
Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

author:Liu Luqiang law
Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

The article "food causes cancer" has been widely circulated in the circle of friends, from branded beverages to condiments, and even common vegetables that we have used for many years.

Earlier, articles like "4 vegetables have been pulled into the WHO carcinogenic list" are not uncommon, so which four vegetables are they and do they really cause cancer?

1. Rumored "carcinogenic" vegetables

First of all, baby cabbage.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

It is rumored that in order to make baby cabbage look good, merchants will soak baby cabbage in formaldehyde, which is classified as a Class I carcinogen by the International Agency for Cancer.

The source of this rumor is that a reporter secretly visited a shop selling baby cabbage in Shandong, and indeed found that baby cabbage was soaked in formaldehyde aqueous solution.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

But this is only the individual behavior of illegal businesses, and all baby cabbage should not be implicated, after all, formaldehyde is not a food additive, and legitimate businesses will not do this kind of "conscience" thing.

Therefore, from a fundamental point of view, it is a rumor that "baby cabbage causes cancer", and consumers basically have no problem as long as they buy baby cabbage without pungent smell from regular channels and wash it fully before eating.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Secondly, zucchini.

Zucchini is rumored to be carcinogenic mainly because it produces acrylamide during high-temperature stir-frying, and acrylamide is indeed classified as a carcinogen.

In addition, acrylamide can also cause some damage to the human nervous system.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

However, based on the existing research results, it is not possible to say that the ingestion of acrylamide will necessarily cause cancer, and the association between the two is not clear.

Moreover, zucchini itself does not contain acrylamide, which is produced during cooking, so as long as you pay attention to the cooking method, such as not slicing too thin, not cooking for too long, etc., it will not cause harm to the human body.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Resha, 蕨菜。

In the mainland, there are more than 100 species of edible ferns, some of which contain protofernin, which is listed as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

It is rumored that feeding mice with bracken will cause stomach cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer, brace cancer and other diseases.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

But again, "talking about toxicity regardless of dosage is playing hooligan", there is currently no sufficient evidence to prove that people who eat bracken in the usual way will inevitably get cancer.

After all, in real life, almost no one will eat bracken as a staple food in large quantities, and in the process of cooking bracken, protofertins are also easily destroyed by high temperatures.

Therefore, as long as you pay attention to cleaning and cooking until it is cooked thoroughly, you can eat it with confidence.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Finally, red phoenix.

Red phoenix cabbage is a mountain vegetable native to the mainland, rich in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin C, crude protein, and bright color, loved by many people, and is more common in vegetable salads and tempura.

However, studies have shown that red phoenix cabbage contains a variety of compounds, and some compounds are toxic and carcinogenic, and a large amount of consumption may induce liver cancer.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

However, the toxic compounds in it will also be destroyed to a large extent after high-temperature cooking, so it can also be eaten in small amounts after stir-frying over high heat, but it is not recommended to eat too much.

In addition, water spinach, Houttuynia cordata, fungus, etc. have also been rumored to be "carcinogenic", but according to scientific research, there is no conclusive basis, so there is no need to worry too much.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Compared with these smeared vegetables, there are some foods that require more attention when eating......

2. Foods to pay attention to

First of all, expired food.

In the eyes of some people, as long as the food is not moldy and spoiled, there is no change in the appearance, and even if the expiration date has passed, it will not affect the consumption.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

But in fact, before the appearance changes, the inside of the food may have already undergone a chemical reaction, and eating it in the stomach is also harmful to the body.

Therefore, in daily life, don't be too frugal, avoid taking advantage of small advantages and suffering big losses, pay attention to the shelf life when buying food, and throw it away if it expires for too long.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Secondly, moldy food.

One of the more common things is that when a food part is found to be moldy, many people cut off the moldy part and eat the remaining parts that don't look moldy.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

This is also not recommended, because since a food is moldy enough to be visible to the naked eye, it often means that it has been infested with mold, and the parts that appear to be intact are not necessarily safe.

To be on the safe side, don't eat it or don't eat it.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

Finally, fried, pickled, and barbecued foods.

Most of these foods are high in oil, salt and sugar, and frequent consumption will cause a lot of stress to the body's organs, and during the cooking process, it is easy to produce compounds that are harmful to the human body.

Four kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer?

These foods are deeply loved by contemporary young people and are a great way for young people to enjoy life, but in order to have more time to enjoy the good, they must be properly controlled and eaten reasonably.


Shangguan News "These 4 Vegetables Were Pulled into the "Carcinogenic List" by the WHO? "Shocked into a cold sweat! These three vegetables"

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