
Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

author:Cheerful editor T

Recently, a horrific tragedy in Kenya has attracted global attention.

According to the Daily Mail, 24-year-old mother Olivia Naserian is suspected of being insane and stabbed her 2-year-old daughter to death on April 23, local time, and decomposed the body and ate part of the liver.

Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

A black Kenyan man witnessed the whole process, because the doors and windows were locked, the man yelled at the mother outside the window, yelling at her to stop the atrocities, but to no avail, let the tragedy happen in front of the eyes.

Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

At the time, Olivia was reportedly naked and singing while committing murder. Neighbors tried to rescue after seeing it from the window, but to no avail. The aunt said that Olivia has behaved strangely lately, often yelling for no reason and saying things that others do not understand. In addition, before the tragedy, Olivia smashed cutlery, windows and television.

Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

The tragedy is heartbreaking and shocking. Especially as a mother, Olivia would treat her children with such cruelty, which is far beyond people's imagination.

Authorities have opened an investigation into the incident and Olivia will appear in court on May 8 for trial. Such incidents are likely to be related to mental problems, so they also remind us to pay attention to those around us and seek help in time to avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

The incident has also raised concerns about mental health issues. Mental health is an important part of our physical health, and for mental problems, we should take proactive measures to prevent and treat them. In our daily lives, we need to always pay attention to the emotional changes of ourselves and those around us, especially for those who have experienced trauma or stress.

In addition, the government and the community should also strengthen the attention to mental health issues, improve the public's awareness and awareness of mental health, establish a more complete mental health service system, and provide people with timely and effective help.

Tragic! Kenya's 24-year-old mother stabbed her biological daughter to death, decomposed her body and ate part of her liver

This tragedy has made us deeply reflect on the responsibility of individuals and societies. We should pay as much attention to the people around us as possible, pay attention to their emotional changes, and do our best to help and support them to avoid similar tragedies from happening again. At the same time, it also calls on the government and all sectors of society to strengthen attention to mental health issues and provide more comprehensive and professional mental health services for the public.

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