
Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

author:Sunshine Gossip Jun

A few days ago, some media posted a group of recent photos of Lin Qingxia, she and Zhen Zhen and Wang Ling are in the same frame, looking energetic and powerful.

Lin Qingxia is 66 years old, but the years have not left too many marks on her face, except for some clear wrinkles, her facial features are still as beautiful as ever.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

And the two girlfriends around him, one Zhen Zhen and one Wang Ling, are also the great beauties of the past, although they are older, their temperament is still there.

Especially Zhen Zhen, now 73 years old, her clothes are excellent, a purple round hat highlights the noble atmosphere, not to say that she is still exquisite when she is old, and her body shape remains slender, remembering that Lin Qingxia regarded her as an idol, I have to say that this vision is indeed unique.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Belonging to the same beauty, Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia always feel sorry for each other.

Although they have never worked together in the show business, the two have been inseparable in recent years.

Whether it is going out shopping hand in hand, or celebrating the birthday of the predecessor Glen, the deep friendship like a girlfriend is inadvertently revealed.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Both of them are also "wonderful people", especially in the film industry, they have cultivated their own achievements, I believe that even after a hundred years, they will still be so bright and red, and they will be so colorful.

However, compared with Lin Qingxia's little-known experience, Zhen Zhen, who is known as the "first generation of jade girls in the Chinese film industry", may be even more wonderful legendary stories and ups and downs.


Zhen Zhen was born in Beijing in 1949, she was originally from Huzhou, Zhejiang, her father's surname was Zhang, and she was a member of the famous Huzhou (Wuxing) Digang Zhang clan in history.

There are nineteen halls in the Zhang clan, and Zhen Zhen is from the Chengxu Hall, according to the genealogy, she belongs to the 16th generation, and her name in the family tree is Zhang Jiazhen.

Based on this background, the good family environment and good tutoring have allowed Zhen Zhen to cultivate a gentle and elegant connotation and a noble and kind temperament from an early age.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

In her childhood, Zhen Zhen has been traveling from place to place, and when she was 4 years old, because her father was sent to work in the United States, her mother Zhang Fengqin took the family back to Japan to join her grandfather.

It was not until 1955 that the 7-year-old Zhen Zhen settled in Taiwan, and two years later, she was admitted to the private Jinling Girls' High School in Taipei, and then successfully entered the Northern Thai Middle School.

Zhen Zhen was born beautiful and moving from an early age, especially during the period of Northern Thai middle school, she won the English speaking competition many times, and also studied ballet with her teacher and performed on stage publicly.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

However, although Zhen Zhen was a prominent figure in the school at that time, there was still a big gap compared to the real "star", until 1964, a chance encounter, which made Zhen Zhen embark on the road of acting.

That year, director Li Hanxiang, who was completely separated from Shaw," had just arrived in Taiwan to establish "Guolian Pictures" shortly after.

In order to compete with the Shaw and Dianmao in the same period, Li Hanxiang not only painstakingly dug up the two actors "Jiang Qing", "Yin (the same below)" and Wang Ling, but also specially opened the "League of Nations Training Class", with the intention of recruiting actors from all over the island.

At that time, Zhen Zhen, who was in her second year of high school, was "teased" by her friends and sent her photos to the film company under the pseudonym "Zhang Zhenzhen".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Although the number of recruits reached an exaggerated 3,700 that year, when Zhen Zhen's photo was placed in front of Li Hanxiang's desk, the latter was still involuntarily attracted by the beauty in the photo.

In this way, the 16-year-old Zhen Zhen successfully signed the contract, and Li Hanxiang also changed her original name Zhang Jiazhen to the stage name "Zhen Zhen" on the grounds that she was "Zhen" and should choose one out of thousands.

Subsequently, Zhen Zhen, together with "Jiang Qing", Wang Ling, Niu Fangyu, and Lee Teng-hui, formed the famous "Five Phoenixes of the League of Nations".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

At the same time, Zhen Zhen, who successfully signed a contract, went to a nightclub with friends to listen to songs in order to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, here, Zhen Zhen met Liu Jiachang, a musician who was still studying at university.


Liu Jiachang fell in love with Zhen Zhen at first sight.

However, at that time, Liu Jiachang was just a poor student with no name, so he buried this love deep in his heart and did not dare to show it.

