
1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

National Business Daily

2024-06-03 19:23Posted on the official account of Sichuan Daily Economic News

Edited: Huang Sheng

Recently, Yu Minhong, who has not appeared for a long time, appeared in the live broadcast room of Wumart founder Zhang Wenzhong. When Zhang Wenzhong mentioned learning from Yu Minhong's experience in live broadcasting, Yu Minhong said, "Dongfang Selection is also doing a mess now, and I don't have any ability to make suggestions to you."

During the conversation, Yu Minhong also talked about the negative impact of the Internet on him, saying that in the past year, he has abused, blamed and insulted more times on the Internet than in 100 lifetimes combined. In the future, I plan to stay away from the business and leave more time for myself to go sightseeing, not wanting to struggle for my life or getting entangled in disputes.

1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

According to Blue Whale News, the third-party data platform shows that since the official launch of the company on January 9, 2024, the number of fans and sales of the main account of Dongfang Selection have declined to varying degrees, with a total of 1.12 million fans. Since February, the average sales per game for many consecutive months have been less than 10 million yuan, and they are between 7.5 million and 10 million.

On the market, as of today's close, Dongfang Selection's share price fell nearly 10% to HK$16.52 per share, with a total market value of HK$17.02 billion.

1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

Recently, the style of Dongfang Selection's 618 live broadcast has caused widespread controversy, and the topic of "After Dong Yuhui left, the painting style of Dongfang Selection's live broadcast room changed" rushed to the hot search on June 1.

According to @Jiupai News, the video shows that in the live broadcast room of Oriental Selection Beautiful Life, the anchor shouted at his own products, "You are here, buy a single and then go", and the closing remarks became "321, on the link!" Some netizens said that this is the true face of Dongfang Selection, and now it is finally no longer pretending. Some netizens said, "How did the most cultured live broadcast room on the whole network become like this" and "It really refreshed my perception of Dongfang Selection, I hope to return to the original cultured live broadcast room".

1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

Oriental selection of beautiful life live broadcast room picture

It is worth noting that, according to the Securities Times, Yu Minhong admitted frankly in March last year that he looked down on the howling noise of those "buy, buy, buy" in the online live broadcast, and the live broadcast in his heart should be calmly explaining the product and spreading knowledge, the first live broadcast of Oriental Selection was done by him personally, at that time, New Oriental did not know how to select products, and selected the most expensive agricultural products in China, but he still held a map and a history book, and told the story behind each product to the buyers of Oriental Selection, and later everyone commented, I'm not here to buy something, I'm here to attend a lecture.

"That's what I want. Even though it didn't sell much, I kept going. Yu Minhong said.

Dong Yuhui led "Walking with Hui" to sell 120 million yuan

According to Shenzhen Business Daily, on May 28, Dong Yuhui led the "Walking with Hui" team to hold a special live broadcast of "Science and Technology Imagination Meets the Future" in Nanshan, Shenzhen, to bring goods to Nanshan Technology and related city and district brands. According to the data provided by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce on the 29th, nearly 10,000 orders were received within 20 minutes of the live broadcast event, and a total of 600,000 orders were sold throughout the event, with sales exceeding 120 million yuan.

1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

Screenshot from the live broadcast room of "Walking with Hui".

With the help of the influence and appeal of Dong Yuhui's "head anchor", the live broadcast adopted two forms: indoor fixed-point delivery and outdoor live performance, to promote Shenzhen Nanshan Cultural Tourism and "Nanshan Intelligent Manufacturing" popular technology products to netizens across the country. According to statistics, the total number of viewers of this special live broadcast was nearly 20 million, and the number of likes reached 230 million, ranking first in the Douyin hour list and the total list of goods.

After the "small composition turmoil" at the end of last year, on December 26, 2023, Dong Yuhui's new account "Walking with Hui" was certified by the platform, and the authentication information is "Walking with Hui (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd." According to public information, Youhui Walk (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 22, 2023, with a registered capital of 10 million, and the legal representative is Dong Yuhui, which is 100% owned by Beijing New Oriental Xuncheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the legal representative of the latter is Sun Dongxu, which is 100% controlled by New Oriental Education Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The daily economic news is synthesized from Blue Whale News, Jiupai News, Public Information, Securities Times, and Shenzhen Business Daily

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  • 1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess
  • 1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess
  • 1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess
  • 1.12 million fans have been dropped! After Dong Yuhui left, his style changed greatly, Yu Minhong: Dongfang selection was a mess

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