
Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

author:History of the Great Nation

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"Taiwan independence" veteran Zheng Lijun, Tsai Ing-wen's most loyal follower, Lai Qingde's current follower, opposed cross-strait reunification, was slapped by celebrities, and was spurned by everyone.

Since ancient times, Taiwan Province of China has been an inseparable part of the mainland.

Even though the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not yet been reunified, the fact that its sovereignty belongs to China brooks no doubt, let alone change.

However, there are always some stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements who openly clamored like clowns.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

One such is Zheng Lijun, a Taiwanese politician who has proudly claimed that Taiwan will never be part of China.

This remark of forgetting his ancestors has attracted controversy from many parties, and Zheng Huizhong, a veteran artist in Taiwan, China, scolded Zheng Lijun and even slapped him angrily in public.

"Taidoku" Thought, Deep Bone Skull

In fact, Zheng Lijun, like Zheng Huizhong, is related to literary and artistic work.

The difference is that Zheng Huizhong won the crown of the singing competition with a song "Mother", and since then she has become a female vigilante singer in the hearts of the people of Taiwan Province of China.

Zheng Lijun first studied and accumulated a certain number of contacts before entering politics, and slowly climbed to the position of Minister of Culture, at that time she always appeared in front of Tsai Ing-wen in public.

Zheng Lijun's enthusiasm for politics is not a whim.

As early as 1996, when she was studying in France, she initiated and established the "Chinese Taiwan Alumni Association in France"

This experience not only greatly honed her organizational and leadership skills, but also enabled her to accumulate many contacts and prestige, which laid a good foundation for her future career in politics.

After returning to Taiwan, China, her excellent academic qualifications and rich practical experience helped her to obtain a lecturer position in the Department of Political Science of Soochow University.

With the high social status of a university lecturer, she became acquainted with a number of well-known politicians and gradually formed her own "network"

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

On May 20, 2004, at the age of 35, Zheng Lijun took office and took office in the "Youth Guidance Committee of the Executive Yuan", which is specialized in handling youth affairs by the Taiwan authorities of China.

Since then, he has become the youngest head of the ministry and cabinet member in Taiwan, China, from an ordinary lecturer, and has a bright future.

Over time, she won the favor of Tsai Ing-wen.

When Tsai Ing-wen ran for the leadership election in Taiwan, China, in 2016, Cheng Lijun served as the spokesperson for her campaign office.

It is worth mentioning that Tsai Ing-wen lost to Ma Ying-jeou in the last election.

Therefore, she is very eager to turn defeat into victory, racking her brains in employing people.

Being able to hand over such an important position to Zheng Lijun shows how much Tsai Ing-wen attaches importance to her.

On January 16 of the same year, Tsai Ing-wen was elected as the new leader of China's Taiwan region.

And Zheng Lijun was appointed as Taiwan's Minister of Culture in April, and she has the power to speak.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

As Tsai Ing-wen's right-hand man and fellow practitioner, she naturally has to saddle up for Tsai Ing-wen's political goals.

The Wall Street Journal in 2016 revealed that Tsai Ing-wen claimed in an interview that China's Taiwan region is a "sovereign and independent country".

Sure enough, as soon as she came to power, she tried her best to promote "de-sinicization" in culture, education, and other aspects, and refused to recognize the "92 Consensus"

Zheng Lijun is not far behind, deleting the content of Chinese language in textbooks, weakening Mandarin under the banner of language equality, and promoting the "transformation" and "de-Jiangization" of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, all of which are measures that she spared no effort to implement during her tenure.

The purpose is to imperceptibly cultivate the "consciousness of China's Taiwan independence" in the hearts of the people of Taiwan, China, and carry out "ideological transformation" in the hearts of the people in Taiwan, China

At the 55th Golden Horse Awards ceremony held in 2018, Chinese Taiwanese director Fu Yu openly made "Taiwan independence" remarks, causing an uproar on both sides of the strait.

Zheng Lijun, a senior official in Taiwan, China, expressed her support for Fu Yu on her personal social platform.

In her mind, Taiwan, China is a "sovereign country" that is free, democratic, pluralistic and enthusiastic.

In addition to vigorously supporting other "Taiwan independence" elements, she herself has also rampantly claimed in public on several occasions that China's Taiwan will never become a part of China.

Such a shameless act of forgetting her ancestors finally made her suffer the bitter fruit.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

was slapped in public for his arrogant remarks

At noon on January 22, 2019, the famous San Want Hotel Taipei was holding a Spring Festival dinner party for entertainers, attended by senior artists from Taiwan, China.

Among them is the female star Zheng Huizhong, who used to perform police duties during the day and perform in major hotels at night, and is quite popular in Taiwan, China.

Zheng Lijun also arrived at the venue as the person in charge of the cultural affairs department, and when she toasted the entertainers one by one according to the practice of previous years, Zheng Huizhong angrily stepped forward and slapped her, and then turned around and left.

This year, Zheng Huizhong was 67 years old.

Although Zheng Lijun's left cheek was beaten and hurt fiercely, she boasted that she was a high-ranking intellectual who couldn't lose her demeanor in front of others, so she still held back the anger in her heart and left after the toast.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

After the incident spread, Zheng Huizhong held a press conference to express his apologies for his impulsive behavior of hitting people in public.

But she repeatedly emphasized that she did not regret it, and Zheng Lijun's promotion of "de-Jianghua" was a denial of history, and she was an unworthy descendant who should be taught a lesson.

In response to Zheng Huizhong's behavior, Yu Muming, former chairman of China's Taiwan New Party, which has always been committed to promoting the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, bluntly supported it: "Why can 'Taiwan independence' be beaten up, but if you are patriotic, you can't beat people? He also called for the maintenance of Zheng Huizhong's loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness.

