
Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

author:Dr. Choi popular

Introduction: We have more organs in the abdomen, and fasting is generally for the stomach!

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

The stomach is the most expanded part of our human digestive tract, and the stomach capacity of adults on an empty stomach is only about 50ml, while the stomach capacity after eating can reach 1500 to 2000ml.

More than 6-8 hours after stopping eating in life is called fasting.

After the average person eats, the food enters the stomach, through the peristalsis of the stomach, digestion, the food becomes chyme, and then excreted into the intestine, from eating to stomach emptying time is about 3-5 hours, the time of gastric emptying is related to the nature of the food eaten, the size of the amount of food and the secretion of stomach acid, digestive enzymes and other factors.

Some people say: In the fasting state, it is best not to eat eggs and not drink milk!

Because the protein content in milk is extremely rich, eating milk on an empty stomach will make the nutrients in milk unable to be absorbed by the human body, but will become a calorie consumption, so that the nutritional value of milk can not be reflected.

Is this true?

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach?

Is it good to eat eggs and drink milk for breakfast?

If you eat eggs and milk for breakfast, the protein content is sufficient, but the relative calories may not be much.

Foods like eggs are very high in protein, which can replenish the body's energy and repair the body's damaged tissues and cells.

If you get up in the morning and do not eat any food, eating eggs on an empty stomach can easily lead to protein accumulation together, which is decomposed into urea and ammonia after conversion, which is not conducive to health.

Protein is mainly to provide energy, if you only eat protein, it will be consumed as calories, in fact, is a waste, so it is recommended to add starchy foods such as cereal.

If it is a symptom of drinking milk on an empty stomach, so it is not recommended to eat a high-protein diet in the morning, especially on an empty stomach.

It is best to drink milk 1-2 hours after breakfast, having food in the stomach prevents the disadvantages of drinking milk on an empty stomach.

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Before drinking milk, eat some foods with more starch, such as steamed buns.

When drinking milk in the morning, you should eat some starchy foods such as steamed bread, rice, bread, biscuits, snacks, etc., so that milk can stay in the human stomach for a long time, and milk and gastric juice can fully enzymatically digest, so that protein can be well digested and absorbed.

Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Cold drinks:

Eating a large number of frozen foods on an empty stomach will stimulate contractures in the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to various enzymatic chemical reaction disorders over time, induce gastrointestinal diseases, and also lead to damage to the function of internal organs.

In addition, menstruation disorders can occur during menstruation in women.

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Fruity foods:

Fruit is rich in fruit acid, easy to stimulate the stomach, but also will bring effects, more familiar hawthorn, kiwifruit, lemon is not recommended to be ingested on an empty stomach.

Otherwise, the rich fruit acid in it will have an impact, which will increase the prevalence of stomach diseases, and other foods with a strong sense of fullness and mildness should be selected to alleviate hunger, and the fruit can be obtained normally.

Spicy stimulant foods:

Spicy food refers to foods with strong irritation, mainly including ginger, raw garlic, peppers, spicy hot pot and so on.

Occasionally eating a small amount of these foods on weekdays will not have a big impact on the body, but if it is on an empty stomach, or eat a lot.

Then it is likely to cause irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa, and even lead to gastrointestinal inflammation or even ulcers or gastric bleeding, etc., and in severe cases, it may also cause hemorrhoids, fissures and other diseases.

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Read further: Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning?

It is better to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning.

First of all, it can replenish the water that the body loses sharply after a night's sleep, and in most cases, it will be found that it is particularly thirsty after waking up in the morning, which is due to the fact that when sleeping at night, a lot of water is consumed through breathing, skin and so on.

Insisting on a glass of water in the morning every day can replenish the lack of water in the body and promote the normal work of metabolism, which is good for the body.

Secondly, for women, drinking water in the morning helps to keep the skin hydrated and play a role in beauty and beauty.

Finally, it can play a role in detoxification, after getting up in the morning to drink water, you can discharge the toxins accumulated in the body through the way of urine, which can promote the health of the body.

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach? Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach is these 3 types of food

Conclusion: Do you understand?

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