
People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

Author: Jiang Yumu

Source: There are books


Recently, the circle of friends was swept away by a surveillance video, and the People's Daily was directly exposed.

It turned out that in the hall of a hospital in Yichun, Jiangxi, a pregnant woman approached the man at the front of the line, bowed, and asked if she could register herself first.

After the man listened, he kindly let the pregnant women line up in front of him.

In order not to affect the people queuing behind him, he immediately turned and walked to the end of the line.

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

But then, something unexpected happened!

The others who were behind the men followed close behind, and they were also at the end of the line in order like solitaire.

In this way, one person after the next, the long line turned around, and the man who initially let the pregnant woman cut in line returned to the front of the line.

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

In just a few seconds, everyone is still in the original position, as if nothing has happened, but it has touched countless netizens.

The following brief message reported by the People's Daily actually had 1.7W likes:

"I think of the gentleness told by Mr. Gu Hongming in "The Age of Awakening.")

Everyone goes through a cycle of goodwill, and everything seems to be the same, but in fact everything becomes different.

Pregnant women do not take it for granted that others help them, but bow and sincerely thank them.

Men also do not think that they can be at ease by doing good deeds, but consider whether their good deeds will cause trouble to others.

Other people in line, out of a sense of "not letting well-meaning people suffer", took the initiative to give up their positions.

I am for everyone, and everyone is for me.

As Jia Yi, a famous scholar of the Han Dynasty, said: "Those who love to go out love to return, and those who are blessed to go are blessed." ”

Life will not fail a gentle person, and the gentleness and kindness you give will eventually turn back to you in a circle.

True cultivation

Not the mountains are up, but the gentleness is as good as ever

The touching scene in the hospital hall at the beginning reminded me of an incident that happened in Jimo, Shandong Province, before.

Villager Yan Zhidong finished his farm work as usual and walked on the way home.

Suddenly, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby reservoir.

He saw 3 children desperately fluttering in the middle of the reservoir, immediately threw away the bicycle, ran into the reservoir, and rescued all the children ashore by himself.

Afterwards, the kind 54-year-old Yan Zhidong was rated as "seeing righteousness and courage as an advanced individual".

I thought that the next life would be as calm as usual, who knew that the next year, Yan Zhidong's daughter was diagnosed with leukemia.

In order to treat his children, Yan Zhidong sold the house, sold the greenhouse, and ran around to borrow money, still not enough for his daughter's treatment.

Netizens learned of Yan Zhidong's encounter and immediately took the initiative to raise medical expenses for him through various channels.

In just 15 hours, Yan Zhidong received more than 300,000 donations, and his daughter was treated in time.

In this regard, as a netizen said:

"Heroes who see righteousness and courage cannot be left feeling helpless when they need help."

Yan Zhidong's courageous deeds saved other people's children and also saved his own daughter.

You may think that the deeds of helping others by going into the water to save people will not happen to each of us.

Not really.

Share the experience of a netizen on Douban.

He went out that day to work part-time, giving up his seat to an old man on the subway back to school.

When he stepped out of the subway, he found that it was pouring rain outside, and there was no intention of stopping.

He thought about the starting price of a taxi, which is equivalent to a part-time salary for an hour, and he was reluctant to buy a plastic umbrella peddled at a high price at the subway station.

So he gritted his teeth and planned to run back to school in the rain.

The old man who had just been given up by him walked out of the platform, heard that he was going back to school, immediately said that he lived near the school, and then handed him his umbrella.

The two walked all the way back to the school, netizens supported the old man, and the old man's umbrella also shielded him from the wind and rain.

Netizens sighed:

"I originally thought that giving up my seat was insignificant, but now I realize that even the smallest act of kindness is accumulating happiness for you, and then returning it to you at the right time." 」

From diving to save people, to giving up their seats to people, every thing that comes from good thoughts, in fact, there is no distinction between big love and small love.

As there is a line in "No Questions Asked":

"There is no shortage of perfect people in this era, what is missing is sincerity, justice, fearlessness and compassion from the bottom of the heart."

In life, it is rare to be respected for great achievements.

However, the world is bustling, most people are ordinary like you and me, as long as they are willing to show their hearts, they can still be treated gently.

A person does not have to look up at the mountain, and sticking to the gentleness of the heart is the top cultivation.

What is gentleness in the bones?

It was the best answer I've ever seen

Since March, the number of local infections has exceeded 320,000, and the most heart-wrenching Shanghai epidemic is still rising rapidly.

