
The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

In the NBA, the top players have their own huge fan base, they rely on excellent skills and enough honors to be recognized, some stars have even become high-ranking players in history, but no one is perfect, many top stars are not liked by some fans because of their style of play, or personality and other problems, he has a lot of black fans, it is worth mentioning that the American media recently selected the most hated players in the current league by fans, and divided them, let's take a look at whether it is reasonable?

Fourth gear

In this class, Baieris Harris is on the list, and the reason why he is hated by fans is mainly because of his premium contract, holding a contract of 180 million, doing top blue-collar work, so many Philadelphia fans sneer at him. Leonard also made the list, and why is he still on the list because of his approach when he left the Spurs, and his frequent absences due to injury.

George is also in this gear, the reason why he entered this gear should be similar to Xiaoka, the two were almost one of the strongest duos in the league at that time, but because of frequent injuries, the two failed to lead the team to play a decent record, and George was indeed speechless when he was iron. The three balls are on the list, to be honest, the three balls on the list are surprising, the young man is still good, the style of play is very gorgeous, and he may be on the list because of the ball father.

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

Brother Thick Eyebrows is also in this class, and it is surprising that Anthony Davis is on the list, after all, Thick Eyebrows is very low-key, and at the same time his professionalism is also very good, probably because of injuries and weak battles in the past few years, which caused him to be on the list. Hiro entered this gear more because he often plays key shots, but the efficiency is not good enough, he is only in the fourth year of his career, and it is very good to have a star temperament and a big heart, and the future is worth looking forward to.

Finally, there is the Wizards duo, Kuzma is on the list and people don't understand, probably because the Wizards' record is too bad, Kuzma is the big boss of the team, he must be blamed, and Poole is on the list It is estimated that many fans have thought of it, Poole's playing style is too unreasonable, he likes to play the ball and unreasonable balls, but there is a high probability that he will be exchanged for iron, his offensive efficiency can be said to be very inefficient, and the Wizards won a garbage contract.

Third gear

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

Beverley entered this gear, Beverley is the kind of player that teammates like and enemies hate, he can do anything to win, and there are a lot of dirty moves, Beverley is on the list It is estimated that many fans have long thought of it. Morant has also entered this gear, if the previous gear is some garbage contracts and stars with poor strength, then this gear is either a player with a problematic style of play, or a player with a problematic style, Morant frequently holds a gun, delaying the team.

Grayson Allen, one of the dirtiest players in the league, may not pay attention to him, he has a lot of small actions, and even if he is provoked, this player may suffer. Booker also entered this gear, Booker don't look at his star temperament is very good, he can't afford to lose a little, and his temper is not good, Booker is a player who has a lot of dirty actions, but his ability is indeed very strong.

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

Wei Shao has entered this gear, how many fans like Wei Shao, it is estimated that how many fans hate Wei Shao, the current Wei Shao has no star ability, but he is still a star play, so it has also caused many fans to dislike him. Paul is also in this gear, Paul is a player who has a lot of small actions, and he often does things that fans dislike in order to win, such as angering opponent stars and so on.

The emperor is also in this file, the emperor is too much of a lot of time, and he doesn't have personal ability, but he likes to face the media yin and yang stars and teammates too much, so it has also aroused the disgust of many fans.

Second gear

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

This gear is basically very famous, such as Dream Green, Dream Green can be said to be one of the dirtiest players in the current league, and he not only disgusts players from other teams, but even Warriors fans disgust him because he has done too many things that damage the team. Harden is because of frequent team changes and he is now out of his prime, and Harden is not very popular because his style of play relies on foul points.

Owen is also in this gear, Owen is one of the best technical players in the active league, although he is not capable, but he is too individual, and it has also aroused the disgust of many fans and teams, but he is also a die-hard fan who likes him, and admires his approach very much. Simmons is also in this gear, Simmons has suffered a lot of teams in the past few years, and his talent is very high, but now he is gradually reduced to a parallel commodity.

Dillon is also in this gear, Dillon is strong defensively, but dirty enough, and his big mouth is annoying, he likes all kinds of traffic to rub stars, and thinks that he and stars are the same grade, so many fans are very disgusted with it.

First gear

The American media divided the most hated players in the current service: Zhan Huang was undrafted, Harden and Irving were in the second gear, and one in the first gear

There are many reasons why KD ranks first, such as he often matches with netizens on the Internet, likes to spray opponents, and also likes to open a trumpet, so he has no idol style, in addition, his career has always been in the heroic array, so he has also been questioned a lot.

Speaking of which, what do you want to say about this division? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.