
How to quickly open the Chinese video plan is actually very simple, everyone go to the next degree plus editing to search for the material they want to broadcast, there will be actual hot spots, choose a click to enter, select oral broadcast

author:The Bagua Pavilion of Lantau

How to quickly activate a Chinese video plan?

In fact, it's very simple, everyone goes to the next degree plus clip to search for the material they want to broadcast, there will be an actual hot spot on it, choose to click on oral broadcast or AI to video, click to modify the copy after clicking on AI to video so as not to let the platform check that it is stealing other people's materials, select the material click to generate video, click on the filter, click on the packaging music These are changed, if you feel that the material given by the system is not perfect, you can find the material you want on the Internet, replace it, click to send, He will save himself in the album, save a title, come to the watermelon video, publish and write the title, add, location, activity topic, these can be, but you must remember to associate Douyin with headlines so that there is more traffic, well, the author here I have also been doing it for almost half a year, and I wrote this copywriting here to let more whites know what to do, come on, you can comment in the comment area I want to open a Chinese video, may you live in one day, the video plan will see you next time #Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge##Newbies learn to do Douyin# #Fast Hot Trend# #Batch Short Videos# #上热门话题# #上热门话题🎋 🎶# #We-Media Creation Software# #How to Send Videos for Newcomers# #How to Do a Good Job in Chinese Videos# #Quick Learning Short Videos# #如何做中视频#

How to quickly open the Chinese video plan is actually very simple, everyone go to the next degree plus editing to search for the material they want to broadcast, there will be actual hot spots, choose a click to enter, select oral broadcast
How to quickly open the Chinese video plan is actually very simple, everyone go to the next degree plus editing to search for the material they want to broadcast, there will be actual hot spots, choose a click to enter, select oral broadcast
How to quickly open the Chinese video plan is actually very simple, everyone go to the next degree plus editing to search for the material they want to broadcast, there will be actual hot spots, choose a click to enter, select oral broadcast

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