
Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

author:Frank lark Yga

Zhu Jiadi, a name, shines brightly in the field of semiconductors. His impressive achievements at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) led to the development of atomic-thin transistors, which added to America's leading position in semiconductors.

Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

Zhu Jiadi's background is full of glittering achievements. From an early age, he showed an excellent talent for mathematics with excellent grades and was loved by his teachers and classmates. He is extremely curious, always following the footsteps of science, and never stops moving forward.

Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

During his academic career at MIT, Zhu Jiadi has demonstrated extraordinary scientific research strength. He devoted a lot of time and energy to the research of atomic-thin transistors, overcoming one seemingly insurmountable scientific problem after another. His dissertation has become a classic in the field and has attracted wide attention and praise from the academic community.

Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

Zhu Jiadi's personality traits are also one of the important factors in his success. He is diligent and hardworking, never satisfied with the status quo, and always constantly challenges himself to pursue the highest level of science. He is humble and cautious, humbly asks others for advice, never becomes complacent, and always maintains a heart for learning.

Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

However, Zhu Jiadi's growth path was not all smooth sailing. In the process of research, he repeatedly encountered a wall and faced various difficulties and challenges. But it was these difficulties that made him more resilient, and he learned to move forward in the midst of adversity, and ultimately achieved remarkable results.

Chinese young people are "digging and digging", and Chinese young people are breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States, which is naked irony

In addition to his love for science, Zhu Jiadi also has a variety of hobbies. He loves music, plays the piano, is also an avid mountaineering and hiking, and enjoys feeling the power of life in nature. These hobbies enriched his life and allowed him to find a balance between science and art, reason and emotion.

"Down-to-earth and upward, believe in the future." This is a sentence once said by Chairman Mao, and it is also Zhu Jiadi's unremitting belief on the road of scientific research. He always believes that as long as we are down-to-earth and continue to work hard, China will create one scientific and technological miracle after another in the future.

With the changes in the international environment, China is facing unprecedented challenges in the field of chips and semiconductors. However, as Zhu Jiadi demonstrates, we should face up to the gap and encourage tech companies to work hard, reduce impetuousness, and pursue scientific research strength. It is believed that with the efforts of many scientific researchers like Zhu Jiadi, China will surely make more brilliant achievements in the field of chips and semiconductors.

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