Many influential figures in Taiwan's political circles have also come forward to speak out in support of Zheng Huizhong's righteous deeds and condemn Zheng Lijun and the "Taiwan independence" forces behind her.

Not only political leaders believe that Zheng Huizhong is right, but even ordinary people in Taiwan, China, have a very consistent attitude towards this matter.

According to the hugely circulated United Daily News in Taiwan, the vast majority of people chose the option "Tsai Ing-wen should review why the people are so angry" in the questionnaire to investigate the incident.

Since Tsai Ing-wen came to power, cross-strait relations have become increasingly tense, and the Chinese people in Taiwan have been dissatisfied with Tsai Ing-wen and her political team for a long time.

What is ridiculous is that after Zheng Lijun responded with a sentence that personal humiliation is small and democracy cannot be harmed, Tsai Ing-wen also made a special call to comfort Zheng Lijun.

Zheng Lijun also dismissed her behavior of "de-Jiangization" as the so-called "re-democratization".

Even though this statement has been severely criticized again, Zheng Lijun is still pulling the banner of democracy and doing "Taiwan independence" activities.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

On January 30, 2019, the mainland also said that the DPP should reflect on why such a thing happened.

On the one hand, it has made a lot of money on the mainland, but on the other hand, it has engaged in "Taiwan independence" separatist behavior, and it is absolutely not allowed.

The reason why I say this is because Zheng Lijun is not only a politician, but also one of the richest women among the real DPP politicians, except for Tsai Ing-wen.

She and her husband Shen Xuerong's net worth in 2015 was already as high as more than NT$500 million, not counting the other 4 pieces of land and 11 buildings.

The two sides of the strait are bound to be reunified, and "Taiwan independence" is a dead end

Zheng Lijun, a veteran of "Taiwan independence," opposed cross-strait reunification and was spurned by everyone at a time when she was being spurned by everyone, but it was revealed that she was making money on the mainland.

In 1996, Shen Xuerong first opened a home magnetic industry co., LTD. in Taiwan, China, and then aimed at the vast mainland market.

According to statistics released in 2010 by the Investment Review Board, the economic department of the Taiwan authorities, Taiwan invested tens of billions of dollars in the mainland that year.

It can be seen that the business environment on the mainland at that time was very friendly to Chinese Taiwan enterprises.

This kind of opportunity to make money will not come again, how could Shen Xuerong miss it, he established Dongguan Fangce Co., Ltd. in Guangdong Province in 2010.

Since then, the company has been selling products manufactured by its parent company in Taiwan, China, using Dongguan as a subsidiary.

In addition, Mouzhe Social Enterprise Company and Yuanji Materials Co., Ltd. are also Shen Xuerong's industries in mainland China.

It was also in this year that Zheng Lijun and Shen Xuerong got married in Taipei City, and the two achieved and profited from each other in business and politics respectively.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

This is the case of the Youth Platform Foundation, of which Zheng Lijun is the chairman, which focuses on cultivating a steady stream of youth power for the DPP, with a clear political purpose, and is not a simple social think tank.

Shen Xuerong's Muzhe Social Enterprise Company is the biggest funder behind the foundation, supporting its operation.

Tsai Ing-wen's campaign team has received hundreds of thousands of yuan in donations from Shen Xuerong, and it can be said that both husband and wife are Tsai Ing-wen's most loyal supporters.

After the fact that Shen Xuerong invested in the mainland and made a lot of money in RMB was exposed, Zheng Lijun was bombarded by many parties.

How absurd is that the husband is making money from the mainland, but the wife is unscrupulously engaging in "Taiwan independence"!

Although Zheng Lijun insisted that Shen Xuerong had withdrawn his investment in the mainland in 2012, he has now increased his investment in Taiwan.

But in fact, in 2016, the general manager of Dongguan Fangce Co., Ltd. was still Shen Xuerong.

What's even more ironic is that until 2021, there were records of Dongguan Fangce Co., Ltd.'s transactions in Suzhou, and the email addresses written on the test reports and specifications of the products sold were all from Taiwan Juci Industry Co., Ltd., China.

In the 2020 property declaration materials, it shows that the total property in the names of Zheng Lijun and Shen Xuerong is as high as more than NT$1 billion.

This makes people wonder whether Zheng Lijun's real purpose of stirring up trouble in Taiwan's political circles is to make Taiwan, China better and better, or her wallet is getting bigger and bigger.

Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

On May 20, 2024, Tsai Ing-wen officially stepped down from office, and most of the rhetoric promised to the people during the election did not materialize.

Zheng Lijun bid farewell to the old leader who has been loyal for many years and appeared in the core work team of Lai Qingde, who regarded herself as a "Taiwan independence worker".

It is a pity that a "Taiwan independence element" like her, no matter how much she vigorously propagates the fallacy of separatism and provokes confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, she will not be able to shake the historical trend of the mainland's inevitable reunification.

China will also impose sanctions on stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements.

This is the case of Xiao Meiqin, who is a matchmaker between Taiwan and the United States, and she has been named and sanctioned twice by the mainland.

She, her family, and affiliated enterprises were banned from entering the mainland and from coming to the mainland to seek profits, and they were held accountable for life in accordance with the law.

All those who undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and try to split the two sides of the strait will pay the price.

If they don't pull back from the precipice, they are doomed to the end of the road, and the money they have worked so hard to loot will eventually come to naught.


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Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities
Zheng Lijun: Saying that Taiwan will never be part of China and being slapped in public by celebrities

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