
The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

author:Entertainment analysis


The name Zhao Benshan can be said to be thunderous and universal, and when he talks about him, he will think of his sketches in the Spring Festival Gala, presenting a lot of classics, such as "Selling Abduction", "Part-time Worker", "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", etc., every time he appears, it is accompanied by laughter.

After that, he appeared on the TV screen, such as "Country Love", "Liu Laogen" and other film and television dramas that people never get tired of watching.

In his later years, he founded a media company and accepted a lot of apprentices, some of whom followed him to make a lot of money, but they were not satisfactory.

Today, let's take a look at the current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices?

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Song Xiaobao

Song Xiaobao is one of the more well-known among Zhao Benshan's many apprentices, and his sentence "Haiyan, you can have a snack" made everyone remember him successfully.

Later, Song Xiaobao also lived up to the expectations of his master Zhao Benshan, participated in various programs and variety shows, and his humor and excellent expressiveness have become popular so far.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

But after Song Xiaobao became famous, he actually divorced his wife, and married a female fan who was 8 years younger than him in the second year, which made Zhao Benshan extremely dissatisfied, and once suppressed Song Xiaobao, and the resources were also distributed to other brothers.

But Song Xiaobao's fame no longer needs Zhao Benshan's resources to be self-sufficient, even if Zhao Benshan extremely blocked the divorce of the two at that time, Song Xiaobao still insisted.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

After Song Xiaobao's divorce, his ex-wife did not say a bad word about Song Xiaobao in public, Song Xiaobao also insisted on his heart, and has been doing the work of the two-person transfer, and he is also dedicated to his mentor Zhao Benshan and does not forget his heart.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Now Song Xiaobao has a happy family, and a pair of cute dragon and phoenix fetuses, which can be described as a proper winner in life, the only regret is his ex-wife, after all, she accompanied Song Xiaobao all the way when Song Xiaobao had nothing.

Huo Yunlong

Huo Yunlong once played Fang Zheng in "Country Love", originally Song Xiaobao was the ugliest of Zhao Benshan's apprentices, but he didn't expect Song Xiaobao to introduce his former brother-in-law Huo Yunlong to Zhao Benshan, and Huo Yunlong was Zhao Benshan's ugliest apprentice from then on.

Huo Yunlong thus became Zhao Benshan's No. 72 disciple, and then Huo Yunlong also followed Zhao Benshan to act in a lot of film and television works, and he was also popular.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Huo Yunlong has achieved something in his career, his love is also very happy, and he has a lovely son, but he doesn't know if "men become bad when they are rich", it didn't take long for netizens to find that they rarely showed their faces together and interacted with each other on the Internet, and wondered if they were separated.

As Huo Yunlong's wife, she also responded in a live broadcast that being with Huo Long has become a thing of the past, and then Huo Yunlong married his second wife Wei Wei and had a son after marriage, but the two divorced for various reasons after less than two years of marriage.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Now Huo Yunlong is also doing live broadcasts to bring goods, his fame is not the same as before, and he has been divorced twice, if it comes to this, it is really embarrassing.

Little Shenyang

In 2009, because of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Not Bad Money", Xiao Shenyang became popular overnight, and he was also the most well-known among Zhao Benshan's apprentices.

After that, Xiao Shenyang can be said to be a big hit, with continuous commercial performances, not only starring in sketches in various David TVs, but also turning the two. also participated in movies and variety shows, and made a lot of money.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Xiao Shenyang met his wife Shen Chunyang when he was 19 years old, and then got married smoothly and gave birth to a lovely daughter.

He is different from other disciples of Zhao Benshan, he abandoned his wife and children when he was famous, and the two have walked hand in hand for so long, and the family is still happy.

Later, the family actively participated in charity activities, donated funds for earthquake relief, and built libraries for remote areas, giving children in mountainous areas hope to read.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

For so many years, Xiao Shenyang has not forgotten his original intention, and has always followed his own mentor Zhao Benshan, and did not leave "Benshan Media" as rumored, but always remembered Zhao Benshan's kindness.

He often went to visit Zhao Benshan with his fellow brothers and sisters, which also made Zhao Benshan feel very gratified.

I hope that Xiao Shenyang can bring more good works to the audience in the future.

Little Shen Long

Xiao Shenlong's fame is the same as his name, imitating Xiao Shenyang and debuting, whether it is his expression, voice, or tone, he imitates it vividly, which also attracts everyone's attention.

After that, he worshiped under the name of Zhao Benshan and became the 65th disciple.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Xiao Shenlong's imitation style is extremely distinctive, so he won the championship of the National Parody Show Competition, and later Xiao Shenlong turned to talk shows and launched a new form of comedy - fast food talk shows.

But just by virtue of imitation, there is no own characteristics, and the attention slowly declines, and then in order to survive in 2022, Xiao Shenlong turned to the live broadcast industry and started live broadcasting.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

In order to make money in the live broadcast industry, he set up a pitiful image for himself, slept under the bridge cave, and lived in it for several months, netizens thought he was too fake and was putting on a show.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Not only how, in order to get more traffic, he played PK with netizens, and if he lost, he asked his wife to wash his feet, which is really for traffic, and everything is available.

Now Xiao Shenlong is making money from live broadcasts, with millions of fans, and his income is also very objective.


Yadan is well-known for her sketch "Not Bad Money" with Xiao Shenyang in the 2009 Spring Festival Gala, and it was also one of the most popular sketches in the Spring Festival Gala at that time.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

In April of the same year, she married her fellow brother Wang Jinlong and had children, and since then, her popularity has become more and more, and she has also participated in many variety shows and performances with Zhao Benshan.

