and laying the company's leading edge in the field of solid-state battery technology.

Although many opinions in the market believe that solid-state batteries will become the main direction of the next generation of power batteries, Song Shaoling, chief analyst of new energy vehicles at CITIC Securities in early 2021, said that "all-solid-state batteries will still not be able to mass-produce in 5 years."

In cooperation with NIO, the hybrid solid-liquid battery will be mass-produced

At the China Automobile 100 Forum, Li Hong, chief scientist and founder of Weilan New Energy, revealed that Weilan New Energy is cooperating with NIO to launch a hybrid solid-liquid battery with a single charge range of 1,000 kilometers based on the ET7 model, which is expected to start mass production at the end of 2022 or the first half of 2023, with a battery pack capacity of 150 kWh and an energy density of 360Wh/kg.

The battery mentioned by Li Hong coincides with the solid-state battery parameters released by Weilai in early 2021, according to the report of China Securities News, Zeng Shizhe, assistant vice president of the battery system of Weilai Automobile at the time, explained that "although it is expressed as a solid-state battery, the battery is actually a semi-solid-state battery, and it still needs to use electrolyte and separator." ”

At that time, Li Bin, the founder and chairman of Weilai, said in an interview that the supplier of Weilai solid-state batteries was inconvenient to disclose, and the market also speculated that the supplier or for the Ningde era (300750. SZ), but at present, it seems that the final surface is Weilan New Energy.

According to Tianyancha data, the major shareholder of Weilan New Energy is Hefei Blue Mileage Venture Capital Partnership (hereinafter referred to as Blue Mileage), with a shareholding ratio of 19.2%, which became an investor in Weilan New Energy in July 2021, and through further penetration of equity, it can be seen that there is Li Bin behind Blue Mileage, and Weilai Capital also participated in Weilan New Energy's Series C financing.

Weilai solid-state battery "kniferunner" surfaced, and was once again increased by Xiaomi and Huawei

Image source: Sky Eye Check

Favored by capital and backed by Weilai, the development of Weilan New Energy seems to have entered a new stage.

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