
Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

author:Seven Things

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Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

"National Uncle" Wu Xiubo has always been amorous and can be described as a veteran of the love scene. Despite having a wife and children, he maintained an underground relationship with an actress for seven years at the age of 43.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

Regarding Wu Xiubo's love history, there are countless scandals exposed, including a passionate past with his ex-girlfriend, and even an unbearable past involving his wife who is pregnant with a colleague. These events make us ask, what kind of person is Wu Xiubo?

Wu Xiubo is not only an actor, he is also revered as an "intellectual writer" for his literary works. In 2009, he published his collection of essays, Life as I Understand It, which features his articles published in Southern Weekend and other media.

Through these words, we can see his unique insights and deep perceptions of life, art and culture, and let people see his intellectual and cultivated side.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

Wu Xiubo's popularity was not very high at the beginning, but as his role as a middle-aged uncle in a popular TV series became a hit, audiences were attracted by his humorous and slightly shy personality.

With his talent and hard work, Wu Xiubo successfully opened his own road to stardom. However, what he did in his love life is puzzling. Wu Xiubo's father was a busy diplomat, so his childhood was mainly spent under the care of his grandparents.

His grandparents doted on him and did not give him strict discipline. This has led Wu Xiubo to develop a free-spirited personality, and he likes to live as he pleases. At the age of 16, Wu Xiubo made the decision to withdraw from school because he could not bear the constraints of his parents and the rules of the school.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

In 1984, Wu Xiubo was fortunate to be sent by the Cultural Troupe to the Central Academy of Drama for further study. In the academy, he met many beautiful female classmates, and because of his tall figure and handsome appearance, he was very popular with girls.

This also laid the foundation for his future acting career. Until 2017, Wu Xiubo played the role of Sima Yi in the TV series, successfully capturing the hearts of the audience. His elegant and amorous temperament, coupled with excellent acting skills, made his interpretation of the role of Sima Yi reach a very high level.

Therefore, he won the love and recognition of the audience as soon as he appeared. However, these glamorous images are just masks carefully created and maintained by Wu Xiubo, hiding his true and ugly side.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

When his romance and scandal with Chen Yulin were revealed, people realized that he was nothing more than a dirty and despicable "scumbag", a "scumbag" who deceived and hurt women, a "scumbag" who betrayed and failed his family.

Chen Yulin was originally a famous actress, and once in the process of filming, she met the male protagonist Wu Xiubo. At that time, Wu Xiubo was already a family man, but he still launched a passionate pursuit of the young and beautiful Chen Yulin.

Initially, Chen Yulin maintained resistance to Wu Xiubo's pursuit, but as time passed, she was gradually moved by Wu Xiubo's sweet words and began a secret romance with him. The relationship lasted seven years.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

During this period, Chen Yulin devoted herself wholeheartedly to her feelings for Wu Xiubo, and she was willing to give up her still nascent acting career and decided to stay by Wu Xiubo's side and become his secret lover.

In this relationship, Chen Yulin took good care of Wu Xiubo, met all his needs, and took care of him in every way in life. But she didn't know that she was just one of Wu Xiubo's many love partners. In fact, Wu Xiubo also maintains unclear relationships with a number of actresses.

Sometimes, these women even approached Chen Yulin and blamed her for taking away her boyfriend. Faced with this situation, Wu Xiubo still used his usual tricks, using lies and sweet words to deceive Chen Yulin's trust, so that she continued to endure this kind of life.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

Despite all this, Chen Yulin still hopes to drive away Wu Xiubo's wife and officially come together with him. But Wu Xiubo does not want Chen Yulin to do this, because his acting career has just started, and he is not willing to ruin his future because of the entanglement of his private life.

In this incident, Chen Yulin decided not to endure it anymore, and she threatened Wu Xiubo that if she was not given 40 million as compensation, she would expose their underground romance. As a result, a fierce quarrel ensued. In order to get rid of Chen Yulin, Wu Xiubo set a trap for her to return to China to meet, and framed her for extortion.

Soon, Chen Yulin was arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison. What is even more absurd is that after Chen Yulin was released from prison, he was also required to pay Wu Xiubo 100,000 yuan in "mental damages". After this incident was exposed, public opinion was in an uproar, Wu Xiubo's reputation also fell to the bottom, and many brands terminated their contracts with him, causing him to pay huge liquidated damages.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

In addition, according to reports, Wu Xiubo has had many love experiences before marrying his current wife, the most shocking of which is that he even had a relationship with his ex-girlfriend's dormitory girls, occupying the entire dormitory girls one by one.

Wu Xiubo's behavior is not only a huge betrayal and harm to his ex-girlfriend, but also exposes his selfish and shameless side. Despite this, he continued to go his own way, continuing to act recklessly in the world of feelings, always leaving a way back for himself.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

What is even more shocking is that his wife He Zhenya has long known all this, but she still chooses to forgive Wu Xiubo and maintain their family. As the old saying goes, where there is a father, there must be a son, and Wu Xiubo's series of actions undoubtedly had a profound impact on his son, perhaps even surpassing his father in some ways.

According to the revelations on the Internet, Wu Xiubo's eldest son repeatedly abused his ex-girlfriend in the process of dating him. The former yuppie uncle has now withdrawn from the entertainment industry, his career is blank, and he has not managed his body shape, becoming an ordinary middle-aged man. The current Wu Xiubo maintains a very low tone, and even when he is recognized by fans, he will be very surprised.

Wu Xiubo's scumbag history: After sleeping in the entire dormitory of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even let go of his colleague's pregnant daughter-in-law

Wu Xiubo's character is extremely complex and contradictory, and he has both admirable advantages and offensive shortcomings. He is not only a talented actor, but also a selfish and shameless person. Really a "scumbag" undoubtedly.

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