
The environmental complex of a comedy star

The environmental complex of a comedy star


For Chen Peisi, Chinese is no stranger. The sketch "Eating Noodles", the movie "The Tribulation of the Young Master", "The Second Son Opens a Shop", etc., whether in the sketch or on the screen, the comedy images he has created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, few people understand that this seemingly humble star has been quietly engaged in a cause related to the national economy and people's livelihood for many years: environmental protection.

Since childhood, I have loved nature classes

On the stage, Chen Peisi's first feeling is "aura", looking at his ghost ideas, many audiences will think that Chen Peisi's IQ is extraordinary. However, Chen Peisi was a well-known "poor student" when he was a child, Chen Peisi (painting) Zhang Painting.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

Due to historical reasons, Chen Peisi only attended primary school for six years. But in the six years of this simplest learning content, Chen Peisi would "carelessly lose Jingzhou" every year for the final exam, and every time he had to go to the teacher's office to face a bunch of red crosses on the exam papers. For this, his father Chen Qiang did not teach him lessons. "But I can't learn everything. I was better at nature because I loved digging ore in coal piles!" Chen Peisi said.

Initially, I worked as an actor just to eat well

There are many actors in the entertainment industry who inherit their father's business (Chen Peisi's father Chen Qiang is an old actor), but Chen Peisi said that the last thing he wanted to be an actor when he was a child was an actor. "I was in the middle of a turbulent time," he said, "and it was a very glamorous profession for others to see acting, but I saw my father [in the turbulent decade] affected, and I was very reluctant to be an actor." Chen Peisi did not have any particularly lofty ideals at that time, and he had to say an ideal, that is, "to be a farmer, or a worker." Chen Peisi later became an actor entirely for reasons of livelihood. He said: "During the turbulent period," I went to the Inner Mongolia Corps to build the Yellow River embankment. The conditions there were really bitter and there was no enough to eat. However, it was difficult to return to Beijing at that time, because I was not from a good background, I could not do anything in Beijing, and the only thing that could accept me at that time was the cultural troupe. When you go to the literary troupe, you can not only have food stamps, but also transfer your hukou back.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

Before entering Bayi Film Studio, Chen Peisi did not receive any training in acting, let alone on stage. Therefore, his father Chen Qiang locked him up at home and personally taught him to read lines, hang his throat, and walk the steps, and Chen Peisi was successfully admitted to Bayi Film Studio after his father's "short-term training".

"Some friends asked me to eat baby fish, but I immediately refused"

Chen Peisi's environmental complex comes from when he went to the countryside. "At that time, I went to Inner Mongolia to join the queue, and that place was a desert, a desert like the sea, with endless eyes. I lived in such a place for 4 whole years and was afraid of the desert from the heart. Since then, I have had an inexplicable concern for green, and that feeling is like a kind of distress. Whenever I see good trees being cut down, good mountains bald, and good grass deserted, I feel this kind of distress.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

The harsh ecological environment has made the concept of environmental protection rooted in Chen Peisi's heart, and it seems to have become a nerve, which often touches Chen Peisi.

I remember that it was about 1983, when some friends in Guizhou invited me to eat baby fish, and I immediately refused: "Isn't this a national-level protected animal?" How can I eat it at the dinner table?" Since then, no matter where I eat, no one has served such a dish again. I feel that although the power of individuals is limited, they can really influence a group of people. I remember that meal, and my words made the local leaders and others present a little embarrassed. I think this is also a reminder for them to pay more attention to environmental protection and ecological issues in the future. Only when everyone can consciously protect the environment. Only when the cause of protecting the environment can it truly develop. Chen Peisi said.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

In life, Chen Peisi does not wear cashmere sweaters and is firmly opposed to the use of cashmere products. His reason is simple: "Because cashmere comes from goats, goats are very damaging to vegetation." A goat probably needs more than a dozen acres of pasture to raise it, and they not only eat grass, but also grass roots. When it finishes eating the meadow, the ground becomes sandy. It is precisely because we produce cashmere sweaters cheaply in large quantities that the country's land is rapidly desertification, grasslands are rapidly degraded, and the entire ecology is rapidly deteriorating. This is more than worth the loss. In particular, I would like to make a sincere appeal to everyone to reject cashmere sweaters. ”

After 50 years of contracting barren mountains, an animal paradise was built

In 1997, Chen Peisi spent one million yuan to contract 10,000 mu of mountain farm in Yanqing County, Beijing, for a period of 50 years, and invested 100,000 yuan every year to close the mountain and cultivate forests to assist the local environment management. Over the years, Chen Peisi and his wife Wang Yanling not only hired local people to go up the mountain to protect wild trees, but also planted more than 2,000 new trees every year, and the couple often participated in tree planting or forest protection labor. Chen Peisi said that in his free time, he waved a spade and planted trees in the mountains, which felt the same as facing the audience on stage.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

The barren mountain contracted by Chen Peisi has almost become an animal paradise, and Chen Peisi is also obligated to assume the responsibility of those animal "parents". He also introduced various animals into his forests. Whenever he went to a place to eat or perform, he would buy any small animal he saw and release it into the mountains. Friends also know that his hobby has small animals, and they always forget to give them to him. These cute animals add a lot of stories to Chen Peisi's life.

Once, he went to eat at a restaurant and saw a large snake circling the cage of the restaurant. According to the restaurant owner, the snake had been ordered by the people next to it and was about to be killed and eaten. Chen Peisi looked left and right, feeling distressed, so he bought the snake back at a higher price, put it in a warm place at home, and planned to release it the next day. Who knew that the next morning, the snake was found to have laid 10 snake eggs. Ask the zoo's experts to guide you, only to know that this is a rare locust snake in the north. So, Chen Peisi dug a hole in the snake egg and buried it, and put the snake into the mountain. Today, these snakes thrive on his mountain.

The environmental complex of a comedy star

In Chen Peisi's philosophy of life, humans and animals should be in a peaceful coexistence. He said that winters are so cold that birds in the mountains often starve to death without food. He swept an empty flat on the snow and sprinkled it with corn kernels, which are life-saving food for the birds for the winter...

On March 7, 2003, Chen Peisi, as a Beijing greening activist, took the stage to receive the award. On October 25 of the same year, Chen Si was hired by the State Environmental Protection Administration as an environmental protection ambassador, and he organized and participated in environmental protection public welfare activities many times, and gave speeches in some schools, contributing his strength to China's environmental protection cause.

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