
Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

author:Lao Mu said

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Tang Aiguo's life was full of ups and downs, he enlisted in the army at a young age and went to the front twice, worthy of his status as a soldier.

Not only that, but his achievements in art are even more unattainable, his master is Jiang Kun, and he was once known as the "first of the top ten laughing stars", and the sketch "Lazy Man Sugar Gourd" brought countless laughter to the audience.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

At that time, everyone thought that he could inherit the mantle of his master Jiang Kun and have his own place in the cross talk world.

But who would have thought that with the rise of Deyun Club, traditional cross talk has been seriously impacted, and even Tang Aiguo has disappeared!

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

But not only did he not get angry, but he felt relieved from the bottom of his heart, and he did not hesitate to quarrel with Master Jiang Kun many times, but also to maintain the "alternative cross talk" Deyun Club.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

What the hell is going on? Could it be that he has some unknown friendship with Guo Degang that makes him disobey his master, Jiang Kun?

was born a cross talk wizard, entered the barracks, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun

It is not surprising that Tang Aiguo embarked on the road of cross talk, he grew up in the Quyi compound since he was a child, and he was influenced by his uncles and aunts around him, and he was very interested in art.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

While other children were playing outside, he was alone in the audience watching all kinds of performances.

But Tang Aiguo is not a quiet child in essence, once he is given a chance, he will give you a huge surprise.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

As soon as he stands on the stage, his whole temperament will suddenly change, and he will become able to speak, which is completely different from the quiet appearance in the audience.

However, objectively speaking, Tang Aiguo is not a genius, while he is immersed in art, his cultural class grades are not very good, and the truth that you can't have both fish and bear's paws is very applicable in any era.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Just when he was struggling with whether to learn art from his heart, or to be a scholar like everyone else, fate had quietly made a choice for him.

When Tang Aiguo was 13 years old, he happened to encounter a special recruitment from the army, and he knew that his opportunity had come, and he made up his mind to study art in the army, so he successfully entered the army's propaganda team.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

When he was in the military region, he was systematically studied, his nature was greatly released, and he enjoyed the feeling of performing on stage very much.

He sincerely believes that it is his honor to bring laughter to the soldiers, and with this belief, he is even more determined to take the path of art.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Although Tang Aiguo likes art, he is also bloody as a soldier, he has never been afraid of danger, and twice risked his life to rush to the front line to boost the morale of the soldiers.

The first time was on the Guangxi front, the second time was in the Paracel Islands, of course, there were conflicts in both places at that time, and it was not as peaceful as it is now.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

He was deeply touched by the experience of going to the front line twice, and even put down his identity as a literary soldier to fight with the soldiers, but he specialized in the art industry, and someone on the battlefield also needed to provide emotional value, and Tang Aiguo was the most suitable candidate.

As the saying goes, a person only needs to do the best in what he is best at, which is actually the embodiment of realizing his own value.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

During this period, because of Tang Aiguo's amazing performance, he was noticed by the cross talk master Jiang Kun and personally accepted him as an apprentice.

He did not live up to his teacher's kindness, devoted himself to artistic performances, and created the cross talk "Lazy Man Sugar Gourd" which was all the rage!

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

He is like a new star, and many people think that he will inherit Jiang Kun's mantle in the future and become another cross talk master.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

As a result, I didn't expect that with the rise of Deyun Club in 2005, all beautiful illusions were broken, and the status of traditional cross talk was seriously threatened.

Deyun Club "Rises", and traditional cross talk has been impacted

In the eyes of many older generation of cross talk lovers, Deyun Club is "out of authenticity", and even thinks that this kind of performance is grandstanding and difficult to get into the elegant hall.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

But no matter what, the rise of Deyun Club is actually harmless for the audience, people who like traditional cross talk can continue to watch the cross talk performances of the older generation, and people who like innovative cross talk can also choose to watch Deyun Club.

In general, the two belong to the state of well water not violating river water, and the audience is actually happy to see it.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

However, this is only an impact on the audience, for those performers of traditional cross talk, the rise of Deyun Club is a "disaster".

Deyun Club has taken away a large number of cross talk lovers, and the status of traditional cross talk is in jeopardy, and even the status of Jiang Kun and Tang Aiguo, the star master and apprentice, has been threatened.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

The main reason is that Deyun Club knows too well what the audience wants to hear, and they are willing to cater to the audience and make some changes, and they are not so conformist.

