
Together, go to the distance!Star Era ET is finalized, and it will be launched on May 9th!

author:Jingzhou Xingtu 4S store Leslie Cheung

On May 9th, Epoch ET will be launched globally, bringing more value-added surprises to users. As a super intelligent SUV, Epoch ET will open a new era of high-end intelligent new energy SUV with five super strengths, and accelerate the progress of China's independent automobile brands towards high-end and intelligence.

Together, go to the distance!Star Era ET is finalized, and it will be launched on May 9th!

User-centric, to meet the needs of global users

As the first SUV model of Xingtu Epoch Epoca, Epoch ET relies on Chery Group's 27 years of car manufacturing heritage and the trust of 13 million users around the world to emerge in the high-end new energy market with an all-round attitude, and user expectations have soared.

Since the first batch of vehicles rolled off the assembly line in January this year, Epoch ET has been focusing on user expectations and making full efforts in the new energy market. In order to polish a high-quality model that satisfies users, Epoch ET carried out crowd testing of 100 new cars before its launch, and through a 7-day test drive and tasting, and sincerely absorbed the feedback from the crowd test, Xingtu delivered a more comfortable and luxurious Epoch ET to users.

In the pre-sale stage, Yin Tongyue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, also personally launched a live broadcast test of Epoch ET intelligent driving, and the topic of Chairman Yin's intention to add chicken legs to intelligent driving engineers rushed to the hot search that night. Through the comprehensive test of the vehicle's intelligence and endurance strength, we have witnessed the strength of the Star Era with thousands of users, and the sense of expectation has doubled.

With the hot start of pre-sale, Epoch ET has attracted the attention of the majority of users, and Dading has reached 11,539 units within 10 days of pre-sale. At this year's Beijing Auto Show, Epoch ET adhered to Chery Group's concept of "making cars for global users", and "captured" the hearts of global consumers with strength and quality, and was watched by more than 3,000 overseas media and users, laying a solid foundation for boosting the international development of the Xingtu brand.

Together, go to the distance!Star Era ET is finalized, and it will be launched on May 9th!

Five super strengths, leading a new era of independent high-end new energy

Equipped with the original high-end electric platform E0X, the Epoch ET integrates Chery's spire technology and uses the "five super" product forces to create a super and intelligent driving experience.

Super battery life, unrestrained travel. The Epoch ET Extended Range Edition has the industry's highest oil-to-electricity conversion efficiency, with 1L oil-fired power generation of 3.65kWh. Ultra-low energy consumption brings ultra-long battery life, with a comprehensive range of 1518km when fully fueled and fully charged, and a large range of 760km for the Star Era ET pure electric version, and a super fast charge with a charging time of 1 minute and a range of 50km, without fear of range anxiety.

Super safe, fully maintained. Epoch ET is built in accordance with the global five-star safety standard, equipped with more than 20 active safety technologies, and has completed battery safety tests far exceeding the national standard.

Together, go to the distance!Star Era ET is finalized, and it will be launched on May 9th!

Super comfortable and enjoyable to drive. The big one is luxury, the Epoch ET has an effective cabin space of 3.45m?, with an ultra-wide luxury audio headrest and a zero-gravity passenger seat, which will be comfortable and quiet in the car. There is also a peer-level Weiyi "Star Bar", so that every seat in the car can enjoy comfort.

Super driving control, intelligent driving. The PTZ intelligent chassis equipped with the Star Era ET adopts high-end double wishbones that can only be found in million-dollar luxury cars, and also has IAS intelligent air suspension + CDC electromagnetic damping system to achieve the perfect balance between driving control and comfort. In addition, the intelligent four-wheel drive, free steering system and 750mm of the same level of zui wading depth help to control all road conditions at will.

Super smart, smart travel. Epoch ET is equipped with 30 high-performance sensors and an NVIDIA DRIVE ORIN chip with up to 508 TOPS computing power to realize NEP full-scene intelligent driving assistance. On April 25, qirui and NVIDIA signed a cooperation agreement to carry out deeper cooperation in the field of autonomous driving, and will bring users a more comprehensive intelligent car experience in the future.

Together, go to the distance!Star Era ET is finalized, and it will be launched on May 9th!

More surprises, the launch of Star Era ET is worth looking forward to

The five super strengths of Epoch ET will break the existing market pattern, redefine the value benchmark of high-end new energy SUVs, and accumulate the upward potential energy of Chinese auto brands. On May 9th, Epoch ET was launched globally, in addition to the pre-sale of the released configurations, zui's new configuration options, and more surprise rights and interests that users pay attention to will also be revealed. Together, go to a distant place, let's look forward to it together!

(A small program has been added here, please go to the Chedi client to view)


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