
After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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The weekend was exceptionally sunny, and Zhang Wei led his family to the park in the city center. "You know what? I've heard that at the age of 60, there are some foods that you can't eat every day. ”

"For example, I heard that eating too many beans is not good for people of our age." The first old man replied in a low voice. This conversation aroused Zhang Wei's curiosity. Although he is not yet that age, his parents are already in old age. Feeling uneasy, he decided to take this opportunity to take his family to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, and by the way, consult the opinions of experts.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

"Doctor, I heard someone in the park yesterday say that after a certain age, there are certain foods that should be avoided frequently. Like beans, is this true? Zhang Wei asked. The expert doctor smiled and replied: "This question is very good, in fact, not only beans, but also some other foods should be paid attention to in moderation." ”

The doctor went on to elaborate on the dietary considerations for the elderly, specifically mentioning that certain ingredients contained in beans may affect the health of some older people, especially those with specific health problems.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

He also stressed the importance of a balanced diet and suggested that Zhang Wei develop a more reasonable diet plan for his parents. Zhang Wei realized that as a member of the family, it is very necessary to understand this health knowledge. When he decides to return home, he will pay more attention to his family's dietary arrangements, especially the healthy diet of elderly family members.

This physical examination not only strengthened the relationship between family members, but also gave Zhang Wei a deeper understanding of the healthy diet of the elderly. He thanked the hospital for its professional advice and plans to apply what he has learned this time to daily life to ensure the health of the whole family.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

When discussing the eating habits of older adults, we tend to focus on the often discussed restrictions on the intake of foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat. However, the infrequently mentioned beans actually have a special impact on the health of the elderly.

Beans, a seemingly ordinary and nutritious vegetable, are almost a regular on the dinner table in many families, but it has some special effects for the elderly that need to be paid attention to. The fiber in beans is good for most adults, aiding digestion and preventing constipation. But for the elderly, you may have to be careful.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

Because their digestive system may not be as strong as they age, too much fiber may cause them to experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating or abdominal pain. Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to the amount of beans when eating, so as not to bring additional burden to the stomach.

Frequent consumption of beans may adversely affect bone health in older adults. In addition, beans are a low-calorie food, and while this is an advantage for people who need to control their weight, for some malnourished older adults, too much intake of low-calorie foods may lead to insufficient energy intake.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

Older people already need to get enough energy and nutrients through less food intake, and a reasonable diet should include a moderate amount of high-nutrient, high-energy foods. Although beans are a highly nutritious vegetable that is beneficial to most people when consumed in moderation, it requires special attention for the elderly.

It is recommended that the elderly should properly control the amount of beans when eating them, avoid a large amount of daily intake, and it is best to match them with high-energy, high-protein foods to achieve a balance of nutrition.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

This dietary advice for older adults may not be quite what we usually know. We are used to thinking of beans as a healthy food without realizing that at a given age and health condition, it can also pose some risks.

For older adults, it is especially important to develop a personalized diet plan that not only helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also prevents and controls various underlying health problems in a targeted manner. When developing such a diet plan, the support of family members and the advice of a medical professional are indispensable.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

In conclusion, for the elderly, the choice of food and the control of intake need to be more refined and careful. Beans are just one example of many foods, and by understanding the properties and possible effects of each, we can better help older adults maintain their health and enjoy a high quality of life.

This kind of targeted dietary modification, although it may require more attention and effort in daily life, is very beneficial for the health maintenance of the elderly in the long run.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

When focusing on the dietary health of the elderly, we usually remind them to reduce the intake of foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar, but there are some specific foods that may not be mentioned often but also need to be consumed with caution by the elderly.

These foods are common in daily life, but for older adults, excessive consumption may have adverse health effects. Specifically, these three foods include mango, pork liver, and tofu. First of all, mango, this colorful and sweet-tasting tropical fruit, is loved by many people.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

For older adults, especially those with diabetes, excessive consumption of mango may cause abnormally high blood sugar levels. Mango also contains a lot of fructose, and excessive intake of fructose may increase the burden on the liver and increase the risk of fatty liver.

Older people have a relatively slow metabolism and may also have a decline in liver function, so controlling mango intake in moderation is an important aspect of maintaining blood sugar stability and liver health. Secondly, while these nutrients are very beneficial for preventing anemia and other health problems, excessive intake of pork liver can also cause problems.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

The content of vitamin A in pig liver is extremely high, and vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is not easy to be eliminated from the body after excessive intake, and is easy to cause poisoning, which is especially bad for the bone health of the elderly.

Pork liver also contains a certain amount of cholesterol, and for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease, excessive consumption may increase the cardiovascular burden. Finally, tofu is a widely recognized healthy food, especially for the elderly, and its high quality of protein and calcium is very good for maintaining bone health.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

For older adults, especially those with pre-existing osteoporosis or other mineral malabsorption, excessive consumption of tofu may exacerbate these problems. Even healthy tofu should be taken care of in moderation to avoid excessive effects on the body's absorption of other important nutrients.

All in all, when choosing a daily diet, the elderly should pay special attention to the intake of these three foods in addition to avoiding conventional high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar foods.

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

By adjusting your diet, you can not only avoid potential health risks, but also promote good health and improve your quality of life. In practice, the support and care of family members is very important to help the elderly better understand and implement these dietary recommendations, and together create a healthier eating environment.

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After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day


[1] Xia Honghua, Sun Fang, Nursing countermeasures and functions in the process of routine gastroscopy and painless gastroscopy in hypertensive patients with stomach discomfort, Electronic Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, 2023-03-05

After the age of 60, should you eat less beans? Reminder: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat 3 kinds of food every day

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