The traditional cross talk is more rigid (relatively speaking), and many viewers feel that the traditional cross talk is a bit "old-fashioned" and have thrown themselves into the arms of Deyun Club.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

In order to protect the status of traditional cross talk, some older generation of cross talk performance artists began to criticize Guo Degang, including Jiang.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

It stands to reason that Tang Aiguo, as Jiang Kun's apprentice, and an authentic traditional cross talk heir, will definitely stand on Jiang Kun's side, but he didn't expect him to go against the master!

He did not hesitate to quarrel with Master Jiang Kun to maintain Deyun Club

For the sake of Deyun Club, Tang Aiguo and Jiang Kun quarreled many times, and each time no one could convince anyone, and in the end, they broke up unhappily.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Let those who don't know see it, and think that Tang Aiguo is going to betray his master and switch to Deyun Club!

But in fact, Tang Aiguo also can't say it, he knows in his heart that traditional cross talk has already begun to decline in recent years, and the audience is getting fewer and fewer.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

From the scene of the front seat being full, he doesn't know how long he hasn't seen it, he knows that this is a dangerous signal, if he doesn't change it in time, cross talk will sooner or later become "tears of the times".

Since Guo Degang's cross talk was born at this time, and the attendance rate is so high, why don't you support him?

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Even if he knew that Guo Degang was a competitor of traditional cross talk, Tang Aiguo was willing to give up his position and let the latecomers of Deyun Club prevail.

He believes that the appearance of Deyun Club is "dead wood in spring", if it is completed, cross talk will usher in a "second spring", which can revive a pool of stagnant water.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

But more traditional cross talk actors don't think so, they lash out at Guo Degang, and they have anything unpleasant.

However, it still did not stop the momentum of Deyun Club, Guo Degang even said: "Scold Guo Degang to become popular" in response to those abuses.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

So is Guo Degang's cross talk method reform and innovation, or is it really sacrificing money for profit as the outside world says?

Is it reform and innovation, or is it sacrificing the cost for profit?

Guo Degang's cross talk performance method can't be judged by absolute right or wrong at all, and it is definitely not a black and white product.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Such a "non-mainstream" form did steal the "cake" of traditional cross talk, but at the same time, it also gave cross talk a chance to breathe, making more and more people fall in love with cross talk.

This change is inevitable, and many traditional skills, such as juggling, martial arts, ...... And cross talk did not disappear so quickly, in fact, a large part of the reason is inseparable from Deyun Club.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

And there is no basis for words, practice brings true knowledge, since 2005, Deyun Club has been getting better and better, and even went abroad for a time.

I don't know how many people on the Internet call themselves "Deyun Girl" and "Deyun Boy", which is enough to prove that Deyun Club's performance method is feasible.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

And the most important point is that Deyun Club's cross talk is more acceptable to young people, they are not so prescriptive, and they can add current affairs to the cross talk, which is more in line with reality.

The "youthfulness" of traditional culture is very rare now, after all, almost no one learns storytelling similar to cross talk.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

Both of these belong to the art of language, so why can cross talk become the mainstream? This is indeed a question worth considering.

Everything cannot be static, it must conform to the trend of the times, and if you stick to the rules, it will be a matter of time before you are eliminated by the times.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

In terms of results alone, the apprentice Tang Aiguo's vision is indeed more long-term, which is still very positive.

Now Tang Aiguo is 67 years old, and we rarely see him in front of the screen, almost in a state of retirement.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

The last time he appeared, he was met by netizens in Shandong on February 12.

Tang Aiguo in the photo looks energetic, not at all like a 67-year-old man, and his state is not much different from a middle-aged person in his early 50s.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

In particular, Tang Aiguo's iconic eyebrows are still rich, and they have not even turned white, indicating that his recent life is quite comfortable.


Anyway, the disagreement between Tang Aiguo and Jiang Kun belongs to the dispute between gentlemen, and it would be good to say it.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67

I hope that these two artists will continue to bring more wonderful performances to the audience as their energy allows.

After all, no matter how good Deyun Club's cross talk is, we can't really give up traditional cross talk, and traditional cross talk still needs someone to inherit it.

Tang Aiguo: was once the head of the top ten comedy stars, Jiang Kun's personal apprentice, and now he is still energetic at the age of 67
(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

The information in this article is from:

[1] "Tang Aiguo: Top Ten National Laughing Stars Who Came Out of the Barracks"

[2] "Introduction to Tang Aiguo's Personal Data"

[3] "Jiang Kun: Works are the foundation of literary and artistic workers"

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