
The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Doctor, I really didn't expect this brown rice to turn into brown rice essence after eating it!" Uncle Wang made a small joke to his family doctor, Dr. Li, in front of the hospital's registration desk.

Uncle Wang, 41 years old, is an ordinary bank clerk. A year ago, he was diagnosed with high blood sugar during a routine physical exam. Dr Lee advised him to change his eating habits, especially to reduce his intake of white pasta, and instead try whole grain foods such as brown rice.

At first, Uncle Wang was both confused and reluctant about this change, after all, since childhood, pasta has almost been the protagonist of his table. However, for the sake of health, Uncle Wang decided to give this suggestion a chance.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

He began to follow Dr. Lee's advice to eat brown rice at every meal, along with moderate amounts of vegetables and moderate meat. At first, this shift in diet made him feel a little uncomfortable, as the texture and taste of brown rice was very different from the white rice he was used to.

A year later, Uncle Wang went for a check-up, and the results were gratifying: his blood sugar levels had improved significantly, and his weight had also decreased. At a follow-up visit, Dr. Lee praised his change: "Your efforts have yielded great results, brown rice is a low-sugar food. ”

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

Uncle Wang asked curiously, "Dr. Li, can I learn more about the benefits of brown rice and other whole grains?" Dr. Li said, "Brown rice has a lot more fiber than white rice, which not only helps control blood sugar, but also prolongs satiety.

Reducing your total calorie intake can also help with weight loss. In addition, brown rice is rich in B vitamins, minerals such as iron, magnesium and selenium, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

Similar to brown rice, other whole grains such as oats, whole wheat bread, etc., have similar health benefits, and they can be used as part of your daily diet to help you maintain a healthy state. ”

Uncle Wang recorded this information and decided to incorporate more whole grain foods into his diet. Towards the end of the consultation, Uncle Wang asked another question about the challenges he might face.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

"Dr. Lee, if I want to further improve my diet, what else should I pay attention to besides whole grains?" Dr. Lee replied, "It is recommended that you pay more attention to the variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, and omega-3-rich fish."

Everyone's physical condition is different, so if possible, we can tailor a more detailed diet plan to your specific needs. Uncle Wang expressed his satisfaction with this, and continuous health management is a long-term process that requires constant adjustment.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

Uncle Wang continues to maintain a healthy diet, his physical indicators continue to improve, and his interest in how to further maintain a healthy lifestyle is growing.

Through practice, he deeply understands that healthy eating is not just a temporary change, but a long-term lifestyle adjustment. A few months later, Uncle Wang had a check-up, and the test results showed that his blood sugar levels were kept in an ideal state.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

His weight and blood pressure are well controlled, and Dr. Li is very satisfied with Uncle Wang's efforts and results. During this visit, Uncle Wang showed a strong interest in continuing to maintain and improve his health.

He asked Dr. Lee, "Dr. Lee, apart from my current diet and moderate exercise, what else can I do to improve my body's resistance and prevent possible health problems in the future?"

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

Dr. Lee thought for a moment and then replied, "Mr. Wang, you've done a great job, but there are some ways you can help you further your health, first make sure you get enough sleep.

Secondly, it is also very important to manage stress, as a long-term state of high pressure can affect multiple systems in the body and increase the risk of chronic disease. You can try meditation or yoga. ”

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

"In addition, regular check-ups can help detect and manage potential health problems early. Dr. Lee explained each suggestion in detail and encouraged Uncle Wang to incorporate these healthy habits into his life.

Uncle Wong is very grateful for Dr. Lee's advice and he promises to continue to follow up on these recommendations and maintain regular communication with Dr. Lee to ensure that his health plan is best supported.

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

Through this journey, Uncle Wang not only changed his own lifestyle, but also sparked the interest of those around him in healthy living. Uncle Wang has become a role model for them, proving that with small changes, everyone can significantly improve their quality of life.

What do you think about brown rice? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 41-year-old uncle was diagnosed with high blood sugar, did not eat pasta and ate brown rice, and what happened to his body after persisting for a year?

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