In order to be worthy of the goddess, Liu Jiachang chose to drop out of school and continued to sing in nightclubs to earn money while composing music, and it was also during that time that Liu Jiachang met his later student Teresa Teng.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Liu Jiachang's talent made Teresa Teng limited to the master-apprentice relationship, and it did not happen, but another woman fell because of Liu Jiachang's talent, she was "Jiang Qing" who was one of the "Five Phoenixes of the League of Nations" with Zhen Zhen.

In 1966, Liu Jiachang and "Jiang Qing" flashed marriage, and soon after gave birth to a son Liu Jipeng, causing a sensation in the outside world.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

However, there are also people who hold great opinions on this marriage, which especially provokes director Li Hanxiang to be very dissatisfied.

At every party, Li Hanxiang told people that "Jiang Qing" was brought to Taiwan by herself from Hong Kong, and she cultivated it with one hand, and now she wants to get married without telling herself, which is really undeserved!

However, for Li Hanxiang's complaints, Liu Jiachang never really cared, because after marriage, his career became smoother and smoother.

In early 1970, Liu Jiachang set a record for millions of records with "The Past Can Only Be Recalled", and the "Godfather of Music" had begun to take shape.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

However, Liu Jiachang was also troubled at that time, he felt that it was a blessing that he had received "Jiang Qing" when he was down, and getting married and having children was a gift of fate.

But anyway, now that the good villains have also achieved fame, it seems inappropriate that the heart that was once restless because of Zhen Zhen is not stupid and wants to move?

Coincidentally, just when Liu Jiachang hesitated, he found that the distance between his wife and director Li Hanxiang had "crossed the line".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

On July 19, 1970, Taoyuan Hawaii Hotel, Liu Jiachang rushed in and couldn't help but say, he held the old fist according to Li Hanxiang's face, I heard that Liu Jiachang was furious in front of Li Hanxiang at that time, and the others could not hold back, and Li Hanxiang was almost "waited" by him with an ashtray!

After beating Li Hanxiang, Liu Jiachang immediately held a press conference, and in the face of various "long guns and short cannons" cameras, Liu Jiachang wept while complaining about the unfair fate, and at the same time, he also said that he had "sufficient evidence" between "Jiang Qing" and Li Hanxiang in his hands.

Although Li Hanxiang immediately issued a statement denying that there was Something that Liu Jiachang suspected, in the afternoon of the same day, Liu Jiachang took "Jiang Qing" into the lawyer's office, and the former husband and wife also signed a divorce agreement on the spot, from "flash marriage" to "flash divorce" ending.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

After the divorce, Liu Jiachang also put his eyes back on Zhen Zhen.

But what he didn't know was that the "old fist" that he greeted Li Hanxiang's face had later become a foreshadowing for him to miss Zhen Zhen.


In 1971, Li Hanxiang prepared for the film "Ti Qian".

It was at that time that Xie Xian, a well-known "prodigal son" of the Hong Kong film industry, broke up with Siu Fangfang and came to Taiwan to develop.

Li Hanxiang, who was suffering from "nowhere to avenge", had a plan, and immediately arranged for Xie Xian and Zhen Zhen to co-star in the movie, and by the way, let Liu Jiachang's ex-wife "Jiang Qing" be a friendly match.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Sure enough, after the film was finished, Zhen Zhen was steadily taken down under the attack of Xie Xian's sweet words.

After that, Xie Xian, who was moved by his heart, also specially invited Zhen Zhen from Taiwan to Hong Kong to shoot a drama, and he did not hesitate to write and direct himself, just to please his girlfriend.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

First love is always beautiful, and I don't know if it is because of the bath of love, Zhen Zhen's career quickly took off.

With the two films "Caiyun Fei" and "A Thousand Knots in the Heart", Zhen Zhen became the first generation of Qiong Yao girls and laid the image of her "jade girl in the film world".

In 1974, after Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian finished filming "Seagull Flying Place", they went to Hong Kong to secretly register for marriage, this year, Zhen Zhen was 27 years old, and Xie Xian was 39 years old.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

It was said that they were secretly married, but the two obviously forgot that there is a rule on civil marriage in Hong Kong, so the marriage of the two was exposed by the newspaper in the form of front-page headlines only one day after the marriage.

