
Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

author:Love storytelling

In the tide of scientific and technological innovation, a solid and dazzling pearl is shining - that is, Loongson. This self-developed CPU processor is driving the rise of domestic computing technology at an astonishing speed, allowing China to truly achieve independence and controllability in this strategic field.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

At the beginning of 2024, Loongson's good news came one after another, which made the entire technology circle excited. In the first quarter of this year alone, the total shipments of Loongson 3A5000 and 3A6000 chips have reached the level of last year. This undoubtedly shows the strong strength and explosiveness of this domestic CPU giant.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

Among them, it is particularly interesting to note that Loongson 3A6000. This flagship product with Loongson's fourth-generation microarchitecture is already comparable to Intel's top-of-the-line processors in terms of performance. Even though the frequency is only 2.5GHz, it is still comparable to the 2020 Intel 10th Gen Core i3-10100 in comprehensive performance tests. This kind of strong strength is enough to meet the needs of most office, entertainment and other scenarios.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

What's even more exciting is that the 3A6000 not only performs well in performance, but also has unique advantages in safety and autonomous controllability. It adopts Loongson's self-developed LoongArch command system, which completely gets rid of the dependence on foreign technology, which undoubtedly greatly improves the safety and reliability of the system.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

Following in the footsteps of 3A6000, Loongson's next-generation 3B6600 and 3B7000 are also about to be launched. These two new products have the main frequency of 3.0GHz and 3.5GHz respectively, and the performance level is bound to reach new heights. Among them, 3B7000 is integrated with LG200 core graphics, which will also greatly improve the graphics processing capabilities. With the blessing of these two new processors, it is believed that Loongson will promote the emergence of domestic CPUs in a wider range of application scenarios.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

Industry insiders said that with the hot sales of 3A6000, Loongson officially opened a new stage of comprehensive attack on domestic CPUs. In the past, Chinese companies have always had serious technical shortcomings in the CPU field, and they must rely on imported chips to meet demand. But now, the rise of Loongson has completely changed this dilemma, allowing China to achieve true autonomy and control in this vital strategic area.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

As stated by Loongson Zhongke, the ultimate goal of the Dragon architecture is to become the top CPU architecture alongside x86 and ARM. This not only means that domestic CPUs will keep pace with international giants in terms of performance and function, but also represents China's comprehensive independent innovation and breakthrough in this key core technology.

And this momentum is not limited to the CPU field. Just like the rise of the HarmonyOS operating system, domestic software and hardware are comprehensively promoting the process of independent and controllable. In the future, we have reason to believe that the Loongson architecture will be ranked with Android, iOS and other international mainstream systems, and become the pillar of domestic information technology.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

The basis of all this lies in Loongson's firm grasp of the commanding heights of the IT industry, the CPU. With this support, Chinese enterprises will also be able to take advantage of the momentum in other key technology fields, gradually get rid of their dependence on foreign technology, and achieve true independent innovation.

Excitingly, the rise of domestic CPUs did not happen overnight. From the early HiSilicon Kirin, Feiteng, and Kunpeng, to the rise of Loongson, Chinese chip companies are gradually narrowing the gap with international giants and achieving major breakthroughs in key technologies. And this is an important starting point for China's manufacturing industry to achieve high-quality development.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

We believe that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, China will make greater progress in the field of CPU autonomy and control. At that time, Loongson will become the leader of domestic information technology and contribute irreplaceable strength to China's transformation from "technology follower" to "innovation leader".

Let us look forward to the fact that Loongson and even the entire Chinese information technology industry can achieve a comprehensive parallel with the international top level as soon as possible, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

The rise of Loongson will not only have a far-reaching impact on China's IT industry, but also set off new waves in the global technology landscape. The breakthrough progress of this Chinese independent CPU company has undoubtedly injected new momentum into the world's technological development.

It is worth noting that the success of Loongson marks that China has achieved real independent technological innovation in the field of domestic CPUs. In the past, Chinese companies have been constrained by others in this critical area for a long time and have had to rely on foreign chip giants. But now, Loongson has completely gotten rid of its dependence on x86, ARM and other external command systems, and the self-developed LoongArch architecture has given wings to China's chip industry.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

What does this technological autonomy mean? It represents a fundamental breakthrough in China's information security and industrial security. For any country, CPU, as the core of information technology, is of vital strategic importance to national security and economic development. With the rise of Loongson, China no longer needs to rely on imported chips, nor will it be subject to the technological blockade of other countries, so as to firmly control the initiative in this key area.

What's more worth mentioning is that Loongson's success is not a monopoly. In fact, in the field of domestic CPUs, Loongson is not alone. A series of local chip companies such as Haiguang, Feiteng, and Kunpeng have also made great progress in different technical routes. This pattern of a hundred flowers will further promote the healthy competition and coordinated development of the domestic CPU industry.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

It is worth looking forward to the fact that with the continuous maturity of these domestic CPU technologies, they will surely show their talents in a wider range of application scenarios. From desktop computing, industrial control, to intelligent terminals, data centers, Loongson and other domestic chips will gradually penetrate into all walks of life and truly become the mainstay of domestic information technology.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

For the majority of consumers, the rise of this domestic CPU also means new choice opportunities. In the future, they will not only be able to choose international brand products based on x86 and ARM architecture, but also local brands based on domestic CPUs such as Loongson. This will not only bring more diversified choices, but also stimulate the continuous innovation of domestic brands in terms of performance, power consumption, and security.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

At the same time, the rise of domestic CPUs will surely promote the independent and controllable process of China's entire information technology industry chain. From chip design and manufacturing to terminal application development, Chinese enterprises will achieve technological breakthroughs in all aspects and form a more complete industrial ecosystem. This will not only help improve the overall technological level, but also further enhance China's international discourse in the field of key core technologies.

Loongson good news continues, 3A6000 is selling well, 3B6000 is also coming, 100% domestic!

Looking to the future, with the continuous progress of domestic CPU technology such as Loongson, China will surely occupy a more favorable commanding heights in the fields of information security, industrial security, and digital economy. This will undoubtedly inject new impetus into the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let us look forward to the strong leadership of the party and the government, and with the full cooperation of all walks of life, China's information technology industry will surely create a more brilliant tomorrow!

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