
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house



No, it's not your own house, but you can live in one place for a long time and have a lot of free time to live in your own house! If you have a house, but you go out a lot, then even if you have your own house and have a desktop, you won't have the opportunity to use it. Ha ha!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


In fact, you can assemble a better desktop and then match a laptop that is enough, which is the most comfortable!!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


A set of high-configuration desktop computers, wooden desks, some plants, clean rooms, sunlight outside the window just spilling in, occasionally hearing the old man selling tofu shouting, while my mother is cooking pork rib soup in the kitchen, and my father is watching a ball game in the living room, this is the happy life I have fantasized about since I was a child.

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


If I can't afford it, I would like to buy a bus for my own use!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


I don't know about others, anyway, there was an independent office with three monitors before, and in the past two years, I only had the condition of using a notebook, so I couldn't stand it, so I spent 200,000 yuan a year to rent an office, and finally used a desktop again!!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


I deeply understand that this kind of thing generally uses computers that were eliminated by various departments a few years ago or even more than ten years ago, and they are stuck to death!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


As soon as you say that, I feel like my old computer from 10 years ago is suddenly more expensive than a server, hahaha!!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


Laptops and desktop computers are better or worse, and who is more advanced is not evaluated. But one of the advantages of a laptop is that it is not afraid of a sudden power outage. If the desktop is doing a very important job, it's best to have a UPS power supply, even though there is almost no power outage right now.

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


Netizen: The chassis sent by my ex-boyfriend...... broke up, and still don't dare to say a bad word about him. Hahaha!!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


I want to ask you, don't you live in cats on your computers?

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


Netizens complained: It's really embarrassing, my friends say I'm a stinky two-thorn ape!!!ha!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


Is it a shame to use a desktop? This picture has become a trashman canon!!!hahaha!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


Let me explain to you that the phrase "you are 5 50" may be ridiculing or sarcastic in this context, meaning that you are very stupid or clumsy, which is equivalent to saying that you are 250, that is, the sum of the five "50", expressing dissatisfaction or displeasure with the other party. Hahaha!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house


"Now the mainstream desktop computer has only 16 grams of memory, and the very high-end one has only 64 grams, while the latest Apple mobile phone has 1 ton of memory"? How can I believe your words? I am so scared that I dare not buy Apple! Haha!

Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house
Is it shameful to use a desktop computer?Netizen: Because its most expensive accessory is not the graphics card, but the house

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