The epidemic is tense, and all parts of the country have rushed to the rescue.

So far, at least 40,000 medical staff have retrograde Shanghai.

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

Batches of trucks full of supplies are also rushing to the "Storm Center".

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

And under the protection of this heavy Taishan, those small fragments that belong to the individual are also tearful.

On April 6, a photo of countless people crying was circulated at the Shanghai World Expo Fang Cabin Hospital.

A medical practitioner was exhausted due to fatigue and prolonged wear of protective clothing.

When a patient saw it, he immediately picked up the fainting medical nurse and ran to the nearest emergency point, saying: "She is tired because of us." ”

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

The most rare tacit understanding in the world is this: every bit of kindness you have done to me, I silently remember.

I'm all for you when you need me.

There are also two notes pasted in the closed corridor during the epidemic period, which also make people's eyes hot.

The girl who lives alone writes on the door of the neighbor's elderly man:

"Grandma, if you need help, you can call me."

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

The old man hung the extra dishes in front of the door and attached another note:

"Thank you for your concern, if you need to replenish vegetables, feel free to take them from the bamboo pole at the door."

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...
People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

Some people say that modern people are indifferent, live on the opposite door, and never interact with each other.

But even if we usually go our separate ways, whenever the dilemma comes, even if we are separated by screens and closed doors and windows, our hearts will be sincerely open to each other.

This intertwined compassion and compassion is the gentleness in the bones of Chinese, and the softness rooted in the hearts of everyone.

I remembered that not long ago, when the epidemic in Xi'an was in an emergency, a large household in Shandong donated 100,000 kilograms of Chinese cabbage.

Villagers who live nearby have come to help load bundles of cabbage into the car.

A farmer smiled at the camera: "We don't have vegetables, but we have strength." ”

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

I also remembered the moving scene in the rainstorm in Henan last year.

A group of citizens held each other's hands and approached the flooded streets until they rescued their comrades in danger.

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

The gentleness of Chinese is that even if you are not living well, you are willing to dedicate your own strength to make others live better.

With each other's kindness, cover the bustle in front of you, and then see the glimmer of light left in the corner.

In the face of disasters and epidemics, we are often very small personally.

But it is the gentleness that has never been extinguished in everyone's heart that has converged into the background of ordinary people's kindness.

Born gentle

It's Chinese romance in my bones

Some time ago, #romance in Chinese bones became a hot search topic on Weibo.

Netizens rush to share what they think is the most romantic thing.

For Grandpa Yuan Longping, he designed a firework that would take the shape of a rice ear after firing.

In front of the martyr's tomb, put a piece of chocolate:

"They gave their lives for today, and they should be allowed to taste today's sweetness."

There is also the winter Olympics, which will soon end.

Anxious and insomniac athletes come to the restaurant alone in the early hours of the morning.

The volunteers in the restaurant immediately put down their work and chatted with the athletes.

Two groups of people even danced in the restaurant.

In the company of volunteers, the athletes are less anxious in their hearts.

People's Daily exposed pregnant women cutting in line, and the man behind him "god operation" let the whole network break the defense...

This is the romance of Chinese.

"Wave" is a kindness as soft as water, and "long" is an endless tenderness.

Even if the world is uncertain, we still firmly believe that if I kiss the world with love, the world will sing in return.

We perceive warmth and cold with an amorous heart, are willing to share our own joy, and empathize with the bitterness of others.

Even if you are in distress, you don't forget to greet the people around you, and in the cold life, snuggle up to each other for warmth.

As Gu Hongming wrote in "The Spirit of Chinese":

The gentleness of Chinese is the power of sympathy and human wisdom, the emotion of the depths of human nature, and the passion of the heart.

And this is where Chinese different from other ethnic groups. ”

Being born gentle is a romance that we have carved into our bones.

In the long river of years, this romance accompanies every ordinary Chinese, endures hardships, and walks through prosperity.

I've heard this sentence:

"Life is like a blind box, not every time you give kindness, you can get the same reward." 」

The world is complicated, the complexity of human nature, there is always kindness stranded, good intentions are betrayed.

Fate is like this, thin affection and care are staged together, and do not consider your efforts at this moment.

However, once the thin feelings of fate abandon the goodness of the past, how can we appreciate the side of fate?

Believe that despite the impermanence of time, it is those who can finally salvage the warmth of a lifetime.

Click [in the watch], adhere to our inner qualities, weathered by the wind and frost, gentle and still alive, not willing to love and gentle life.

Image: From the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement.

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