
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

author:Coldplay CHAO

Now in the second half of 2023, with the 2024 LEGO modular Street View building set debuting in the new product list, only 3-4 months before the 2024 Street View announcement, it can't help but make us think, what kind of building will LEGO Street View be next year?

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Since its inception in 2007, LEGO Street View sets now feature 18 different Street Views, consisting of two buildings, corner and face, from a single building measuring 32×32, to two buildings measuring 16×32, to the 10th anniversary 48×32 specifications, covering a variety of store themes.

With 10312 Jazz Club mediocre response, it's time to add something a little more fresh to the collection, right? Let's take a look back at the previous Street View set.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

·2007 Corner 10218 Corner Cafe (Cafe, vacant)

·2007 Facing 10190 European market (market, vacant)

·2008 Face 10185 Green Grocery Store (Grocery Store, Reception Office, Residence)

·2009 Face 10197 Fire Station (Fire Station, Lounge)

·2010 Corner 10211 Department Store (Department Store)

·2011 Face 10218 Pet Shop (Blue House Pet Shop and Residence, Red House Residence)

·2012 Facing 10224 City Hall (Municipal Affairs Department Hall, Office Space)

·2013 Corner 10232 Grand Theatre (Theatre, Cinema)

·2014 Facing 10243 Paris Restaurant (Western Restaurant, House, Studio)

·2015 Face to face 10246 Detective Office (Detective Office, Billiard Hall, Barbershop, House)

·2016 Corner 10251 Brick Bank (Bank, Bank Office, Laundry)

·2017 Facing the 10255 City Center Assembly Square

(Cafe, flower shop, bakery, musical instrument shop, photo studio, dentist's office, house, rooftop barbecue)

·2018 Face 10260 Nostalgia Restaurant (Retro American Restaurant, Boxing Gym, Recording Studio)

·2019 Corner 10264 Corner Maintenance Station (Car repair shop, pet clinic, residence)

·2020 Facing 10270 Bookstore (Red House Bookstore and Residence, Blue House Residence)

·2021 Facing 10278 Police Station (Bakery, Police Station, Newsstand)

·2022 Corner 10297 Boutique Hotel (Hotel, Art Store)

·2023 Face to face 10312 Jazz Club (club, pizzeria, tailor shop, office, greenhouse)

2024 facing 103xx ? (? )

At the time of writing, there are 12 streetscape buildings facing directly and 6 corner-view buildings. Two of the 12 streetscape buildings facing directly are 16×32 (10218 Pet Store, 10270 Bookstore).

This does not include other themed sets such as 80107 Chinese New Year, 76178 Horn Daily, 76218 Holy of Holies and 76417 Gringotts ™ Wizard Bank.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

The editor said before, don't envy the street view works made by MOC Dana. Works like BrickAtive are indeed beautiful, but most of them are repetitive and complicated to pile up exterior details, and it is easy to aesthetic fatigue to look dazzled.

The official Street View design is a simplification of structural and thoughtful innovations, rather than a pile of repetitive tricks, and there will also be new breakthrough tricks, including some NPU usage for Lego parts.

We can trust the LEGO Group's brick designers to be the best. Next year's street designer will most likely not be Jamie Berard, who retired behind the scenes as a high-level executive. Most likely, it's not Anderson Ward Grubb, who has already designed two street scenes: a rave 10297 corner boutique hotel and a mediocre 10312 jazz club.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Jamie Berard, LIFEatLEGO, 2011

What will the LEGO Group do in 2024 to satisfy fans of all ages?

Our guess

1. New inner corner street view

The new inner corner building meets the expectations of fans and solves the lack of appeal created by the 10312 Jazz Club, providing more options for modular building layouts and combinations, and bringing new challenges to the LEGO design team.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

However, according to the law of three years and one cycle of two straight faces and one corner of the street scene, next year's street view architecture is likely to face the building directly.

But we might as well expand our thinking and subdivide the overall appearance of the building, so that the combination of straight face + inner corner or the combination form of straight face + outer corner is also possible, even two and a half of 16×32 buildings, one is straight face, one is the inner corner or outer corner.

This is a way that many online LEGO communities have explored, and it is also a form that many players have MOC. Similar mixes of official sets include the 10255 City Center Rally Square and the 10264 Corner Car Repair Shop.

2. Double and a half buildings

Previous news mentioned that three Street View suits will be out of print by the end of this year, 10255 City Center Rally Square, 10270 Bookstore and 10278 Police Station.

The official LEGO designer explained why the 2023 Street View building is not two 16×32 buildings: Because the 10270 bookstore is still on the shelves, the 10312 Jazz Club is a complete 32×32 building for unnecessary conflict.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Editor's own work, 2019

At the beginning of 2024, 10255 City Center Rally Square, 10270 Bookstore, and 10278 Police Station will be closed (if the news is true), leaving only the 10297 Corner Boutique Hotel and 10312 Jazz Club on the shelves, as well as the new streetscape in 2024.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Editor's own work, 2019

If the street view in 2024 is two 16×32 buildings, then the physical store can form a combination of corner + face + two 16 buildings.

