
The real master of flirting is one that you want to see but can't see. Emperor Wudi of Han's concubine, Lady Li, is undoubtedly the top in this regard. The ancient emperor was rich all over the world, and it can be said that what he wanted, he would

author:User Changhe 9169

The real master of flirting is one that you want to see but can't see. Emperor Wudi of Han's concubine, Lady Li, is undoubtedly the top in this regard.

The emperors of ancient times were rich all over the world, and it can be said that what he wanted, he would have. Under the whole world, it is not the royal land, the shore of the land, it is not the royal courtier.

So is there any distress in the emperor? Just like us ordinary people, are there any people or things that you want to get but can't get? The answer is yes.

Emperor Liu Che of Hanwu had something that made him very distressed, he wanted to see one of his concubines, but he could never see him. What's going on here?

This concubine is Mrs. Li, Madame is her title, and she is the sister of Li Yannian, a very famous musician in the Han Dynasty.

As a musician of the court, Li Yannian naturally stayed at the left and right of Emperor Wudi of Han all day, and because he was proficient in musical rhythm, he was deeply liked by Emperor Wudi of Han.

Li Yannian discovered that Emperor Wudi of Han was very fond of beautiful women. In fact, this is not a special hobby, there is no one who does not like beautiful women, let alone the emperor! So he wanted to introduce his sister to Emperor Wudi of Han, after all, he knew that his sister was beautiful like a fairy.

Li Yannian thought that a beautiful woman like his sister would definitely be very fond of Emperor Wudi of Han after seeing it. But he didn't want to mention this matter rashly, after all, as an emperor, Emperor Hanwu has never seen any kind of beauty, and if you want to do this, you must find something to do and make a little fun.

Once Li Yannian was in front of Emperor Wudi of Han, playing the piano and singing, and the lyrics were written by him himself: There are beautiful people in the north, peerless and independent, caring for the city of people, and then for the country. Ning does not know the city and the country, and it is difficult to get a beautiful person.

Emperor Wudi of Han was puzzled when he heard this, but then he became worried, thinking that where can he find this kind of beautiful person who has fallen in love with the country?

Just when he was frowning, a person next to him stood up and said, Emperor, Li Yannian's song was inspired by his sister, and his sister is more beautiful than the beauty in the lyrics.

The person who said this naturally colluded with Li Yannian in advance and specially entrusted Li Yannian, and it is estimated that Li Yannian had to invite this person to eat in the restaurant.

As soon as Emperor Wudi of Han heard this, he immediately came to the spirit and ordered Li Yannian to quickly bring your sister and let Xu take a good look.

When Li Yannian heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, it was originally a difficult thing to do, so it came to fruition.

Li Yannian did not dare to snub, and quickly brought his sister into the palace. Emperor Wudi of Han looked, good fellow, really beautiful! Not only is her skin as white as snow and her body graceful, but like her brother, she is proficient in music and can sing and dance well.

Emperor Wudi of Han fell in love with Li Yannian's sister at that time and made her Lady Li. Since then, Mrs. Li has begun a career of favorites. Emperor Wudi of Han was very fond of her in every way, and relied on her for everything. For example, the fruits sent from the south and the mutton sent from the western regions were all eaten first by Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li is an ice and snow intelligent person, and naturally understands in her heart that the reason why Emperor Hanwu loves herself so much is all because of her beauty, and when one day she is no longer beautiful, Emperor Hanwu will naturally abandon herself and find another new love. So, be sure to be vigilant about this at all times.

A few years later, Mrs. Li had an illness, and she was so sick that she could not wear makeup, and her face looked very haggard.

Emperor Wudi of Han was naturally very worried about Mrs. Li's condition, and he had to take time to come to visit every day. But Mrs. Li just wouldn't let him in the door, afraid that Emperor Wudi of Han would no longer love her when he saw him like this, after all, she understood men very well.

However, how could Emperor Hanwu bear not to see her, once Emperor Hanwu rushed directly into the house, and had to see Mrs. Li. Seeing this, Mrs. Li immediately grabbed the quilt and covered her face, preventing Emperor Wudi of Han from seeing it.

Emperor Han Wudi was a little angry, and reached out to go up and lift the quilt, but Mrs. Li hurriedly turned around, turned her face to the wall with her back to Emperor Han Wudi, and shrunk into the bed. Anyway, Emperor Wudi of Han could not see Mrs. Li's face anyway. Although Emperor Wudi of Han was very angry, he still reluctantly went back.

Mrs. Li died not long after. Emperor Wudi of Han never saw Lady Li. People are like this, the more things they can't see, the more they want to see, so Emperor Wudi of Han is unwilling and uneasy, thinking about Mrs. Li every day, can't eat and sleep, it can be said that it is difficult to sleep. After all, in his memory, all of Mrs. Li's beautiful appearance was like a flower, and he could not let go.

In fact, this is Mrs. Li's purpose, resolutely not letting Emperor Hanwu see his ugly appearance, so that he keeps thinking about his beautiful appearance, which whets Emperor Hanwudi's appetite.

Emperor Wudi of Han later thought to what extent Mrs. Li thought, even if he could see Mrs. Li in his dream, he was satisfied, but he never dreamed. Later, Dongfang Shuo thought of a way to get a dream grass for Emperor Wudi of Han to eat, and finally dreamed of Mrs. Li. In this way, Emperor Wudi of Han can be regarded as addicted. Who would have thought that the dignified Emperor Hanwu could be infatuated to such an extent that he had to admit that Mrs. Li was a real flirting master! (Image source network, if invaded and deleted)

The real master of flirting is one that you want to see but can't see. Emperor Wudi of Han's concubine, Lady Li, is undoubtedly the top in this regard. The ancient emperor was rich all over the world, and it can be said that what he wanted, he would
The real master of flirting is one that you want to see but can't see. Emperor Wudi of Han's concubine, Lady Li, is undoubtedly the top in this regard. The ancient emperor was rich all over the world, and it can be said that what he wanted, he would
The real master of flirting is one that you want to see but can't see. Emperor Wudi of Han's concubine, Lady Li, is undoubtedly the top in this regard. The ancient emperor was rich all over the world, and it can be said that what he wanted, he would

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