
If the liver is not good, the body will send out these five signals, and Chinese medicine teaches you to soothe the liver, clear the liver, and replenish the liver

author:Zhang Jing, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello, I'm Dr. Zhang. In fact, when our liver function is not good, the body will send these five signals. Today I will share with you how to soothe the liver, clear the liver, and replenish the liver to solve various problems of the liver.

If the liver is not good, the body will send out these five signals, and Chinese medicine teaches you to soothe the liver, clear the liver, and replenish the liver

First of all, the first signal is mood swings, irritability, and sighing. This is usually caused by stagnation of liver qi, because the liver is drained, once the liver qi is not smooth, negative emotions cannot be excreted smoothly, resulting in stagnation of qi, which is easy to stimulate depression and turn into fire. The method of soothing the liver and relieving depression is to refer to the addition and subtraction of Xiaoyao pills for conditioning.

Secondly, dry eyes and blurred vision often occur. This may be caused by the deficiency of liver yin, the liver is open to the eyes, and the eyes cannot be well nourished when the liver yin is deficient, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, and night sweats. The method of nourishing liver yin is to refer to the addition and subtraction of Qiju Dihuang pills for conditioning.

The third signal is swelling and burning in the flank and ribs, accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal distention, anorexia, bitter mouth, nausea, and yellow urine, which may be caused by dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder. For the treatment of hepatobiliary dampness and heat, it can be considered to clear up dampness and heat and soothe the liver, and refer to the use of Yinchenhao decoction for conditioning.

If the liver is not good, the body will send out these five signals, and Chinese medicine teaches you to soothe the liver, clear the liver, and replenish the liver

The fourth signal is insomnia, dizziness, yellowish complexion, fatigue and other problems, which are more common in liver and blood deficiency. The liver is the main reservoir of blood, and blood is a soul dementor, and the lack of liver blood will cause the soul to be restless, and it is necessary to replenish the liver and nourish the blood. The conditioning method can consider using Gui Paeonia Dihuang decoction to add or subtract.

Finally, leg cramps, numbness of limbs, and more vertical nail lines often occur, which may be caused by liver blood deficiency. The liver is the main tendon and vein, and enough liver blood is needed to nourish the tendon and vein. The method of nourishing blood and tendons and dispelling wind and circulation is to refer to the addition and subtraction of blood nourishing and tendon pills for conditioning.

If the liver is not good, the body will send out these five signals, and Chinese medicine teaches you to soothe the liver, clear the liver, and replenish the liver

Since each person's situation is different, the conditioning methods and medication will be different, so in case of discomfort, you should consult a professional TCM physician in time to distinguish the syndrome and avoid blind medication.

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