
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)

【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)

Editor's note: Cultural relics inherit civilization, and national treasures witness history. The museum's collection is the most direct witness to the development of thousands of years of Chinese civilization. In order to better make cultural relics come alive and expand the international influence of Chinese culture, in 2022, Xinhuanet Culture Channel plans to launch the "National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar", seven days a week, uninterruptedly introducing the national treasures of major museums to show the artistic charm and aesthetic value of these collections.

Xinhua Culture hopes to guide readers to feel the inner spirit and core values of Chinese culture through the form of calendar, gain a deep understanding of Chinese culture, and consciously learn and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

【National Treasure Youling Cultural Relics Calendar】Released on a weekly basis, seven calendar pictures and seven cultural relics per week, each cultural relic is equipped with exquisite pictures and text interpretations, accompanying you to spend every day of 2022 together!

【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)
【Let cultural relics come alive】National Treasures with Spirits and Cultural Relics Calendar (April 23- April 29, 2022)

Editor-in-charge: Yang Tengger Li Guodong

【Source: Xinhua Net】

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