Xie Xian and Zhen Zhen, the "screen lovers", came true and won the blessings of many fans, only one person was very angry at the news of their marriage, this person is undoubtedly Liu Jiachang, but again, he has nothing to do.

But at this time, Zhen Zhen, who was preparing to become a housewife on the other side, was pushed back to Taiwan by her husband Xie Xian to continue working on the grounds of the development of "Xie's Film and Television Company" only three months after marriage.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Liu Jiachang, who was trapped in emotional injuries, saw this picture, and he could still sit still?

So this time, Liu Jiachang didn't even care about Zhen Zhen's married status, and directly mobilized all his resources and announced in a high-profile manner that he would pursue Zhen Zhen again.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Although Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian had a stable relationship at that time, but one in Taiwan and one in Hong Kong, plus Liu Jiachang was on the sidelines, the long-distance marriage finally made Xie Xian frightened, so Xie Xian also had to change his mouth and ask Zhen Zhen to return to Hong Kong to live and work.

Zhen Zhen did not understand Xie Xian's anxiety, and she had already signed another contract in Taiwan, and with professionalism, she refused Xie Xian's request.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

But soon, Zhen Zhen felt that Xie Xian's worries were not superfluous, in order to pursue Zhen Zhen, Liu Jiachang took an all-round encirclement offensive, where Zhen Zhen people went, Liu Jiachang's flowers went, even if Zhen Zhen fled back to Hong Kong after filming, it was still the same, Xie Xian himself was directly "breaking the defense".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Of course, Xie Xian was a bloody man, after all, later in front of his good brother Zeng Jiang, he could also fight directly without speculation.

But even if Xie Xian hated Liu Jiachang at that time, as he himself said, in his eyes, from the beginning to the end, he himself snatched Zhen Zhen from Liu Jiachang's hands, in other words, in the face of the "provocation" of his love enemy Liu Jiachang, Xie Xian thought that he was "reasonable".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Liu Jiachang had no way to start there, and Xie Xian naturally set his sights on Zhen Zhen.

This time, the "extreme" Xie Xian no longer spoke kindly to persuade each other, but changed his tone of mouth and directly threatened Zhen Zhen that if she did not return to Hong Kong, she would divorce her immediately!

For his own love, Xie Xian was anxious, but Zhen Zhen was also a stubborn person, so Zhen Zhen directly agreed to Xie Xian's divorce.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

On June 1, 1976, Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian formally went through divorce procedures in Hong Kong, ending a two-year short-lived marriage.


Liu Jiachang thought about all the possibilities, but he did not expect that Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian would divorce because of his intervention.

However, after "blaming himself" for a while, Liu Jiachang immediately regrouped and continued to "attack the city and pull out the wall" toward Zhen Zhen.

At this time, in the face of Liu Jiachang's incomparably broad mind, as well as his infinite relief and warmth, Zhen Zhen did not hesitate for a moment and finally threw herself into his arms.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Originally, under Hong Kong law, divorce between husband and wife had to take effect after two years of separation.

But Liu Jiachang, who "embraced the beauty of the return", was proud of the spring breeze, and only one year after Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian signed, he could not wait to announce the fact that the two were in love.

In 1978, Zhen Zhen and Liu Jiachang successfully registered their marriage and went to settle in the United States, Zhen Zhen was naturally full of joy, after all, she did not experience the feeling of "housewife" in Xie Xian, this time, she could finally achieve it in Liu Jiachang.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

But after getting married, Zhen Zhen found that Liu Jiachang, who was "strong in the outside world", did not have the slightest ability to take care of himself, except for writing songs, he was like a saint who did not eat fireworks in the world.

At the same time, Zhen Zhen herself also realized that while taking care of housework and finances, she also had to take care of Liu Jiachang on the other hand, and she couldn't bear it at all, who ran like a top and spun around.

Just at this time, Zhen Zhen gave birth to a son Liu Ziqian, and the short-lived joy of Ben diluted Zhen Zhen's resentment towards marriage, but unfortunately, as Liu Jiachang became addicted to gambling and had a trajectory, Zhen Zhen finally made a decision to divorce.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Acted in "drama" with Liu Jiachang for more than 30 years

Perhaps neither of them wanted Xie Xian to see their defeat like this, so after the divorce, the two decided to hide it from the outside world after consultation.

