
Is fate to be believed?

author:Prisoner Learning

Fate is a method of interpretation of the law of causation.

It believes that there is a motive and mechanism behind the relevance of things.

However, when this motive and mechanism are known and clearly explained, it is not called fate, and it can only be called fate when it is unclear and unclear.

For example, you can see ta at the station every day when you commute to work. If you want to break your head, you can't understand how it is so coincidental, this time is called fate. But when you know that he is looking at the time when you leave work and deliberately waiting at the station at that time, this is not called fate, it is called tailgating.

So what is fate?

All unexplained correlations arise as fate.

The words you see I wrote now are our fate. Because God knows why you don't go to the nightclub, don't work overtime, don't sleep most of the night to watch this.

You said it was particularly concerned. So why pay special attention? Because one day I saw an answer. So why did you see that answer that day?

You see, if you ask questions, everything can be said to be fate.

But the problem is that no matter how you ask questions, you can't ask the real "cause." Because it cannot be verified and cannot be falsified, it is called fate. That being the case, then know that this is the fate, so what? Everything has a cause.

What has a special meaning to people is not to believe in fate, but to cherish fate.

When it comes to cherishing fate, it is actually to cherish the encounter, and to put it bluntly, it is to cherish the energy consumed by the encounter.

All encounters are energy-consuming.

You read these words, make friends with a person, to love a person, the so-called "cause" is not so important, what is important is the present "effect".

This "effect" is our encounter, your reading in the present moment, the dialogue and interaction that is happening at this moment.

For whatever reason, our lives are intersecting, so in the process of this intersection, the calories, time, energy, and emotional values you spend and consume are not worth it, whether you can have a positive output, will it make yourself and the people you meet happier, healthier, and better off.

That's what matters most.

To believe in fate is to believe that everything has a cause, and there is nothing wrong with that. But whether we can cherish fate or not is the problem.