
Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

author:Xiaoshi loves science popular

Recently, a return incident about Xiaomi cars has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that the Xiaomi car had a 39-kilometer fault at the time of delivery, and after further analysis, it could not be repaired for the time being, and could only be processed after waiting for the repair record.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

Faced with this situation, Xiaomi gave a full refund and compensation for various losses, but the owner was not satisfied and insisted on changing the car, saying that he was a true fan. In this regard, Xiaomi also gave the latest solution, scheduling the production of new cars and compensating 150 yuan per day as a travel fee. Is this way of dealing with things reasonable or unreasonable? Let's take a look.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

1. Xiaomi car has a 39-kilometer failure and cannot be repaired temporarily

Recently, the owner of a Xiaomi car reflected his experience through social media. It turned out that on the day of delivery, the Xiaomi car had a fault of 39 kilometers on the dashboard, and after further analysis by the manufacturer, it was found that it could not be repaired, and it could only be processed after waiting for the maintenance record. For such a situation, the owner expressed his helplessness, after all, the car had just been delivered, and there was a problem that it could not be used.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

In the face of the owner's complaint, Xiaomi Auto also responded as soon as possible, saying that it would deal with it as soon as possible and ensure the follow-up maintenance work. However, considering that the fault was not caused by the owner, Xiaomi Auto also said that it would refund the full amount and compensate the owner for the various losses suffered by the owner.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

Second, the owner asked to change the car, saying that he was a true fan

Although Xiaomi Auto gave a full refund and compensation for various losses, the owner did not accept it and insisted on changing the car. According to him, he is a true fan and has a special affection for Xiaomi cars, so he will choose to change the car directly, rather than choosing a refund.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

In the face of the owner's request, Xiaomi Auto also made a positive response, saying that it would further verify the situation and give a more reasonable treatment plan. For the owner's traceless maintenance and warranty requirements, Xiaomi Auto also said that it can be met, as long as it is to better protect the rights and interests of the owner, traceless maintenance can also be accepted.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

Third, Xiaomi Auto gives the latest solution

Faced with the requirements of car owners, Xiaomi Auto finally gave the latest solution. According to the original order plan, Xiaomi Auto will reschedule the production of new cars and deliver them to car owners as soon as possible to meet their needs for car replacement.

However, considering that it takes a certain amount of time to schedule production, car owners cannot use their cars in a short period of time, and Xiaomi Auto also said that it will compensate 150 yuan per day as a travel fee. In this way, whether it is time or money, the owner will be able to get a certain amount of compensation.

Xiaomi car broke down for 39 kilometers, did not agree to return the car, insisted on changing the car, and compensated 150 yuan per day

In response to the return of Xiaomi Auto, Xiaomi Auto can give a full refund and compensate for various losses, which is already a good way to deal with it. The owner's insistence on changing the car is actually a kind of recognition and love for the product, and I hope that Xiaomi Auto can pay more attention to product quality and give more care and support.

I believe that with the joint efforts of both parties, we will be able to find the most suitable solution, and I hope that the owner can change to a new car that he is satisfied with as soon as possible. At the same time, for other consumers, it can also cause a certain amount of reflection, when faced with similar problems, how to choose and deal with them, in order to better protect their legitimate rights and interests.

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