In this way, for a long time after that, the two have been "husband singing with women", showing great love, especially in 2010, when Zhen Zhen suffered from stomach cancer and operated, Liu Jiachang faced the public with heartache and said that if she died, how would she live; and said: "No Zhen Zhen without me!" ”

The outside world thought that the two were extremely affectionate, and Zhen Zhen naturally acted with Liu Jiachang for more than thirty years, until 2015, Zhen Zhen admitted for the first time that she and Liu Jiachang had already divorced under the coincidence of karma.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"
Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

There was no objection to the truth of the matter itself, but Liu Jiachang was quite dissatisfied with Zhen Zhen.

After that, he not only continued to post articles on social platforms scolding Zhen Zhen for lying, but also calling his son a beast, and finally forced Zhen Zhen to write a thousand-word long article before exposing the fact that Liu Jiachang was addicted to gambling.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Even his son Liu Ziqian had many unpleasant troubles with his father Liu Jiachang because of this incident, and the father and son finally broke up directly, and Liu Ziqian even took the initiative to change his mother's surname, from Liu Ziqian to the current "Zhang Liheng".

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

As for Zhen Zhen, after the various suffocating actions of her ex-husband Liu Jiachang, she finally saw the other party completely.

In 2020, when Zhen Zhen was asked about this matter when she participated in the show, she also denied that she had any regrets, and even revealed that the two would never see each other again after that.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Zhen Zhen also stressed that she may be friends with Xie Xian, but he (Liu Jiachang) is absolutely impossible.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

When it comes to the marriage with Xie Xian, Zhen Zhen also responded in a "confession" way for the first time after a gap of 44 years: "(Divorce with Xie Xian) should be regarded as a regret."

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"


In July 2019, Zhen Zhen held the "Zhen Ai Kaohsiung Stars Gathering" in Taiwan for 50 years, when all the stars came to the scene to congratulate him, including Qin Xianglin, Qin Pei, Jiang David and his wife, director Li Xing, Xu Feng, Jin Xing, etc.

And one of the most special, is the special trip to come to the scene of Xie Xian, it is reported that at the banquet site, Xie Xian took good care of Zhen Zhen, when many people came to take photos and asked to sign autobiography, Xie Xian was afraid that Zhen Zhen was hungry, so he constantly asked the guests to let Zhen Zhen eat first, and stayed by her side all night, inseparable.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Subsequently, taking advantage of the opportunity for Hu Jin to sing the theme song of "Cloudy and Occasional Showers in sunny times", Zhen Zhen also danced directly on the scene at the invitation of Xie Xian, and the two were also like old husbands and wives for many years, intimate to people envy.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

In addition, it is worth mentioning that when the reporter asked Zhen Zhen's son Zhang Liheng whether he approved of his mother's reunion with Xie Xian, Zhang Liheng said: "I have no opinion, it depends on the two of you, Xie Uncle (uncle) is a very Gentilemen (gentleman) person, with feelings and righteousness." As long as my mother is happy, I am happy when she is happy. ”

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Although the outside world continued to roar, but Zhen Zhen did not clearly respond, but did not expect that in the subsequent film festival of Zhen Zhen's new book, Xie Xian once again appeared on his platform, facing the microphone of many reporters on the spot, Xie Xian even did not shy away from saying "I still love you to this day."

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"
Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Later, when talking about the past of the two, Xie Xian also revealed that after the divorce that year, he often ran to the mountain alone in the middle of the night to cry...

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"
Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Later, Zhen Zhen was overworked by the film festival, new book launch and other work, and was admitted to the hospital, Xie Xian also rushed to the hospital to accompany him at the first time, and also sent a large bouquet of roses.

Zhen Zhen and Lin Qingxia are in the same frame, regretting dumping their first love Xie Xian, and the second marriage "played for more than 30 years"

Of course, although people in the outside world have been looking forward to Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian, the old lovers, to continue the frontier.

But the subsequent two returned to a normal state of life, which also shows that they will only be friends with each other.

But in the same way, after seeing the way Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian are getting along now, it also makes people understand why Zhen Zhen regrets divorcing Xie Xian.

Compared with Liu Jiachang, Xie Xian may be more "wave" in the choice of feelings, but in terms of love alone, Xie Xian has surpassed the former too much.

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