
Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

author:Pharmaceutical Health

As the saying goes, illness comes from the mouth, and sometimes if you don't eat it right, it will also cause cancer. In particular, some foods contain pro-inflammatory and cancer-promoting ingredients. Avoiding pro-inflammatory and pro-cancer ingredients and eating an anti-inflammatory diet in moderation can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

Health Times Chart

Pro-inflammatory diet increases the risk of many cancers!

Fang Weijia, chief physician of the Department of Medical Oncology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, introduced on the hospital's official account in 2024 that chronic inflammation is related to immunosuppression, which can provide a favorable microenvironment for the occurrence, development and metastasis of tumors, and most cancer patients belong to the chronic inflammation group. ①

Why is there chronic inflammation? A big reason is that you're not eating the right thing!

According to the Expert Consensus on Anti-inflammatory Diet for Tumor Prevention, diet has pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, and the long-term chronic inflammation of the body caused by unreasonable diet is closely related to tumors and reduces the therapeutic effect of tumors.

For example, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, etc. are all associated with a high level of evidence for dietary inflammation index. ②

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

"Expert consensus on anti-inflammatory diet for preventing tumors".

Doctor's Reminder: Steer clear of these pro-inflammatory ingredients!

Various bioactive components in the diet, including energy and nutrients, can influence the inflammatory response in the body.

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

Map of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University(1)

Li Qingyan, deputy director of the Nutrition Department of the Second Hospital of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, published an article on the hospital's official account in 2024 to remind us to be vigilant against six types of foods that are prone to inflammation:

1. Sugar

Excessive sugar intake can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, impairing the regulatory effect of insulin, leading to unstable blood sugar and leaving the body in a state of inflammation.

2. Trans fatty acids

Trans fatty acids raise bad cholesterol, causing inflammation, obesity, and insulin resistance. Foods containing trans fatty acids include fried foods, fast food, baked goods, and foods containing hydrogenated oils and margarine.

3. Red meat and processed meat

Foods such as bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and cold cuts are high in saturated fat and contain preservatives (such as nitrates), which can raise inflammation levels.

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

Health Times Chart

4. Alcohol

Long-term alcohol consumption can cause irritation to multiple organs, triggering an inflammatory response.

5. Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates such as white rice and white noodles eaten daily have a high glycemic index, and a large amount of intake will cause large fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels, increasing the level of inflammation in the body.

6. Artificial food additives

Food additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate can trigger an inflammatory response. ③

Stay away from these clear cancer-promoting ingredients!

Based on the clearly declared Group 1 carcinogens, the following are common carcinogens found in food:

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

According to the "World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer Carcinogen List", Wang Nan tabulation (4)

1. Moldy food → liver cancer

Lu Yinying, chief physician of the Liver Tumor Diagnosis and Research Center of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in 2017 that if you want to avoid liver cancer, you must also have a good diet. Try to avoid eating moldy food, which contains aflatoxin, which can cause liver cancer. ⑤

2. Salted fish → nasopharyngeal cancer

All salted fish in the world is marinated with a high concentration of salt. However, the difference between "Chinese-style salted fish" and "foreign salted fish" is that it has a dehydration step: in the process of dehydration, salted fish will produce some nitrosamine compounds, such as nitrosodimethylamine, etc., and these nitroso compounds are carcinogenic. ⑥

3. Oral Cancer →

Yu Guangyan, former president of Peking University Hospital of Stomatology, said in an interview with Health Times that the arecine contained in betel nut promotes the deposition of collagen fibers, and long-term consumption will produce oral submucosal fibropathy, and the chemicals in betel nut form nitroso groups after chewing, which is also a carcinogenic compound; In addition, betel nut is hard, which is easy to cause trauma to the oral mucosa when chewing, and may also transform into oral cancer over time. ⑦

4. Alcohol→ liver cancer, etc

Zheng Songbai, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology and Geriatrics of Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, introduced in Dragon TV's famous doctor's talk health program in 2024 that ethanol, the main ingredient in wine, is alcohol, and it has been clearly positioned as a carcinogen. Ethanol is a fat-soluble substance, it is easily absorbed, and the more lipids, the easier it is to adsorb ethanol. Our liver, the nervous system, has more lipids, and it is easier to accumulate ethanol. After ethanol enters the liver, it will also become acetaldehyde under the action of ethanol dehydrogenase, and acetaldehyde also has a certain degree of carcinogenicity. ⑧

5. Tobacco→ lung cancer, esophageal cancer, etc

Smoking is not only a cancer that causes lung cancer, but also closely related to the occurrence of nasopharyngeal cancer, oral cancer, esophageal cancer and other related cancers.

Can eating the wrong food cause cancer? Doctor's Reminder: Avoid Pro-Inflammatory and Cancer-Pro-Cancer Ingredients in Food!

Health Times Jing Xuetao/photo

6. Barbecue, fried food→ stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, etc

Sun Hao, director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Chongqing Cancer Hospital, said in an article in the Health Times in 2017, "Gastric cancer is a typical disease related to dietary habits, and well-known barbecue and fried foods can induce cancer. ”

In clinical practice, they found that more than half of the stomach cancer patients between the ages of 30 and 40 love to eat barbecue or spicy tang. Especially in some areas, people have strong tastes and like to eat barbecue, but after the food is grilled or smoked, it is easy to produce substances such as 3-4 benzopyrene and cycloaromatic hydrocarbons, which are clear carcinogens. ⑨

Source: Health Times

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