But unexpectedly, in 2017, the two divorced because of incompatible personalities.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

And Zhao Benshan, the master of the two of them, must be dissatisfied, but everyone has their own ambitions, and this kind of thing can't be forced or forced.

After that, Yadan faded out of the public eye, and the next time it appeared was in 2019, Yadan married his younger brother Xiao Pengfei, which inevitably made Zhao Benshan, as a master, a little embarrassed and angry, who was also his apprentice.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

After that, the resources of Yadan became worse and worse, so she simply went home to teach her husband and children, and also started the live broadcast, fortunately, her popularity is still there, so there are many fans who like her, and it has also brought a good income.

Now that she is pregnant, she no longer appears on live broadcasts, but it is reported that she is now stable and happy with Xiaopeng.

Liu Xiaoguang

Speaking of the name Liu Xiaoguang, everyone may not be familiar with it, but when it comes to the fourth "Liu Neng" in "Country Love", everyone may know, isn't this the "Asian Dance King" Nicholas Zhao Si with facial twitches and bizarre dance steps?

This role made Liu Xiaoguang an instant hit, and he was also loved by the audience.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

But after that, he did not cherish this hard-won fame, in 2009, Liu Xiaoguang followed a friend to get involved in "gambling", and owed 200,000 yuan in arrears, Zhao Benshan knew that he helped him pay off the arrears.

After this incident, I originally thought that Liu Xiaoguang would cherish his next career, but I didn't expect him to float away, and there was a more serious derailment incident.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

In 2017, it was revealed on the Internet that Liu Xiaoguang cheated on female fans, and because of economic disputes, female fans directly exposed Liu Xiaoguang's behavior on the Internet, resulting in serious damage to Liu Xiaoguang's image, and there was such disgusting behavior behind the seemingly honest person.

But I didn't expect that he was still dishonest after that, in 2020, the news reported that he was arrested for drunk driving in Wuxi, and he also falsified his age, Liu Xiaoguang, who was born in 1974, should be 46 years old in 2020, but the notice issued was 49 years old.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

His past so many unbearable deeds suddenly made Liu Xiaoguang completely fall into a trough, and he had no chance to turn over.


Jiaojiao, as Zhao Benshan's apprentice at that time, had very good resources, participated in Liu Laogen's big stage, and also appeared on Liaoning Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala. With "Happy Comedian", Jiaojiao's popularity has also been greatly improved.

In 2020, Zhao Benshan also praised Jiaojiao and let her star in the heroine of the film and television drama "Quirk Hero", but she has no traffic, resulting in the resources given being lost, and slowly, Zhao Benshan no longer praises her.

After that, his career also plummeted, and then he joined the short video platform to start a live broadcast, Zhao Benshan strictly resisted his apprentices from carrying out online live broadcasts, and Jiaojiao was obviously against Zhao Benshan when he did live broadcasts.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

After that, he left the company, started a live broadcast, and exposed the "shady" of Zhao Benshan's company on the Internet, but netizens didn't buy it, and they accused her of being ungrateful.

Jiaojiao, who was subjected to cyberbullying, claimed that she was suffering from depression and was ready to withdraw from the Internet.

But after that, she was still active on the live broadcast platform, and carried out live broadcasts under the banner of "Benshan Media", and then Zhao Benshan's daughter Qiuqiu sued her, and Jiaojiao finally lost the lawsuit.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

Jiaojiao's ex-husband also publicly appeared on the Internet to mention Jiaojiao's intercession, asking everyone not to cyberbully her.

After that, Jiaojiao began to sell goods in live broadcasts on the Internet, selling jade pendants, tea, etc.

Some people also said that they saw her selling vegetables on the street, and there was a mobile phone holder next to her to broadcast live, and I don't know if she was really selling vegetables or putting on a show, which we have no way of knowing.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

The entertainment industry is true or false, we can't verify many things, but from the beginning of the scenery to such an end, what we did is not without reason.

8, Wensong

Wen Song is Zhao Benshan's 44th disciple, and he starred in "The Harvest Season" and officially entered the showbiz.

After that, he followed Zhao Benshan and Song Xiaobao to participate in "Happy Comedian" in the form of an assistant actor, and later starred in many movies and TV series, and also participated in variety shows such as "Ace vs. Ace".

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

When Wen Song got married, Zhao Benshan also lent Wen Song money to buy a house.

In 2017, he won the championship in "Happy Comedian Season 3", but Wen Song did not get more honors after winning the championship, but was questioned how he could win this championship, and seriously questioned the shady nature of the show.

Everyone speculated that this time it was because he was a disciple of Zhao Benshan that he won the championship, Wen Song did not have eye-catching characteristics, nor did he have his own unique route, which caused the audience to be extremely prone to aesthetic fatigue.

The current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices: Some people sell vegetables on the street, and some people are full of money! The gap is clear at a glance

With Zhao Benshan's withdrawal, it made it even more difficult for Wen Song, who had not become popular, and then he focused on his family, doing live broadcasts at home, occasionally filming film and television dramas, and did not have much ambition for the explosion.

On the contrary, this kind of life makes him very satisfied, and this is also his ideal life.


There are many disciples of Zhao Benshan, but everyone's ending is different, the so-called "master leads the door, practice depends on the individual" in addition to a good starting point, more important is their seriousness and sense of responsibility for their careers.

No matter what you do, you must maintain your original intention and do not do anything illegal and undisciplined.

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