
Breaking news: The tragedy of Taiwan's exercise, the mysterious mobilization of the four US aircraft carriers!

author:Just want to make money

A thrilling incident occurred in Taiwan, a yacht watching whales was accidentally fired by the Taiwan military, fortunately the shell was an empty shell without explosives, and no casualties were caused. This is not the first time that the Taiwan military has accidentally bombed and misfired, in August, an F-16V fighter accidentally bombed a coastal patrol boat during live-fire training, and in 2016, a major accidental bombing incident occurred, resulting in the death of the captain of the fishing boat and the injury of the rest of the personnel. This reflects the low tactical literacy and weak will to fight of the Taiwan military, and is a very important reference for formulating future operations against Taiwan.

Breaking news: The tragedy of Taiwan's exercise, the mysterious mobilization of the four US aircraft carriers!

Therefore, at present, the overall threat of the Taiwan Army is not too great, and the focus is on external military intervention from the United States and Japan. We must not underestimate the military adventurism of the United States, and do not think that the problems of Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East will make the United States abandon its provocations in the Asia-Pacific region. Especially after the US Department of Defense "accidentally" declassified as many as 200 interceptions and expulsions by the PLA in the East China Sea and the South China Sea within two years, US Indo-Pacific Commander Aquilino said after being intercepted by the PLA that I will continue to carry out the mission and will not be threatened. Therefore, we need to adopt a tactic of countervailing and surrendering to minimize the direct military cost of unification.

Breaking news: The tragedy of Taiwan's exercise, the mysterious mobilization of the four US aircraft carriers!

We should draw the attention of countries around the world to these intercepted operations and decide how they will act in the future. That means my troops are ready to act. The U.S. military sent a signal that it may respond more aggressively in the face of PLA interceptions in the future. This is a clear threat. Aquilino's speech is not just empty words, the United States is sending two aircraft carriers, the Ford-class aircraft carrier and the USS Eisenhower, to the Middle East, and the pace of aircraft carrier deployment has not stopped. The USS Reagan has left the port of Busan in South Korea, entered the East China Sea, crossed the Bass Strait, and has now entered the South China Sea.

Breaking news: The tragedy of Taiwan's exercise, the mysterious mobilization of the four US aircraft carriers!

According to the US Navy, another "Carl Vinson" aircraft carrier has also been confirmed to have left California on the 12th and is heading to the Indo-Pacific region for missions. This means that the United States may deploy two aircraft carriers in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region at the same time. The global deployment of such high-density aircraft carriers is unprecedented! In the current situation in the Middle East, although Israel has not yet entered Gaza to launch a ground war, it is only a matter of time. The situation in the Middle East has affected the whole body, and the United States has moved half of its aircraft carriers away from the mainland for deployment, not just for deterrence. The United States is ready for full-scale combat in the Middle East and even in the Asia-Pacific region. Anticipate the enemy's movements and do not actively limit yourself.

Breaking news: The tragedy of Taiwan's exercise, the mysterious mobilization of the four US aircraft carriers!

Therefore, the current world situation is changing rapidly, and it has entered a vortex state of great changes in a century, and the feeling of pushing back is accelerating. The whole situation is no longer limited to the gentle waves in the Taiwan Strait, but the global turmoil.

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