
Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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The sun was just right that day, the breeze was not dry, Uncle Xie Yang Gao ended his lunch break early, picked up the slightly old-fashioned cane in his hand, and walked to the green belt of the community. His pace is steady, and although he has been retired for many years, the perseverance and spirit of that worker have not dissipated.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

On such a sunny afternoon, he always likes to walk around the community, listen to the birds, look at the greenery, and listen to the chatter of the neighbors, adding some interest to life.

Just as he was about to go around a meadow, he suddenly heard the sound of several old people discussing fiercely. He listened attentively, and it turned out that several old ladies were discussing an ingredient - fungus. There is no shortage of exaggeration and exclamation in their words: "You know what? The fungus is a cleaner of the intestines, eat a little every day, the intestines are refreshing and refreshing! ”

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Xie Yanggao couldn't help but be curious. Although he has been working in construction for many years, he is not particularly familiar with these small things in life, but he always feels that he needs to be cautious in everything and not just listen to the words of his neighbors. So, he decided to consult Dr. Su for his next physical examination.

On the day of the check-up, Dr. Su is an experienced internist who always patiently answers patients' questions. After listening to Xie Yanggao's description, Dr. Su smiled lightly and began his professional explanation.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

"Fungus is indeed a nutritious food," Dr. Su began to explain, "and it contains a lot of dietary fiber, especially the soluble and insoluble fiber, which is very beneficial for gut health." ”

"Dietary fiber can help increase intestinal peristalsis, effectively prevent constipation, and also help the excretion of waste products in the body, reduce the length of time that stool stays in the intestines, thereby reducing the risk of certain diseases, such as colon cancer."

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

He paused, then continued, "However, it may be an exaggeration to call fungus an intestinal 'cleaner'. While it does help with bowel cleansing, it is not a complete replacement for the gut's self-cleansing function. The human digestive system is very complex, and the maintenance of intestinal health requires many aspects, including diet, exercise, etc. ”

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Xie Yanggao listened with great interest, and he found that every time he talked to Dr. Su, he always learned a lot. He realized that it is clearly not enough to rely on one food to maintain gut health, and a more holistic lifestyle is needed.

He asked for some advice on what to eat, and Dr. So took the trouble to answer them one by one to make sure he could understand and implement these healthy lifestyle tips.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

In the fight against bowel cancer, we often hear more traditional advice, such as eating more vegetables and less red meat. However, there are some unique and interesting perspectives that you may not have noticed much before, but which can really help you on the road to bowel cancer prevention.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Tea. That's right, the kind of green or black tea you might be used to drinking every morning. The antioxidants in tea, especially the catechins in green tea, are able to reduce the growth of cancer cells, and regular tea consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

These catechins can not only prevent the growth of cancer cells, but also act directly on the intestines, improve the microecological environment of the intestines, and thus improve intestinal health.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Whole grains. You may know that whole grains are great for heart health, but did you know that they are just as important for cancer protection? Whole grains such as oats and brown rice are rich in fiber, which not only promotes bowel movements in the gut, but also exerts anti-cancer effects by reducing the concentration of harmful chemicals in the gut.

In addition, whole grains contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and zinc, which play a key role in maintaining normal cell function and repairing damage, helping to prevent cancer.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Sesame. Maybe you're just using it as a condiment on the table, but the sesamin and sesamol in sesame seeds have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. These natural compounds are able to reduce inflammation, which is thought to be an important factor in the development of bowel cancer. Regular consumption of sesame seeds can reduce the inflammatory response of the gut at the root and add a protection to gut health.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Don't forget legumes, which are an excellent source of plant-based protein, while also providing a rich fiber and a variety of beneficial complexes. In addition, the low-sugar properties of legumes also help maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels, which indirectly reduces the risk of bowel cancer.

Ginger contains gingerol, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Gingerol can interact directly with intestinal cells to promote the death of unhealthy cells, thereby preventing the formation of cancer cells.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

These anti-cancer ingredients and habits, when combined, not only provide rich nutrition, but more importantly, they provide a multi-faceted protective net in preventing bowel cancer. This is not only a supplement to the traditional view, but also an expansion and deepening of our eating habits, so that we can enjoy delicious food while also adding points to health.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

When it comes to the things that coloral cancer patients need to pay attention to in their diet, many people may first think of avoiding high-fat, high-sugar foods, which is of course true, but there are some other aspects that may not be paid so much attention to, but they are just as important and can even provide a new perspective on the diet of colorectal cancer patients.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

The importance of prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics, simply put, are those food ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, such as garlic, bananas, and onions.

These foods can help increase the activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut, thereby improving the intestinal environment and reducing the growth of harmful bacteria, which is especially important for patients with bowel cancer. The health of the gut directly affects the body's immune system, and a healthy immune system is the first line of defense against cancer.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

The intake of probiotics should not be ignored either. Probiotics, such as the active bacteria in yogurt, can directly replenish the beneficial flora in the gut. These probiotics can help reduce intestinal inflammation, promote the repair of intestinal cells, and fight pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, thus providing additional protection for intestinal cancer patients.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

Anti-inflammatory foods. The intestinal environment of colorectal cancer patients is often accompanied by chronic inflammation, and foods such as tuna, salmon, and other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as condiments containing strong anti-inflammatory ingredients such as ginger and turmeric, can effectively reduce inflammation in the body.

These anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce the inflammatory response in the gut, thereby providing a healthier environment for the gut and helping to prevent the further development of bowel cancer.

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

With these unique dietary recommendations, colorectal cancer patients can not only get the necessary nutritional support, but also take a better position in the fight against the disease by adjusting their eating habits to optimize their gut health. With reasonable dietary adjustments, colorectal cancer patients can better manage their health and improve their quality of life.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on gut health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things



[1] Wu Xiping. The Effect of Integrated Rapid Recovery Surgical Nursing on Postoperative Rehabilitation and Nutritional Status of Colorectal Cancer Patients, Modern Medicine and Health, 2024-05-30

Is fungus an intestinal "cleaner"? Advice: If you don't want bowel cancer to come to your door, you can't go wrong with eating these things

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