
Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

author:Physical Education Maze
Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Attention fans! Li Yingying, the rising star of the Chinese women's volleyball team, has just appeared on the cover of "People's Daily" with an explosive attitude, which is our national stage! Imagine her arrogance on the field, now enshrined as a symbol of national glory. This is not just an ordinary poster, this is the battle flag for Li Yingying to announce that she is ready to lead the Chinese women's volleyball team to challenge the world!

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

In this poster, our "new leader" wears the red jersey of the national team, with the number 12 on his back, and the roar seems to penetrate time and space and reach our hearts. The purple background and red jersey not only set off her domineering, but also highlight the indomitable spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team. And the flame in her eyes is the desire for an Olympic gold medal.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

This poster is more than just a picture, it represents the hope and vows of the future. Li Yingying's goal is already there - an Olympic medal. This is not a simple dream, this is the collective dream of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and it is the dream of every fan. She hopes to stand on the highest podium, not only for herself, but also for the glory of hundreds of millions of Chinese.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Continuing our story, of course. The bell of the Paris Olympics has sounded not far away, and the entire Chinese women's volleyball team is actively preparing for the game, looking forward to lifting the trophy of victory again in this international carnival. In this context, Li Yingying's appearance is more eye-catching than ever.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Let's take a brief look back for those who are not familiar with her: Li Yingying, a brilliant volleyball player, has written her own legend on the international stage. From her first appearance to now becoming the core of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Li Yingying's growth process is comparable to an inspirational blockbuster. From last year's Women's Volleyball World League to this year, she has become an indispensable member of the team, both offensively and defensively.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

In Li Yingying's body, we see not only the growth of a player, but also the inheritance of the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Every time she jumps up to hit the ball, every time she sweats and defends, she tells the world that she is not fighting alone, she represents the honor of a team and a country.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

And at this turning point, Zhu Ting's return undoubtedly gave Li Yingying and the entire Chinese women's volleyball team new vitality. Zhu Ting, this name is a golden sign in the history of volleyball in China and even in the world. Do you still remember the moment when she jumped high at the Rio Olympics and led the Chinese women's volleyball team to the podium?

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Now, she is back in the national team again, shoulder to shoulder with Li Yingying, heart to heart. The tacit cooperation between them has become a new legend, which is the beginning of a new era for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Can you imagine? When the whistle blew in the Olympic game, the two main players of the year, like warriors on the battlefield, fought together, both offensive and defensive. Zhu Ting's deterrence in front of the net, Li Yingying's firepower support in the back row, this is the beginning of the opponents' nightmare, and it is also the carnival of the Chinese women's volleyball fans. And this kind of cooperation can not only create miracles on the field, but also inspire everyone with dreams, telling them that unity is strength.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Fans, you can expect that when the Paris Olympic torch is lit, the Chinese women's volleyball team will stand in front of the world with a new attitude. Li Yingying and Zhu Ting, the two super players of the women's volleyball team, have only one goal - to win glory for the country and crown their dreams. This is not just a victory for the athletes, it will be a victory for the whole of Chinese sportsmanship.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Now, we can't wait to see what they can do in the Paris Olympics. Regardless of the outcome, they have proven that with hard work and sweat, dreams can be touched. Come on, Li Yingying! Come on, Zhu Ting! Come on, Chinese women's volleyball team! The hearts of all of us are with you.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

This is the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team, a story about dreams, hard work and perseverance. It's not just a game, it's a symbol of a nation's spiritual heritage and glory. No matter how difficult the road ahead may be, we are confident that they will use their strength and courage to open the door to new victories for us. This is not only a grand gift to the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also a tribute to every dreamer.

Here comes the row! The new leader of the women's volleyball team appeared in the People's Daily, clenching his fists and roaring to show his strength

Let's keep watching, waiting, until the final victory is ours. Fans, this summer, let us cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team and witness their wonderful performance in the Paris Olympics. Towards victory, towards glory, onward!

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