
Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon

A few days ago, the online car market obtained a set of pictures of hyundai's new Paristi model, which is scheduled to be officially unveiled at the upcoming New York International Auto Show on April 13 (Beijing time is April 14), and plans to be listed at the end of the second quarter of this year. At the same time, the new car is expected to be imported into domestic sales as soon as the end of this year, and will continue to compete with SUV models of the same class as Volkswagen Tuon and Ford Explorer.

Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon
Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon

It is reported that the new modern Paristi model will continue to be powered by a 3.8L V6 naturally aspirated engine, with a maximum power of up to 217kW, a peak torque of 355N·m, a transmission system matching an 8-speed manual transmission, and equipped with a four-wheel drive system. The imported models introduced into the domestic market may continue to be equipped with 3.5L V6 engines, with a maximum power of up to 200kW and a peak torque of 336N·m, and its power parameters have also surpassed the Volkswagen Tuon 2.0T model.

Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon
Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon

The picture below shows the interior of Overseas Tucson

Hyundai's new SUV real car exposed in advance! It will be sold in the second quarter, which is higher than the return rate of Volkswagen Tuon

As can be seen from the pictures of the real car released, the front face of the new Hyundai Paristi is equipped with a large-size dot matrix grille, and the two sides are also equipped with a new matrix LED headlight group, which is more recognizable than the Volkswagen Tuon model. In terms of interior, the new car may be consistent with the modern Tucson model, equipped with a four-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and equipped with a floating LCD instrument and an embedded LCD central control screen, and the electronic knob shift mechanism is expected to be provided below.

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