There is also a factor to consider here, in order to match the 20th "corner" street view (not the 20th anniversary of Street View) in 2025, the LEGO Street View architecture of 2024 will echo the street scene of 2025 to a certain extent, but what it is, I don't know.

3. Coherence of Street View

In our prediction for the 18th Street View Set (10312 Jazz Club) of 2023, published on October 19, 2022, we mentioned facing architecture, music themes, small shop tailors, European or American styles, and finally, all of these points were correct.

As for the streetscape architecture in 2024, I guess that it will still be laid out in a variety of shop combinations, with different shops on the first floor and second floor.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Yellow Works: Upside-Down House

However, there are exceptions, if it is a hospital, large store, furniture store or museum, the probability is not a variety of store layouts, but it is possible to arrange a small other store next to it to increase the diversity of the model, such as the small building next to the 76417 Gringotts ™ wizard bank.

Plus a key issue: Easter eggs and continuity in Street View. In the 10297 Corner Boutique Hotel, whether intentionally or not, the poster on the right side of the first-floor signboard predicts that the streetscape in 2023 will be a musical theme.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

2024 is the 16th anniversary of the Street View series, and this year is not much to commemorate, so it will most likely not be the 48×32 architectural specification.

The rest of the eggs are already associated (10243 Paris Restaurant on top left, 10185 Green Grocery Store and 10182 Corner Cafe in the middle left, 10246 Detective Office at bottom left, 10218 Pet Shop in upper center, 10246 Detective Office or 10312 Jazz Club in the center, 10260 Nostalgia Restaurant in the lower center).

So the teaser Easter eggs for 10297 Corner Boutique Hotel have run out. If we want to guess what the Street View suit will be in 2024 based on the continuity and coherence of the Street View suit, we can only look for clues from the 10312 Jazz Club.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Unfortunately, there are no Easter eggs in the 10312 jazz club.

From the perspective of scene layout and details alone, the right side of the small square in front of the pizzeria is blocked by a barrier full of greenery, so the new building corresponding to 2024 will not be indented in this position, and if the indentation is consistent with this position, then a barrier should not be designed here.

As for the leaves and pine trees on the roof, friends said that the 10270 bookstore ran over. Of course, we can guess that the street scene in 2024 will still have a big tree, perhaps green, corresponding to the summer (when the release date January 1, 2024 is winter).

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

There may also be new architectural styles in 2024, such as the Chinese style of East Asia, the cold style of the highlands in Northern Europe, the Islamic style in the Middle East, etc. are possible - but the possibility is not large, the editor continues to guess that the street scene in 2024 is European and American style, the possibility of nostalgic style is relatively large, the editor still likes the 10260 nostalgic restaurant, Mike Psiaki is very powerful.

4. What shops will there be?

What didn't work last time we guessed, let's guess again. In order of likelihood:

1) Hospital-related (as the city's Three Musketeers, both the police station and the fire station)

2) Clothing related (tailor shops are also available, clothing stores are not excessive)

3) Postal related (fans have been circulating for a long time, and postal services are also a major theme in the Old Town series)

4) Museum (fans have been circulating for a long time, there are many themes, easy to play)

5) Large shopping malls (many themes, 10211 large department stores are too crotch-pulling)

6) Game City (Huh?) Well! )

7) Furniture City (IKEA's pasta is delicious)

8) Botanical Garden (frequently published in the past two years, echoing the roof of 10312 Jazz Club)

9) Art Gallery (Echo 10297 Corner Boutique Hotel 1st Floor)

10) Planetarium (not too much)

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Editor's Fishing Shop MOC, 2019

As for a variety of store combinations, other small shops think that starting from clothing, accessories, beauty, digital, mother and baby, food, culture, sports, services and other categories, excluding some that have been out before, guessing that some decoration stores, mobile phone stores, snack bars are more reliable.

Given that there are no homestays and beds on the roof of 10312 Jazz Club, and there are no toilets, it is more likely that Street View in 2024 will have beds and toilets.

5. Other details

If the next directly facing streetscape building is 32 specifications, it is not ruled out that there will be a larger entrance and a larger aisle, which means that the front can be more expressive, and there are more concave corners that can express the exterior of the building, which is more three-dimensional and more beautiful to display alone.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

Will's moc work, pictured from Flickr

Will or Legotothe's work shows the importance of inward corner modular architecture when a streetscape building is surrounded by other buildings on both sides. However, the inner corner does not mean that there is no room for interesting exterior details and show skills.

Write at the end

Whatever LEGO's modular Street View building collection for 2024 looks like, recent listings suggest that a Street View set and giveaway set will be available in January, although that's a good thing considering that Street View has been coming with giveaway sets for two years.

What do you think the LEGO Street View set will be in 2024?

Finally, I share with Lego Street View lovers a 2×2 small street view that I personally (Zamperini) made a year ago.

What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?
What will be the 19th LEGO Street View set in 2024?

(Cool brother said: It's a great job, I have a set on my desk!) )

*References: Brickfanatics, Filckr, Google