
Key points and suggestions for applying to prestigious schools in the United States

author:Parents of Study Abroad

1. Shinhon

Key points and suggestions for applying to prestigious schools in the United States

● High GPA & high standardization are essential, and at the same time, the role of personalized activities cannot be denied

Students who apply to prestigious schools in the United States, have high GPA & high standards, and students who win awards are basically well recorded. At the same time, the role of personalized activities cannot be denied, and from the analysis point of view, the depth of the discipline will be more popular, and it is best to connect with the main line of activities. If you have the need to apply for research, please contact Jiashenhui Xiaojia (WeChat ID: ccocsz8899)

● Top American schools are all about admitting people who have succeeded in high school

Ivy League schools and top 10 schools, including Stanford, MIT, Caltech and other schools, are far more than just looking at your academic strength, they look for people who are most likely to succeed, and if you can prove that you have succeeded in high school, the probability of admission is bound to be high.

● Don't deliberately "save the country by curves" and choose niche and unpopular majors

If students are not interested, they are likely to be rejected even if they choose a niche or unpopular major. Overall, it's important to explore native interests. On this basis, if students do their best to make the activities as typical and powerful, the admission results will not be bad.

● Essays must be explored inwardly, and personalization is becoming more and more important

Whether you have suffered a major setback in life, or have some small life insights, or have some personal feelings and experiences on some issues, as long as your views are sincere, personal, not extreme, and in line with the reality of a high school student, such essay materials must be pleasing.

● Strength crushes everything, and Lu Gao enters a new era of application

For the Lu Gao group, there is an increasingly obvious admission trend: students with a GPA of 3.95+, SAT 1550+, TOEFL 115+, and 10+ AP tend to be more likely to enter top universities.

In other words, for Lu High School students, the score is a hard threshold, and with this foundation, we can talk about other activities, such as representative and socially influential activities, and excellent personal qualities, so that the application will be more confident.

● Whether it is a science student or a liberal arts student, the humanistic quality should be highlighted

The top universities have a very high focus on humanities, and they are not looking for people who are likely to make the most money in the future, but people who can think, lead, be responsible, care about others, and think.

Humanism refers to the characteristics of human culture and humanity, including the understanding and application of disciplines such as language, art, morality, history, philosophy, and science.

2. Shinken

Key points and suggestions for applying to prestigious schools in the United States

● University GPA: The recommended GPA is 3.0+, which is equivalent to an average score of more than 80% in each subject. Recommended GPA of 3.8+ for Top 10 and Ivy League schools; Top 10-20 schools recommend a GPA of 3.6+; Top 20-30 schools recommend a GPA of 3.4+.

● Language scores: TOEFL 108+/IELTS 7.5 for Top 10 and Ivy League schools, TOEFL 105+/IELTS 7.0 for Top 10-20 schools, TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0 for Top 20-30 schools.

● Standardized test: It is recommended to score 325+ and GMAT700+ on the GRE.

● Research & Internship: Some majors want to see your scientific research ability, such as you have multiple scientific research experience, applied for patents, published articles, etc., and some majors value your internship experience and work experience more, so you must find out the background of the major you are applying for when preparing for the application. It is necessary to prepare for scientific research or internship in a targeted manner in order to enhance the competitiveness of the application!

● On the whole, the difficulty of the American research is a little lower than that of the United States, compared with several other popular countries, the American research is more prone to counterattack, because the United States attaches great importance to the comprehensive strength of students, if your grades are a little lacking, but the soft power is strong enough, and the matching degree with the school is high, you may also be admitted.

Key points and suggestions for applying to prestigious schools in the United States

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