
Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

author:Resourceful Fish 7D

Anyway, have you heard? Originally, the South Korean referee Lee Kyung-hwan who was on the field of our CBA finals was suddenly disqualified from law enforcement, which is really surprisingly jaw-dropping! In the next third game, the duel between Liaoning and Guangdong, three native Chinese referees were to be replaced to control the rhythm of the game.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

Let's talk about it first, why do you suddenly want to change the referee? It's the same as the reversal in the TV series, the first two games just used foreign referees, and this change can't help but make people think about it. It is said that some of Li Jinghuan's "divine judgments" in the second game caused a lot of controversy, as soon as various whistles sounded, the audience exploded, and many fans were muttering, is this whistle a bit outrageous? made N free throws, and the number of fouls was not half a star, which was distressing.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

And this time, the three domestic referees who were replaced were not ordinary whistle brothers. They are all veteran drivers in the CBA, with rich experience and a fairly clean law enforcement record, so we will wait and see if they can bring us a fair and exciting game.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

Come, let's talk about the contest between Liaoning and Guangdong, the two old enemies. First of all, I have to talk about Han Dejun of the Liaoning team, this big man is called a mighty man under the basket, and every time he hits the basket, it is like a tank, not giving the other party any respite. Zhou Qi of the Guangdong team is not a vegetarian, this long leg is simply a wall on the defensive end, and it is not so easy to get past his defensive line.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

When it comes to scoring, Guangdong's Hu Mingxuan and Liaoning's Zhao Jiwei, these two defenders have their own merits. Hu Mingxuan's steady ball control and sudden explosiveness, every time he dribbles straight to the basket, it is eye-catching; Zhao Jiwei's speed and accurate passing weaved an invisible net on the field, making the opponent unguardable.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

Now, with the change of referee, everyone is speculating whether the style of this game will change greatly because of the addition of "Soil Whistle"? Will there be more focus on fairness and less controversy? But then again, no matter how good the referee is, the outcome of the game still depends on the performance of these players and the arrangement of the coach.

Big upset! The name revealed that the South Korean referee was disqualified, and Liaoyue G3 changed to 3 earth whistles, and the situation changed

Speaking of which, I can't help but complain, this kind of sudden referee substitution, although it increases the uncertainty of the game, is really confusing. How entangled the players have to be, yesterday they were still playing with a referee routine, and today they have to change their way to deal with the new referee style, isn't this a rush to take the exam?

However, then again, such a change is not a test and an opportunity. After all, isn't the game of basketball about finding the best shape in constant change and adaptation? It's also a test of the team's adaptability and the coach's ability to adjust tactically, isn't it?

From the fans' point of view, this game is undoubtedly a big drama with added material. The performance of the three domestic referees, and how they handled every foul and conflict on the field, will be the focus of the conversation. Do you say that every whistle can detonate the emotions of the audience and make the atmosphere in the stadium more enthusiastic?

For the players, this game is not only a contest of technique and physical strength, but also a duel of psychology and strategy. Whoever can quickly adjust their mentality in this sudden change will be able to take the lead in the game. Especially in this high-pressure environment, the psychological quality of the players and the ability to play on the field will greatly affect the outcome of the game.

As for our coaches, this is when strategy and on-the-spot command are even more crucial. How to quickly adapt to the new referee style and penalty standards while ensuring the stability of the team's performance is indeed a science. But then again, this is also the charm of basketball, the constant challenges and unknowns make the game more suspenseful and interesting.

And for us viewers, whether in front of the TV or in person, this game is worth waiting for. After all, the unpredictability of competition is one of the greatest pleasures that sports competitions bring us. In any case, I hope this game can be fair and just, so that we can enjoy a wonderful basketball feast.

In short, this Liaoyue war, coupled with the sudden change of referees, will definitely cause a lot of turmoil. I hope these "dirt whistles" can use their professionalism and fairness to present us with a high-level game. After all, for us fans, a fair and intense game is what we want to see the most.

Finally, no matter what the outcome of the game is, I hope that all the players can play their best, that the referee's whistle can sound fairly, and that the audience can enjoy this feast of basketball. Let's look forward to the exciting moments of this game and see who can have the last laugh in this big drama!

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