
In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

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In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

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In 1997, the young and beautiful Diana and her new boyfriend unfortunately passed away. Due to Diana's sensitive identity and public opinion turmoil, as well as the reluctance and resentment of the masses, this death more than 20 years ago can still set off a storm today.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

On that day, Diana, who had recently divorced, was on vacation with her boyfriend, but at some point a group of paparazzi reporters got the news, so they frantically peeped and followed the two, which annoyed the two.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

So the two decided to live in another hotel. They "ran away" in their cars, and even then, there were paparazzi in hot pursuit behind them. In a tunnel, the car in which the two men were riding suddenly had an accident. It was on that day that the two died.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

However, the public has always been skeptical about this. Some people say that Diana did not die because of a car accident, but because she was poisoned, some people say that the car accident was not an accident, but a murder, some people say that the British royal family is a bear, and some people say that the arms dealer is the murderer.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Diana's boyfriend's father

One of the most influential was the statement of the boyfriend's father, Mohammed Fayyad. As a relative of the person concerned, he is undoubtedly the one who wants to know the truth the most and misses the dead the most.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

This has to mention the identity of this boyfriend. His name is Dodi Fayyad, and his father is a billionaire who has lived in England for a long time. Although he is not as famous as Diana, he is also a well-known producer in the film industry.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Under the intentional matchmaking of the wealthy father, the two quickly met and fell in love. However, there are different versions of the relationship between the two.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Diana's housekeeper claimed that the two were just friends and not in love. But Dodi's father, that is, Mohammed Fayyad, said that the two were not only a loving couple, but Dodi was also ready to propose to the heroine, and Diana was even pregnant with a child!

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Mohammed continued to angrily denounce that it was because Diana was in love with his son that the British royal family killed them. He appealed to the British royal family many times, and almost grieved about his son's death.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

His reasoning is that although Diana is not loved by the British royal family, the British royal family has a strong desire to control her, because she is the mother of two princes.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

And their family is from Egypt, not purebred whites, even if they have a lot of money, the British royal family looks down on them.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

The British royal family saw that Diana was about to marry an Egyptian, not only conceived a child, but also brought the two princes over to play together, and they couldn't stand it, thinking that Diana had defiled the royal portal.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

In 2008, Mohammed Fayyad angrily accused the British royal family: Prince Philip led the crash and murdered his son and prospective daughter-in-law!

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

To investigate the case, Muhammad hired a large number of detectives. In order to calm public opinion, the government has also set up a special investigation team. As the investigation progressed, more than eight million pounds were spent, and the testimonies of more than 200 eyewitnesses were collected, but the outcome of the case remained the one Mohammed did not want to see:

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Two people died in an ordinary car accident caused by the driver's drunk driving and speeding.

But there are still many people who don't trust the official investigation, and every year on Diana's memorial day, murder theories are hotly discussed.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Next, let's talk about other doubts and speculations in this case.

Bizarre cause of death

Gourmelon, a firefighter who was involved in the scene of the car accident at the time, said in an interview that when he arrived at the scene of the car accident, Diana was still alive and well, and even suffered a slight injury to her right shoulder, without even a trace of blood.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

This injury is certainly not a big deal. But Gourmelon gave her oxygen safely and put her in an ambulance. However, what he didn't expect was that the news of Diana's death came from the hospital.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

If what the firefighter said was true, Diana was not seriously injured at all during the car accident, then she should not have died, only someone deliberately murdered while in the hospital!

Arms dealers are suspicious

In addition to Mohamed Fayyad's accusations against the British royal family, there is speculation that the cause of Diana's death may have been due to something that was not good for the arms dealer recorded in her diary.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

While Mohammed firmly believed that Philip had orchestrated the murder, his hired lawyer, Mike Mansfield, had a different view.

In an interview, the lawyer said that Diana had intended to make public one of her diaries, in which she wrote about the small customs of British arms smugglers.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

The lawyer made it clear:

"I think there are witnesses who can testify that the diary she (Diana) wrote could pose a threat to those activists who are active in the British arms market. ”

What's even more bizarre is that the diary disappeared after the car accident. Even if Diana's death was not man-made, the disappearance of the diary must have been man-made.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Mansfield concludes that perhaps the diary has nothing to do with Diana's death, but it must contain important information that could help solve the case and even explain the cause of her death.

Special Forces Conspiracy Theories

In 2013, the British military discovered new clues about this case, which indicated that the two were most likely murdered by the British Special Air Service Regiment!

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

The clue came from another case and was discovered purely by accident. It turned out that in 2011, a killer of this special air service regiment was accused of possession of arms, and many personal belongings were sent to court as evidence.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

One of the letters caught everyone's attention, not the killer's, but his roommate's. The letter was a letter from the roommate to his family, in which he boasted that their air crew had successfully prevented Diana's murder and did a good job.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Although the names of the people involved appeared in the letter, British officials did not use their real names, but used pseudonyms. And although they got the letter in 2011, it took two years to tell the British police about the new construction.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

Police said they are conducting a rigorous investigation and are not prepared to reveal further details of the case to the public. The British royal family has also said they will not say anything about the matter.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

As for Mohamed Fayyad, the poor old man who lost his son, he was also curious about the new clue and said he was looking forward to seeing how the case went.

However, it turned out that the British police still did not make any substantial progress.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip


Whatever the truth of the day, it is certain that this incident has dealt a great blow to some of the people who are still alive.

The father of the deceased Dodi, as a billionaire, originally aimed to integrate into the British royal family, and even spent huge sums of money many times, just to get the British royal family to accept their family.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

But after learning of his son's death, the father, who once responded to the British royal family's needs, regarded the royal family as his biggest enemy. To this day, he has not given up his obsession with seeking justice for his son.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip

And Diana's two sons are also saddened by their mother's death. Especially Prince Harry, because his mother was chased by paparazzi and had a car accident, he hated the British media and the British royal family very much, and even publicly announced his retirement from the royal family.

Diana lived a very unhappy life, and even after the divorce, she was not able to live a good life for a few days. I wish she could find her own happiness in heaven.

In 2008, Diana's boyfriend's father was exposed in court that her death was ordered by Prince Philip
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